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OPIC Highlights

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OPIC Highlights focus on particular topics, events, or OPIC activities in various countries, regions, states or industrial sectors.

Countries and Regions:

OPIC-Supported U.S. Investment in Central America

OPIC-supported U.S. investment helps meet the developmental needs of the Central American region in sectors ranging from tourism and financial services, to manufacturing and energy.
March 2007 | PDF

OPIC Supports U.S. Investment and Development Needs in Africa

Historically, OPIC has provided more than $4.7 billion in finance and insurance to support over 320 projects in sub-Saharan Africa. OPIC's current investments portfolio provides more than $1.7 billion to projects ranging from housing and construction to tourism and financial services.
June 2009 | PDF 

Supporting Private Sector Investment in Afghanistan

OPIC is providing more than $94 million in financing and insurance to projects ranging from construction and manufacturing to tourism infrastructure, transportation and services.
October 2006 | PDF

Supporting Private Sector Investment in North Africa and the Middle East

OPIC has provided more than $5 billion in finance and political risk insurance to support nearly 400 projects in the services, manufacturing and energy sectors in North Africa and the Middle East.
June 2005 | PDF

OPIC Supports U.S. Investment in Pakistan

OPIC is currently providing more than $125 million to finance and insurance projects in Pakistan in the financial services, manufacturing, communication and services sectors.
May 2005 | PDF

OPIC Supports U.S. Investment and Development Needs in Asia

Historically, OPIC has provided more than $11 billion in finance and insurance to support over 997 projects in tourism, manufacturing, energy and construction. OPIC's current investment portfolio provides more than $2 billion to projects ranging from housing and construction to financial services.
April 2005 | PDF

Supporting Private Sector Investment in Mexico

OPIC has approved more than $600 million to support projects in Mexico.
February 2005 | PDF

Apoyando las inversiones del sector privado en México

La OPIC ha aprobado más de $600 millones de dólares para apoyar proyectos en México.
Febrero de 2005 | PDF

Supporting Private Sector Investment in Russia

OPIC has led the way for private sector investment in Russia. Since 1992, OPIC has provided more than $3.8 billion in finance and insurance to 115 projects ranging from telecommunications projects to fiber optics.
March 2004 | PDF

Sectors and Topics:

OPIC and Renewable Energy

February 2009 | PDF

OPIC and Transparency

Fighting corruption and ensuring transparency are deeply tied to OPIC's developmental mission. In order to better meet this goal, OPIC implemented a new Anti-Corruption and Transparency Initiative in 2006.
February 2007 | PDF

OPIC and Housing and Mortgage Finance

Historically, OPIC has provided more than $1.6 billion in finance and insurance to support housing and mortgage finance projects in countries around the world. OPIC’s current investments portfolio provides more than $800 million to projects that introduce more efficient building systems and large-scale housing and community development processes into markets where the shortage of housing is critical.
March 2007 | PDF