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The Public Looks at Aviation Safety and Security

Access control system ensures airport safety. American City and County v 114 no8 July 1999 p. 19.

Access control system protects passengers, planes and crew at Portland Airport. Southerland,-Randy. Access Control and Security Systems Integration v 44 no3 Mar 2001. p. 28-32.

Advanced detection systems focus of FAA Technical Center. Phillips,-Edward-H. Aviation Week and Space Technology v 145 Oct 7 1996. p. 54-8.

Ahead of the times: access control system at Tri-Cities Regional Airport in Blountville, Tennessee. Anderson,-Teresa. Security Management v 43 no7 July 1999. p. 23-4.

Air safety plan calls for selective inspections of baggage: use of computerized background checks to determine whose bags to search. Cushman,-John-H., Jr. New York Times (Late New York Edition) Sept 1 1996. p. 24 Sec 1.

Airlines and airports have varying levels of security. McCartney,-Scott. Wall Street Journal (Eastern Edition) July 19 1996. p. B7.

Airlines and others question aspects of anti-terrorism plan: testimony before House Aviation Subcommittee. Wald,-Matthew-L. New York Times (Late New York Edition) Sept 12 1996. p. A20.

Airlines test new scrutiny of baggage. Wald,-Matthew-L. New York Times(Late New York Edition) Oct 20 1996. p. 27 Sec 1.

Airport inquiry faulted security before explosion: report by Transportation Dept. inspector general prior to TWA Flight 800 disaster. Belluck,-Pam. New York Times (Late New York Edition) July 27 1996. p. 1+.

Airport insecurity. Ehrenreich,-Barbara. Time v 149 Mar 3 1997. p. 86.

Airport insecurity. Hitchens,-Christopher. Vanity Fair no. 442 June 1997. p. 58+.

Airport security fails test. Anderson,-Teresa. Security Management v 44 no.2 Feb 2000. p. 73-4.

Airport security in transition. Gips,-Michael. Security Management v 39 Oct 1995. p. 8.

Airports on track in deploying new-technology security devices. Shifrin,-Carole-A. Aviation Week and Space Technology v 149 no10 Sept 7 1998. p. 166+.

Another push for airport security: commission formed in wake of TWA Flight 800 disaster. New York Times (Late New York Edition) Aug 22 1996. p. A24.

Anticipating Gore: aviation commission report, due Feb. 11, 1997. Krause,-Kristin-S. Traffic World v 249 Feb 10 1997. p. 18.

Antiterrorist plan unveiled for air travel. Nomani,-Asra-Q. Wall Street Journal (Eastern Edition) Sept 6 1996. p. A2+.

Arab-Americans protest 'profiling' at airports: passenger screening to prevent terrorism. Lewis,-Neil-A. New York Times (Late New York Edition) Aug 11 1997. p. A12.

Are these x-rays too revealing? Allen,-Michael. Wall Street Journal (Eastern Edition) Mar 2 2000. p. B1+

Armed intruder exposes limits of air security. Sullivan,-John; Kennedy,-Randy. New York Times (Late New York Edition) July 29 2000. p. A1,B6.

Attacks Highlights Faults in Airport Security. Aviation Week and Space Technology. September 17, 2001, v. 155, Iss. 12. p. 54.

Aviation panel urges security spending: White House group calls for additional billions, softens some proposals. Nomani,-Asra-Q; Pasztor,-Andy. Wall Street Journal (Eastern Edition) Feb 10 1997. p. A3.

Aviation safety report: Commission issues 53 recommendations to improve safety and security. Barnes,-David. Traffic World v 249 Feb 17 1997. p. 8+.

Balancing airport life safety and security. Caponi,-Vince. NFPA Journal v 90 Nov/Dec 1996 p. 88-9.

Bomb detection takes off. Neeley,-Dequendre. Security Management v 42 no.4 Apr 1998. p. 12

Bomb security test on jet may explain trace of explosives: test of bomb-detecting dog prior to crash of TWA Flight 800. Purdy,-Matthew. New York Times (Late New York Edition) Sept 21 1996. p. 1+.

A broader plan, not a 'silver bullet': airport security. Aviation Week and Space Technology v 145 Oct 7 1996. p. 32-63.

Cargo in safety spotlight. Krause,-Kristin-S. Traffic World v 248 Dec 23/30 1996. p. 29-30.

