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NN/LM Handouts in the NTCC Clearinghouse

There are 21 handout resources listed in the NTCC Clearinghouse that have been published by NN/LM staff:

  1. Title: Advanced PubMed Searching Resource Packet
    Languages: English
    Audience: Health Professionals
    Audience: Information Professionals
    Description: This Word document provides charts for MeSH subheading abbreviations (including major search tags and field qualifiers), subset codes, publication types and stop words. Links to the original location in the PubMed Help manual are included. The entire packet or individual pages may be used as a handout or factsheet in advanced PubMed classes. (Clearinghouse record last modified on March 18th, 2008)
  2. Title: African American Community Health
    Languages: English
    Audience: Public
    Description: African American communities see diseases like cancer, diabetes, and heart disease affecting their friends and families every day. Free online resources from the National Library of Medicine and other reliable sources are available to help. This two hour class will provides participants with some basic health information as well as information specific to the African American community. The class is available hands-on or as an interactive presentation. 2 hours. (Clearinghouse record last modified on October 24th, 2008)
  3. Title: Consumer Health Information: American Indian Resources
    Languages: English
    Audience: Public
    Audience: Health Professionals
    Audience: Information Professionals
    Description: Annotated listing of Websites related to health concerns of American Indians. (Clearinghouse record last modified on March 16th, 2009)
  4. Title: DOCLINE Best Practices for Users
    Languages: English
    Audience: Information Professionals
    Description: Basic guidelines for providing quality DOCLINE services. (Clearinghouse record last modified on September 11th, 2007)
  5. Title: Ejournal Resources
    Languages: English
    Audience: Public
    Audience: Health Professionals
    Audience: Information Professionals
    Description: This web site is a compendium of various types of information covering the topic of ejournals. Projects, Collection Development, Providers and Ejournal Discussion Lists are a few of the concepts covered. (Clearinghouse record last modified on March 18th, 2009)
  6. Title: Full Text and PubMed
    Languages: English
    Audience: Public
    Audience: Health Professionals
    Audience: Information Professionals
    Description: Information on accessing full text articles from the links in PubMed. This trifold brochure is in PDF format and provides a text box to allow libraries to add their own local information. (Clearinghouse record last modified on September 12th, 2007)
  7. Title: Funding Information: Grant Information Resources
    Languages: English
    Audience: Health Professionals
    Audience: Information Professionals
    Description: There are many sources of funding available to librarians. Includes information on skills needed for "Proposal Writing" and articles on funding. (Clearinghouse record last modified on March 18th, 2009)
  8. Title: Handout Distance Education
    Languages: English
    Audience: Public
    Audience: Health Professionals
    Audience: Information Professionals
    Description: This tri-fold brochure includes information on tutorials from NNLM, as well as additional online resources from the MidContinental Region including a CD-ROM and NetLibrary access. (Clearinghouse record last modified on January 2nd, 2007)
  9. Title: Health Information on the Internet: Focus on Racial/Ethnic Resources
    Languages: English
    Audience: Public
    Audience: Health Professionals
    Audience: Information Professionals
    Description: On this web site one will find a series of four trifolds with a list of consumer health web sites that provide culturally competent health information focusing on health concerns of the four federally designated racial and ethnic groups--African, Latino, Native and Asian Americans. Trifolds are in "Rich text format (RTF) (Clearinghouse record last modified on March 16th, 2009)
  10. Title: Health Information on the Internet: Focus on Racial/Ethnic Resources
    Languages: English
    Audience: Public
    Audience: Health Professionals
    Audience: Information Professionals
    Description: On this web site one will find a trifold with a list of consumer health web sites that provide culturally competent health information focusing on health concerns of the Asian Americans. Trifolds are in "Rich text format (RTF) (Clearinghouse record last modified on March 16th, 2009)
  11. Title: Introducing Health Professionals to NLM's Online Systems
    Languages: English
    Audience: Public
    Audience: Health Professionals
    Audience: Information Professionals
    Description: A collection of links concerning the National Library Medicine (NLM) and the National Network Of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM)to documents, program outlines and course descriptions. (Clearinghouse record last modified on March 16th, 2009)
  12. Title: Library LinkOut Survival Guide
    Languages: English
    Audience: Public
    Audience: Health Professionals
    Audience: Information Professionals
