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In many developing countries, environmental problems are magnified by communities' direct dependence on their local environment for drinking water, fuel wood, or land for farming. Environmental damage can have enormous consequences on a community's livelihood; likewise, meeting a growing community's needs can have important implications for the environment.

Peace Corps Volunteers are leaders in grassroots efforts to protect the environment, working on projects such as establishing forest conservation plans and developing alternatives to wood as a fuel source. They collaborate with various organizations to promote environmental education through projects like recycling, wildlife protection, and park management. Volunteers also work to provide potable water to rural and urban communities and to alleviate waterborne diseases.

Volunteers have degrees and experience in a variety of areas, from forestry, biology, and environmental science to recreation and park administration, education, and engineering. Among the qualities sought is a strong interest in the environment.

Click on the links below to learn more about the specific opportunities and requirements for environment Volunteers in the Peace Corps.

Environment Education or Awareness
Volunteers assist communities where environmental issues are in conflict with basic needs for farming and income generation.
Volunteers help communities conserve natural resources by working on projects such as soil conservation, watershed management and flood control.
Parks and Wildlife
Volunteers provide technical assistance and training in natural resource conservation, generally in close affiliation with national parks or other reserves.
Environmental and Water Resources Engineering
Volunteers work with local governments and communities to improve water and sanitation facilities.
Sample Projects
Learn more about specific projects Volunteers are working on in the environment sector.

Last updated Sep 20 2008

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