Cargo spared for now: recommendations of Gore commission target passenger activities, but cargo still on agenda. Krause,-Kristin-S. Traffic World v 247 Sept 16 1996. p. 40-1.

Chicago's Midway expansion stresses 'blast' security. Dixon,-Janice. ENR v 241 no1 July 6 1998. p. 28.

Clamping down on airport security. McDowell,-Edwin. New York Times (Late New York Edition) Oct 24 1995. p. D1+.

Clinton heightens aviation security: after TWA Flight 800 crash. Mann,-Paul. Shifrin,-Carole-A. Aviation Week and Space Technology v 145 July 29 1996. p. 29.

Clinton proposes $1.1 billion package to combat terror. Nomani,-Asra-Q; Carey,-Susan. Wall Street Journal (Eastern Edition) Sept 10 1996. p. B4.

Clinton signs a wide-ranging measure on airport security. Purdum,-Todd-S. New York Times (Late New York Edition) Oct 10 1996. p. B13.

The cost of airport security measures. Hahn,-Robert-W. Consumers' Research Magazine v 80 July 1997. p. 15-19.

The Costs of Fighting Terrorism: There's only so much that can be done-and so much that shouldn't. Raeburn-Paul. September 24, 2001. pg. 54.

Coulda been worse: Gore aviation commission report. Krause,-Kristin-S. Traffic World v 249 Feb 24 1997. p. 42-3.

Defusing airline terrorism. Fischetti,-Mark. MIT's Technology Review v. 100 Apr 1997 p. 38-46.

Despite warnings, most air cargo is unscreened. Belluck,-Pam; Sullivan,-John. New York Times (Late New York Edition) July 26 1996. p. A1+.

The dissent of Flight 800: official report of White House Commission on Aviation Safety and Security contains watered-down counter-terrorism measures due to A. Gore's airline connections. Roberts,-John-B., II. The American Spectator v 30 July 1997. p. 30-4.

Europe makes steady progress on airport baggage screening. Morrocco,-John-D. Aviation Week and Space Technology v 145 Oct 7 1996. p. 40-1.

Experts still find holes in airport security. Dahl,-Jonathan. Wall Street Journal (Eastern Edition) Aug 18 1995. p. B1+.

Explosives-detector makers scramble to certify new systems. Velocci,-Anthony-L., Jr. Aviation Week and Space Technology v 148 Feb 23 1998. p. 48+.

FAA certifies second airport security system. Aviation Week and Space Technology v 149 no. 22 Nov 30 1998 p. 49.

F.A.A. lets airports ease some security measures. McFadden,-Robert-D. New York Times (Late New York Edition) Nov 20 1995. p. A12.

FAA reassessing use of bomb detectors. Aviation Week and Space Technology v 151 no. 8 Aug 23 1999 p. 49.

An F.A.A. study shows few gains in improving security at airports. Zuckerman,-Laurence. New York Times (Late New York Edition) Nov 5 1999. p. A30.

FAA to start field trials of explosives detector. Hughes,-David. Aviation Week and Space Technology v 142 May 15 1995. p. 34-5.

Federal audit faults F.A.A. on tests of airport security: audit by the Inspector General of the Dept. of Transportation. Belluck,-Pam. New York Times (Late New York Edition) Sept 14 1996. p. 1+.

Fear, acts of war and technology's shortcomings. Faletra-Robert. CRN. September 17, 2001, Iss. 963. p. 106.

Federal support bolsters next-generation technologies: explosives detection research. Dornheim,-Michael-A. Aviation Week and Space Technology v 145 Oct 7 1996. p. 44+ .

First, the quick answers. Then the truth: security and safety issues in aftermath of TWA Flight 800 crash. Bryant,-Adam. New York Times (Late New York Edition) July 21 1996. p. 1+ Sec 4.

Forgers beware: Malaysian passports will be almost tamper-proof. Hiebert,-Murray. Far Eastern Economic Review v 161 no. 19 May 7 1998. p. 56+.

GAO cites failings in FAA inspections. McKenna,-James-T. Aviation Week and Space Technology v 148 no.14 Apr 6 1998. p. 57-8.

Getting ahead of the bad guys. Finney-mi. Airport Magazine. 1991/11. p6-11,48.

Good ideas, little money. Donoghue,-J.-A. Air Transport World v 34 Apr 1997. p. 25.

Gore commission endorses user fees. Phillips,-Edward-H. Aviation Week and Space Technology v 146 Feb 17 1997. p. 65.

