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NN/LM Presentations in the NTCC Clearinghouse

There are 10 presentation resources listed in the NTCC Clearinghouse that have been published by NN/LM staff:

  1. Title: Basics of PubMed
    Languages: English
    Audience: Public
    Audience: Health Professionals
    Audience: Information Professionals
    Description: This is a PowerPoint slide tool whose objectives are to understand the purpose and content of PubMed, be able to perform a basic search in PubMed, and to become familiar with some of PubMed's special features, ie. Related Articles, Journal Links to Full Text and MyNCBI. (Clearinghouse record last modified on April 17th, 2008)
  2. Title: Communicating about Health: Empowering Patrons to Communicate with Their Health Care Providers
    Languages: English
    Audience: Information Professionals
    Description: Health questions are routinely asked at the reference desk, and often information is provided with additional encouragement to discuss the findings with the patron’s doctor. However, communicating with the health care provider may not be easy for many people for a variety of reasons. How can patients ask all of their questions if they only see the doctor for just five or ten minutes? What if there are cultural or language barriers? What can libraries or other information providers do to help people be active participants in their own health care? This webcast is geared to libraries and organizations that provide health information to the public, covering issues and resources around the topic of communication between patients and their health care team. The webcasts focuses on issues concerning barriers to communication, the complexity of the health care system, end-of-life issues, patient safety and patient rights. Participants will learn about the best resources and most effective strategies to help patrons learn about communicating with their health care providers in order to take an active role in their health. This webcast is the archived version of a session from the "Health e-Shows" series, a consumer health information series developed by Kelli Ham, NN/LM PSR Consumer Health Coordinator, in collaboration with Infopeople. Materials include the archived webcast, an audio podcast file, handouts and the PowerPoint slides used for the presentation. (Clearinghouse record last modified on September 23rd, 2008)
  3. Title: Getting Started with Information Outreach in Minority Communities
    Languages: English
    Audience: Information Professionals
    Description: This interactive class will provide a background in cultural competence and outreach skills to assist you as you make outreach efforts to underserved and minority populations in your community. (Clearinghouse record last modified on December 19th, 2008)
  4. Title: Let's Talk About Sex: Sexual & Reproductive Health Resources Across the Lifespan
    Languages: English
    Audience: Information Professionals
    Description: With the increase of Hispanics and Latinos at 14.8% of the United States population, librarians are dramatically and successfully changing to meet the health information needs of this population. This presentation offers reliable resoruces on sexual and reproductive health in both English and Spanish, offering librarians another avenue to explore and inform on topics that are often times not discussed. Sections in this presentation include: Teens; LGBT, Women's Health, Men's Heath, HIV/AIDS, and Older Adults. (Clearinghouse record last modified on October 17th, 2008)
  5. Title: Measuring Your Impact: Using Evaluation to Demonstrate Value
    Languages: English
    Audience: Information Professionals
    Description: Library users and stakeholders will recognize and value the importance of their library's services and of the librarian to the organization. That is the ultimate goal of this six-hour workshop. The outcome for the class is that librarians will be able to show the value of their library's services. Participants will become familiar with an evaluation process and will use and take away methods and tools for assessment, evaluation planning, creating logic models, data collection, data analysis and reporting. The workshop will feature group exercises that move participants through the steps of an evaluation process. There will also be student discussion and exercises in addition to lecture. (Clearinghouse record last modified on September 24th, 2008)
  6. Title: Patient Safety Resource Seminar: Librarians on the Front Lines
    Languages: English
    Audience: Health Professionals
    Audience: Information Professionals
    Description: This interactive seminar focuses on ways both public and medical librarians can become more involved in patient safety processes and activities - both within their institutions and organizations and in providing patient safety resources for health professionals, for administration and staff, and for patients and families. Topics include understanding the definitions and issues of patient safety; locating where patient safety practices and contacts exist within an institution; identifying appropriate resources; and library advocacy in the area of patient safety. These four hours of lecture, discussion and brainstorming help librarians in all fields become effective agents for improving patient safety. (Clearinghouse record last modified on August 28th, 2008)
  7. Title: The PubMed� Game: Designed for librarians & library staff
    Languages: English
    Audience: Information Professionals
    Description: The PubMed� Game is primarily used for the PubMed for Experts class in order to review PubMed commands, search features, etc. It can be used and adapted for other situations. One board is made up of five by five categories and questions. The other shorter version is made up of five categories with four sets of questions. (Clearinghouse record last modified on August 14th, 2007)
  8. Title: Thinking Like an MBA: Time, Money, Resources and Change Management in the Library
    Languages: English
    Audience: Information Professionals
    Description: As not-for-profit institutions adopt more business practices and processes, librarians need to be more knowledgeable about adapting to these current strategies. Participants will understand not only the components of a typical project plan but be able to implement them within their own work setting. Thus, the class will explore 1) Project Plan and its components: 2) Time 3) Money and 4) Resources, as well as 5) Change Management to assist in development of the organizational culture. Ideally, this class will assist librarians in serving as models for change within a larger organizational structure while reinforcing their own business and administrative skills, technical capabilities, and customer service in the library. It is expected that attendees of this session be able to employ demonstrated tools within their own environment upon completion of class. This is an online, asynchronous, instructor-led class using Moodle. See URL for further information (Clearinghouse record last modified on October 24th, 2008)
  9. Title: TOXNET Overview [PPT]
    Languages: English
    Audience: Health Professionals
    Audience: Information Professionals
    Description: This PowerPoint presentation is designed to give an introduction to the TOXNET suite of databases. (This 2.8 MB file is in PPT format. Revised in January 2006.) (Clearinghouse record last modified on August 25th, 2006)
  10. Title: Understanding Health Literacy: Why It Is So Important and What Librarians Can Do to Help
    Languages: English
    Audience: Information Professionals
    Description: According to the National Assessment of Adult Literacy, more than a third of adult Americans have trouble understanding basic medical information. Health literacy is the notion that a person is able to obtain, understand, and act on information provided about a health topic or medication. Low or limited health literacy can result in a patient's misunderstanding of a diagnosis or treatment options, medication errors, or poor health outcomes in general. Providing quality health information is not enough. The ability to read - and understand - is necessary in order to make decisions and take action. This webinar will examine the related issues of literacy and health literacy and how it relates to health outcomes for millions of Americans. Several eye-opening examples will demonstrate how low literacy impacts the healthcare of actual patients. Attendees will learn strategies for finding appropriate, understandable health information, the meaning of "easy-to-read" designations, and resources for helping users communicate better with their healthcare providers. The session will conclude with ideas for programming and partnerships to benefit your community. The webinar content will be useful for public and hospital librarians and staff and anyone who provides health information to members of the public. (Clearinghouse record last modified on December 19th, 2008)