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What is "FOIA"?

The Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA"), 5 U.S.C. § 552, is a Federal law that provides for public access to agency records.  Any agency record in OPIC’s possession or control is subject to the FOIA. The requested records will be provided in full, unless one or more of the nine FOIA exemptions applies.  OPIC implements the FOIA through FOIA regulations, located at 22 C.F.R. Part 706.

Must I submit a FOIA request to receive agency records from OPIC?

FOIA requests are necessary for OPIC records not published on this website. To learn more about the types and categories of information available from OPIC, you may check the agency’s GILS (Government Information Locator Service) listing.  However, there is substantial information available on this website without a FOIA request.  Certain final agency determinations (such as Board resolutions, claims determinations, arbitral awards, and bilateral agreements) are available on this website.

What should a FOIA request contain?

You must submit your request in writing. Please include your name, organization (if any), address, and phone number. Also, you must reasonably describe the records you seek – the more detail you give us, the more quickly we will be able to respond. You may even specify the format (e.g., computer disk) in which you would like the information released. We will make a reasonable effort to provide the information to you in your requested format. Finally, you must state your willingness to pay fees (you may state the maximum amount you are willing to pay) or request a waiver of fees (see below).

What are the fees for a FOIA request?

In many cases, FOIA requesters are not charged any fees by OPIC. The FOIA, however, permits agencies to recover part of the cost incurred in complying with FOIA requests. Specifically, OPIC may recover the following costs:

  • Search Time: $16 per hour
  • Review Time: $35 per hour
  • Photocopying: 15¢ per page

Please note that OPIC will provide records to educational institutions, non-commercial scientific institutions, and representatives of the news media for the cost of reproduction alone. Further, no fee will be charged to such entities for the costs of photocopying the first 100 pages of documents. Commercial use requesters will be charged all costs listed above. Requesters that are not otherwise described in this paragraph will be charged for search and duplication, but will not be charged for the first two hours of search time or the costs of photocopying the first 100 pages of documents. In addition, requesters will not be charged if the allowable FOIA fees total $15 or less. Please note that OPIC is authorized to recover search and review costs even if no responsive records are found or, after review, no records are disclosed.

A waiver or reduction of fees may be granted in cases where disclosure of information is in the public interest because it is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations or activities of the government and is not primarily in the commercial interest of the requester.

How do I submit a FOIA request to OPIC?

You may mail your FOIA request to:

FOIA Director
Overseas Private Investment Corporation
1100 New York Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20527

Alternately, you may e-mail your FOIA request to Or, you may fax your FOIA request to (202) 408-0297, attention FOIA Director. If you send your request by facsimile, you need not mail a follow-up letter. If this information has not answered all of your FOIA questions, please contact OPIC’s FOIA Director at the address/email address listed above.