Sources and Sites for Researchers

Transportation Research

  • NTL Integrated Serach
    Includes TRISOnline - world's largest and most comprehensive bibliographic resource on transportation information.
    NTL Digital Repository - primarily technical, research, and policy full-text documents provided by federal, state, local, tribal, and other government agencies
  • TLCat
    Online "union catalog" of published transportation materials nationally in cooperation with the OCLC Online Computer Library Center.
  • FHWA Research Library Catalog
    The FHWA Research Library collection is now searchable from your desktop. Use the online catalog to identify publications by keyword, title, author, subject, etc. A work in progress, the online catalog contains approximately 15,000 bibliographic records. Materials are added daily.
  • TRB Research in Progress
    Current or recently completed research projects funded by Federal and State Departments of Transportation.
    University transportation research is also included.

NTL's Online Digital Special Collections

  • Papers by H.S. Fairbank - Frank Turner - T.H. MacDonald
    Collected papers of three crucial figures in the development of our nation's roads.
  • Civil Aeronautics Manuals
    Civil Aeronautics Manual (CAM) policies provide detailed technical information on acceptable methods of complying with regulations. Such policies are for the guidance of the public and not mandatory.
  • Civil Aeronautics Regulations
    (CAR) were part of the original certification basis for aircraft first certified in the 1940's, 1950's, and 1960's by the Civil Aeronautics Administration. As such, the CARs may still be needed as a reference for older aircraft, or as a standard for minor changes to older aircraft designs.
  • Superseded Advisory Circulars
    Advisory Circulars (ACs) provide guidance such as methods, procedures, and practices for complying with regulations and grant requirements. ACs may also contain explanations of regulations, other guidance material, best practices, or information useful to the aviation community. They do not create or change a regulatory requirement.
  • I.C.C. Historical Railroad Investigation Reports (1911-1994)
    Collection of railroad accident reports produced by the Interstate Commerce Commission.
  • National Conferences on Street and Highway Safety
    National Conferences on Street and Highway Safety Meetings from 1924-1930 that produced the Uniform Vehicle Code, which resulted in the increased consistency and cohesion of traffic laws throughout the country.
  • Historical Aircraft Accident Reports (1934-1965)
    Aircraft accident reports produced by the Civil Aeronautics Board.
  • FAA and CAA Research Reports
    Aeronautical technical reports from the 1930s - 1950s.
  • US Coast Guard Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circulars
    A Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circular (NVIC) provides detailed guidance about the enforcement or compliance with a certain Federal marine safety regulations and Coast Guard marine safety programs. NVIC's are used internally by the Coast Guard to ensure that inspections and other regulatory actions conducted by our field personnel are adequate, complete and consistent.
  • Historic CAB/DOT Orders
    Economic orders issued by the Civil Aeronautics Board and then US DOT related primarily to airline routing and rates.
  • Historical FARS
    Contains documents relevant to a substantial recodification and amendment of the Federal Aviation Regulations in 1964.



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