Gore Commission's missing persons: airline, airport executives not included on 18-member commission. Traffic World v 247 Sept 9 1996. p. 26.

Government, industry efforts yield array of tools to combat terrorism. Rouhi,-A.-Maureen. Chemical and Engineering News v 73 July 24 1995. p. 10-19.

Grounding terrorists: aviation security. Johnson,-Larry-C; Laird,-Douglas-R. Security Management v 39 Dec 1995. p. 58-60+.

Hill raps FAA on computer security. Mann,-Paul. Aviation Week and Space Technology v 153 no. 14 Oct 2 2000. p. 50-1.

Hot air. Ellingwood,-Susan. The New Republic v 216 Mar 10 1997. p. 14-15.

House panel focuses on counter-terrorism methods: Aviation Subcommittee. Phillips,-Edward-H. Aviation Week and Space Technology v 145 Sept 16 1996. p. 38.

Imaging systems need human touch. Mann,-Paul. Aviation Week and Space Technology v 145 July 22 1996. p. 26-7.

In bid for airline security, echoes of unmet promises. Drew,-Christopher. New York Times (Late New York Edition) Aug 13 1996. p. A1+.

Iris scans take off at airports. Meehan,-Michael. Computerworld (Framingham, Mass) v 34 no. 29 July 17 2000. p. 1, 14.

Japan studies airport security. Aviation Week and Space Technology v 151 no. 7 Aug 16 1999 p. 62.

Keeping the Barbarians Away from the Gate. Raeburn-Paul. Business Week. September 24, 2001. p. 56.

Lawmakers rachet up aviation security measures. Mann,-Paul. Aviation Week and Space Technology v 153 no.19 Nov 6 2000. p. 46-7.

Limited checks on workers who have access to planes: airport security. Kifner,-John. New York Times (Late New York Edition) July 29 1996. p. 1+.

Lockheed Martin developing alternative explosives detection. Dornheim,-Michael-A. Aviation Week and Space Technology v 145 Sept 9 1996. p. 84.

Mix of technologies key to increased security. Phillips,-Edward-H. Aviation Week and Space Technology v 145 Oct 7 1996. p. 50-2.

Mixed threat from small SAMs. Fulghum,-David-A. Aviation Week and Space Technology v 145 July 29 1996 p. 30-1.

Money, money, money: transport industry's top legislative concerns. Barnes,-David. Traffic World v 248 Dec 23/30 1996. p. 12-13.

More than a wing and a prayer. Anderson,-Teresa. Security Management v 43 no. 7 July 1999. p. 102-4+.

N.Y. airports tighten antiterror measures after TWA explosion. Lavitt,-Michael-O. Aviation Week and Space Technology v 145 Oct 7 1996. p. 59+.

The new secret weapons: microguns that look like key chains elude airport security. Klaidman,-Daniel. Newsweek v 131 no. 20 May 18 1998. p. 37.

New terrorist threats against aviation spur FAA look at tougher security rules. Page,-Paul. Traffic World v 243 Aug 21 1995. p. 31-2.

New technology tests alertness of airport security screeners. Lavitt,-Michael-O. Aviation Week and Space Technology. v 150 no.13 Mar 29 1999. p. 88-9.

New security directives raise questions from airport executives. Cook-b. Airport Magazine. 1996/11. p14-17.

No barrier to mayhem: U.S. airport security is lax compared with other countries. Gleick,-Elizabeth. Time v 148 July 29 1996. p. 42-5.

Now arriving at U.S. airports: bombproofing. Port,-Otis. Business Week Dec 1 1997. p. 122+ .

Of frights and flights: FAA grapples with outdated technology and terrorist threats. Van-Biema,-David. Time v 146 Sept 11 1995. p. 49.

Objectors delay plan to match fliers, luggage. Nomani,-Arsa-Q. Wall Street Journal (Eastern Edition) Oct 11 1996. p. B1+.

One year after crash, safety plans stall. Keates,-Nancy; Nomani,-Asra-Q. Wall Street Journal (Eastern Edition) July 11 1997. p. B1+ .

Operation of airport security checkpoints under increased threat conditions. Chung,-Christopher-A; Nyakman,-Hidayat. Journal of Transportation Engineering v 122 July/Aug 1996 p. 264-9.