    Description: LinkOut is the PubMed program that allows publishers and aggregators (providers) to display the links to full text and other resources you see on PubMed citations. A component of this program, LinkOut for Libraries, enables libraries to display their icons on the Abstract and Citation formats in PubMed. This allows patrons of participating libraries to see which articles they can obtain electronically in full text and link to them directly. (Clearinghouse record last modified on September 24th, 2008)
  13. Title: NLM Gateway Brochure [PDF]
    Languages: English
    Audience: Public
    Audience: Health Professionals
    Audience: Information Professionals
    Description: This informational brochure, in trifold format, explains the basic elements of the NLM Gateway which allows users to search multiple databases of the National Library of Medicine (NLM). Adobe Acrobat (PDF) is required to print the brochure. (Clearinghouse record last modified on March 4th, 2008)
  14. Title: Non-English Guides to PubMed
    Languages: French; German; Spanish; Japanese, Portugese
    Audience: Health Professionals
    Audience: Information Professionals
    Description: A collaboration of the NN/LM Outreach Librarians, this on-going project centralizes links to tutorials, guides, brochures and handouts on PubMed in languages other than English. (Clearinghouse record last modified on March 18th, 2009)
  15. Title: PubMed Search Tags & Field Qualifiers Guide
    Languages: English
    Audience: Public
    Audience: Health Professionals
    Audience: Information Professionals
    Description: This guide (in .doc Microsoft Word format) lists the major search tags and field qualifiers for advanced PubMed searching for easy reference. The guide is intended to be customized with your library's logo and contact information, folded in half and laminated. It also makes a nice one page handout. Or better yet... customize it and post it on your Web site. (Clearinghouse record last modified on March 16th, 2009)
  16. Title: Resources for your health Get Connected For Asian American Health
    Languages: English
    Audience: Public
    Audience: Health Professionals
    Audience: Information Professionals
    Description: Annotated listing of Websites concerning Asian American health issues. (Clearinghouse record last modified on November 14th, 2008)
  17. Title: Resources for your health Get Connected! African Americans
    Languages: English
    Audience: Public
    Audience: Health Professionals
    Audience: Information Professionals
    Description: Annotated listing of Websites concerning African American health issues. (Clearinghouse record last modified on November 14th, 2008)
  18. Title: Resources for your health Get Connected! Latino Americans
    Languages: English
    Audience: Public
    Audience: Health Professionals
    Audience: Information Professionals
    Description: Annotated listing of Websites related to health concerns for Latino Americans (Clearinghouse record last modified on November 14th, 2008)
  19. Title: Resources for your health Get Connected! Native American Health
    Languages: English
    Audience: Public
    Audience: Information Professionals
    Description: This site contains a trifold with a list of consumer health web sites that provide culturally competent health information focusing on health concerns of the Native Americans. (Clearinghouse record last modified on November 14th, 2008)
  20. Title: Searching PubMed with MeSH [PDF]
    Languages: English
    Audience: Public
    Audience: Health Professionals
    Audience: Information Professionals
    Description: A trifold phamplet (hand out) highlighting major aspects of the MeSH controlled vocabulary. (Clearinghouse record last modified on February 20th, 2009)
  21. Title: Understanding Health Literacy: Why It Is So Important and What Librarians Can Do to Help
    Languages: English
    Audience: Information Professionals
    Description: According to the National Assessment of Adult Literacy, more than a third of adult Americans have trouble understanding basic medical information. Health literacy is the notion that a person is able to obtain, understand, and act on information provided about a health topic or medication. Low or limited health literacy can result in a patient's misunderstanding of a diagnosis or treatment options, medication errors, or poor health outcomes in general. Providing quality health information is not enough. The ability to read - and understand - is necessary in order to make decisions and take action. This webinar will examine the related issues of literacy and health literacy and how it relates to health outcomes for millions of Americans. Several eye-opening examples will demonstrate how low literacy impacts the healthcare of actual patients. Attendees will learn strategies for finding appropriate, understandable health information, the meaning of "easy-to-read" designations, and resources for helping users communicate better with their healthcare providers. The session will conclude with ideas for programming and partnerships to benefit your community. The webinar content will be useful for public and hospital librarians and staff and anyone who provides health information to members of the public. (Clearinghouse record last modified on December 19th, 2008)