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    President Barack Obama signs H.R. 131, a bill that establishes the Ronald Reagan Centennial Commission. Rep. Foster co-sponsored the bill.

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    President Barack Obama gives remarks before signing the new Credit Cardholders' Bill of Rights, which Rep. Foster supported.

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    Rep. Foster attended President Barack Obama's bill signing ceremony at the White House on May 22, 2009.

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    Rep. Foster announces Recovery Package education funding for the 14th District at West Aurora High School.

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    Rep. Foster listens to leaders in the agriculture community during his agriculture roundtable in Dixon.

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    Rep. Foster tours the Northern Illinois Food Bank in St. Charles.

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    Rep. Foster attends a Veterans Day memorial ceremony in Aurora.

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    Rep. Foster tours Worley Machining in Aurora with owner Edward Jones.

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    Local students show off their energy efficiency exhibit in Rep. Foster's Batavia office.

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  • 08.05.09

    Rep. Foster Announces More Than $60 Million in Stimulus Funds for Fermilab

  • 08.01.09

    Foster Announces GI Bill Benefits Now in Full Effect

  • 07.31.09

    Foster Votes to Extend Successful Cash for Clunkers Initiative

  • 07.30.09

    Foster Votes to Support Troops, Strengthen Military

Click here to learn more
about the American
Recovery and
Reinvestment Act


    Rep. Foster Releases American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Guidebook

    Rep. Foster has released a guidebook to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, which is designed to serve as a resource to help the constituents of the 14th District better understand the contents of the Recovery package. Click through to learn more about the Recovery Act and to download the guide. MORE >>