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For additional information on funding opportunities, please contact:

Javier Crespo
UMass Medical School
Shrewsbury, MA
508-856-5977 (fax)

NN/LM New England Region Awards

NER announces the availability awards in support of projects that advance the National Library of Medicine’s mission to improve access to health information. Network members can apply for awards via brief proposals that describe the target audience, scope, and expected outcome of the project. Awards are offered in support of technology, outreach, and professional development. Awards will be made under the following categories:

Express Outreach

Express Outreach is the broad category of awards for projects involving community outreach, professional development, and instructional design.
  • Community Engagement Awards support short-term outreach projects that involve advancing health information resources in collaboration with local community groups. These projects are smaller than extensive outreach subcontracts. Please reveiw the Call for Participation for additional information.

  • Course Development Awards support the development of instructional programs that improve the knowledge and skills of librarians, health care providers, and other groups. Courses may be delivered in-person or through various technologies. Please review the Call for Participation for additional information.

  • Exhibits Awards are for members' participation at venues that promote health information resources. Funds support registration and fees, travel, and related expenses. Members can promote their local library resources while promoting the National Library of Medicine. Please review the Call for Participation for additional information.

  • Partnering Libraries Awards assist members' learning through onsite learning at partnering institutions. Members find a participating library that will host their learning and exploration in a particular area of library or informatics practice. Please review the Call for Participation for additional information.

Technology Awareness Program Awards

Technology Awareness Awards fund learning programs for large groups. The focus should be the application of technology in health information or health care and policy issues related to health information technologies. Programs can be day-long events or a series of learning venues. Please review the Request for Quotation for additional information.

Internet Connectivity Awards

Internet Connectivity Awards fund the expanded access to health information needed in libraries, resource centers, and other health care settings. Connectivity awards allow network members to purchase technologies to make health information readily available to users. Please review the Call for Participation for additional information.

Electronic Document Delivery Awards

Electronic Document Delivery Awards allow members to enhance information delivery through the implementation of electronic document delivery technologies. Funds can be used towards the purchase of hardware or software technologies. Please review the Call for Participation for additional information.

Summary of Awards
   Additional Information Award Amount Eligibility Deadline
Technology Awareness Request for Quotation up to $5,000 each Full and Affiliate Members Ongoing
Internet Connectivity Call for Participation up to $5,000 each Full and Affiliate Members Ongoing
Electronic Document Delivery Call for Participation up to $2,000 each Full Members Ongoing
Express Outreach Awards
Outreach/Community Engagement Call for Participation up to $5,000 each Full and Affiliate Members Ongoing
Course Development Call for Participation up to $5,000 each Full and Affiliate Members Ongoing
Exhibits and Promotions Call for Participation up to $2,000 Full and Affiliate Members Ongoing
Partnering Libraries Call for Participation up to $2,000 each Full and Affiliate Members Ongoing

Important Information

Funding decisions are based on need, amount to be funded, and availability of funds. In addition to the requirements listed in each Call for Participation, the following requirements may also apply.
  • The Principal Investigator (or designee) for projects funded by NN/LM-NER are required to submit progress reports and standard activity reporting forms. Reports should include an evaluation of the project’s effectiveness.
  • Vendor quotes must be provided for equipment purchases whose total value is over $3,000. NLM must approve equipment purchases; property will vest with NN/LM—NER.
  • Equipment purchased through NN/LM—NER funding should not be used for personal purposes, see for further details.
  • Applicants developing training materials should consult with materials available in the NN/LM National Training Center and Clearinghouse ( Training materials developed as part of the project should be registered in the Clearinghouse.
  • Applicants are expected to implement policies and procedures that support appropriate delivery of services to culturally and linguistically diverse groups. Applicants can consult National Center for Cultural Competence and its resources at
  • Web-based resources developed for the project should strive to ensure accessibility to the greatest possible number of people by adhering to standards described in Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. (
  • Material produced in relation to the project should attribute the National Library of Medicine as funding source. Suggested text will be provided.
  • Recipients of NN/LM funding should publish results from NN/LM funded projects according to the NIH Public Access Policy in journals that make their contents freely available on the Web (

Please refer to the Projects Funded by the New England Region for a list of projects funded under the 2001-2006 RML contract.

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NN/LM New England Region Outreach Subcontracts

The National Network of Libraries of Medicine—New England Region (NN/LM-NER) announces the availability of Health Information Outreach Subcontracts. The complete Request for Proposal (RFP) is available at:

  • One $40,000 project and two $25,000 projects will be funded.
  • Proposals are due September 25, 2009.
  • Awardees will be contacted on or before October 30, 2009.
  • Funded projects can begin their performance period January 2010.

The primary purpose of the Health Information Outreach Subcontract is to assist Network Members and other health-related agencies in their efforts to provide information Services ans training to health care workers and consumers not normally reached.

Targeted health care workers and consumers should be engaged in one or more of the following:

  • Working with members of special populations who seek health information;
  • Practicing in medically underserved inner city or rural areas; and/or
  • Serving in state, county or local public health offices or settings.

In addition, Health Information Outreach Subcontracts are offered to:

  • Identify areas or populations that are in need of better health information services.
  • Provide access to health information resources to health workers and consumers lacking convenient access to quality information resources.
  • Increase the awareness and use of National Library of Medicine health information resources.
  • Expand the Network’s health information delivery to include the public health work force.

Proposals are accepted from Full or Affiliate members of the NN/LM NER. Partnerships with affiliate members, public health agencies, state, county and /or local public health agencies and community-based groups are strongly encouraged. Proposals are encouraged from community-based agencies and organizations working with providers and patients or other agencies seeking to conduct a health information project.

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Please contact Javier Crespo at for additional information about funding opportunities.

Please refer to NER Funded Outreach Subcontracts and Awards for a list of funded projects.

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Funding Opportunities and Resources from NN/LM and NLM

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Selected Proposal Writing Resources

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