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Benefits to Americans
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The Open World Leadership Center tracks the results of the Open World Program using eight categories: Benefits to Americans, Partnerships, Projects, Multipliers, Reciprocal Visits, Press, Contributions, and Professional Advancement. Definitions and general examples for each category are provided through the links at the left; below are featured examples from Open World's large results archive.

Featured Result: Press
ALASKA - Anchorage International Rotary Club, a local host working with Open World grantee Rotary International, hosted a group of Russian media professionals July 21-Aug. 4, 2007, in part to commemorate the 200th year of Russian-American diplomatic relations. The delegates hailed from Vladivostok and St. Petersburg. The St. Petersburg delegates from Channel TV-100 produced an hour-long documentary called “Looking for Russian Alaska” that aired during prime time in November and December 2007 in the St. Petersburg metro area. The film depicts a strong Russian and American bond that continues to grow. “Looking for Russian Alaska” also emphasizes that Alaska is proud of its Russian heritage. “Looking for Russian Alaska” will be available with English subtitles soon.

The Vladivostok delegates also produced a series of programs about Alaska that aired in fall 2007.

Featured Result: Projects
RUSSIA - Yuliya Yakunina, a 2005 Economic Development delegate from Irkutsk hosted by the Georgia Council for International Visitors in Atlanta, actively uses her program experience to improve her community. Yakunina organized, along with the Federal Drug Control Agency of Irkutsk Oblast, a project called Freedom from Drugs that received financial support from the Federal Drug Control Agency of Russia. Yakunina has partnered with Irkutsk’s governor and local leadership to initiate other important civic projects, as well. The grantee for her U.S. Open World visit was the International Institute of the USDA Graduate School.
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