Panel recommends costly program of improved airport security. Wald,-Matthew-L. New York Times (Late New York Edition) Dec 13 1996. p. A20.

Panel to recommend steps for cutting air crash rate. Wald,-Matthew-L. New York Times (Late New York Edition) Feb 12 1997. p. A16.

Patience tested, on the ground and in the air. Dorr,-Robert-F. Aerospace America v 39 no.1 Jan 2001 p. 10-15.

Pentagon study calls for terrorism review. Hughes,-David. Aviation Week and Space Technology v 142 May 15 1995. p. 33-4.

Periscope: research and development projects. Glaskin,-Max. Engineering (London, England) v 238 Oct 1997 p. 98-9.

Piloting a new course. Security Management. v 41 Mar 1997. p. 13.

Potential of explosives focuses renewed attention on security. Shifrin,-Carole-A. Aviation Week and Space Technology v 145 Aug 5 1996. p. 33-4.

Profiling to boost security, but funding still an issue. Ott,-James. Aviation Week and Space Technology v 146 Apr 28 1997. p. 42-3.

Protection at $5.75 an hour. Vincent,-Billie. Access Control and Security Systems Integration v 43 no6 May 2000. p. 1, 47-8.

Racism allegations with airport profiling prompts Justice Department to examine computerized profiling system. Jet v 92 Oct 13 1997. p. 15.

Richmond Airport uses buried cable for enhanced security. Southerland,-Randy. Access Control and Security Systems Integration v 43 no.6 May 2000. p. 33-6.

Safe at home? An experiment in domestic airline security. Barnett,-Arnold; Shumsky,-Robert; Hansen,-Mark. Operations Research v 49 no.2 Mar/Apr 2001. p. 181-95.

Safety experts seek data sharing: Global Aviation Safety & Security Summit. Shifrin,-Carole-A. Aviation Week and Space Technology v 145 Dec 16 1996. p. 25-6.

Safety matches: linking bags with air travelers. Kiplinger's Personal Finance Magazine v 50 Dec 1996. p. 125+.

Screeners under fire: GAO finds fault with practices. Security Management v 44 no.5 May 2000. p. 18.

Securing the airways: security research and development program of the federal aviation administration. Polski-p; Polillo-r; Wall-w jr.; Hacker-k; Fobes-jl; Novakoff-ak; Jankowski-p. TR News. 1997/11. p. 2-8.

Security alert: 'Hurry up and wait'. Miller,-Lisa. Wall Street Journal (Eastern Edition) Oct 6 1995. p. B10.

A security attitude. Martin,-Linda-L. Business and Commercial Aviation v 85 no.5 Nov 1999 p. 86+.

Security bill half done. Barnes,-David. Traffic World v 247 Aug 12,1996. p. 11-12.

Security effort disjointed. Krause,-Kristin-S. Traffic World v 248 Dec. 2 1996. p. 35-6.

Security measures: a cure worse than the disease? Hahn,-Robert-W. Aviation Week and Space Technology v 146 Feb 3 1997. p. 74.

Security up in the air. Slepian,-Charles-G. Security Management v 44 no. 11 Nov 2000. p. 54-9.

Security rates 'top priority': Clinton administration's package of aviation security recommendations. Ott,-James. Aviation Week and Space Technology v 145 Sept 16 1996. p. 36-8.

Security tightens after U.S. air strikes. Wall Street Journal (Eastern Edition) Aug 24 1998. p. A2+.

Senate to weigh terrorism bill. Mann,-Paul. Aviation Week and Space Technology v 145 Aug 12 1996. p. 34-5.

A sense of security: will new measures take a bite out of airport concessions? Drinkard,-Lauren. Restaurants and Institutions v 105 Dec 1 1995. p. 30.

Shifting targets: terrorism redefining how U.S. looks at airport/airline protection. Nelms,-Douglas-W. Air Transport World v 34 Feb 1997. p. 29-30+.

Since Pan Am 103, a 'facade of security'. Morris,-Jim. US News and World Report v 130 no. 7 Feb 19 2001. p. 28.

A sniff in time: device sniffs out chemical explosives at airports. Stevens,-Jane. MIT's Technology Review v 101 Mar/Apr 1998. p. 14-15.

Sober view takes over: what can be done? Ott,-James. Aviation Week and Space Technology v 145 Oct 7 1996. p. 34-5.

The spirit of security. Anderson,-Teresa. Security Management v 43 no. 7 July 1999. p. 24+.

Stansted seeks to shed hijack airport status. Morrocco,-John-D. Aviation Week and Space Technology v 152 no7 Feb 14 2000 p. 24-5.

Stiff technical criteria slow explosive detection in U.S. Dornheim,-Michael-A. Aviation Week and Space Technology v 145 Aug 5 1996. p. 36-7.

Surveillance critical to antiterrorist thrust: airliner targets. Anselmo,-Joseph-C. Aviation Week and Space Technology v 145 Oct 7 1996. p. 63.

Terrorist bungling blamed for foiled airborne murder plot. Mann,-Paul. Aviation Week and Space Technology v 145 Sept 16 1996 p. 39.

Test by F.A.A uncovers holes in airline security: reports on USAir. Wald,- Matthew-L. New York Times (Late New York Edition) Jan 11 1999. p. A13.

Threat Image Projection advances. Aviation Week and Space Technology v153 no. 20 Nov 13 2000. p. 108-9.

Training takes flight. Anderson,-Teresa. Security Management v 44 no. 2 Feb 2000. p. 14.

TWA crash opens door on cargo security concerns. Krause,-Kristin-S. Traffic World v 247 July 29 1996. p. 40.

TWA disaster reopens tough security issues: National Research Council report. Mann,-Paul. Aviation Week and Space Technology v 145 July 22 1996. p. 23+.

U.K. forges ahead on baggage security. Morrocco,-John-D. Aviation Week and Space Technology v 145 July 29 1996. p. 29-30.

Upgrading of airport bomb detection urged: Hanson,-David. Chemical and Engineering News v 74 Sept 16 1996. p. 8.

'We must think anew about security'. Nunn,-Sam. Aviation Week and Space Technology v 154 no. 16 Apr 16 2001. p. 92.

Who needs to know? FAA rules on sensitive aviation security information. Biederman,-David. Traffic World v 257 no. 5 Feb 1 1999. p. 41.

Whose mission is it, anyway? Kandiah,-Silva; Kiong,-Yee-Chee. Security Management v 44 no. 4 Apr 2000. p. 55-6.

Why the bomb in this suitcase won't be detected. faulty U.S. airport security. Stoller,-Gary. Conde Nast Traveler v 31 June 1996. p. 37+.


Aerial Piracy and Aviation Security, Alexander, Yonah and Eugene Sochor, eds. Kluwer Academic Publishers: Norwell, MA, 1990.

Air Piracy, airport security, and international terrorism: winning the war against hijackers, St. John, Peter. New York: Quorum Books, 1991.

Aircraft hijacking and international law. Dobbs Ferry, NY: Oceana, 1973.

Airline safety: a view from the cockpit. rev. ed. Half-Moon Bay, ca.: Ruloca Press, 1986.

Airport, aircraft, and airline security. 2nd ed. Boston, MA.: Butterwqrth-Heinemann, 1991.

Airport Security: Standards and Technology (Jane's Special Report), Yates, Chris. Jane's Information Group.

An Anatomy of skyjacking. London and New York: Abelard-Schuman, 1973.

Audit of airport security. Upland, PA: Diane Publishing, 1994.

Aviation Security, Dorey, Frederick C. London: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1983.

Aviation Security: legal and regulatory aspects. Brookfield, VT: Ashgate, 1998.

Aviation terrorism. Washington, DC: Manas, 1998.

Aviation terrorism, Choi, Jin-Tai. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1994.

Aviation terrorism: historical survey, perspectives, and responses. Basingstoke, England: Macmillan, 1994.

Aviation Terrorism and Security, Wilkerson, Paul and Brian Michael Jenkins, eds. Frank Cass & Co., 1999.

Combating air terrorism, Wallis, Rodney. Washington: Brassey's (US), 1998.

Commercial aviation security. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 2001.

Corporate aviation security: the next frontier in aerospace operations, Pizer, Harry and Stephen Sloan. Norman: The University of Oklahoma Press, 1992.

Descriptive study of aircraft hijackings. criminal justice monographs, vol.3, no 5. Huntsville, TX: Institute of Contemporary Corrections and the Behavior Sciences, Sam Houston State University, 1972.

Detection of explosives for commercial aircraft security. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1993.

Detection of hidden explosives on passenger aircraft using hand searchers, bio-sensors, and vapour detectors Lexington, KY: Ores publications, 1977.

Detectives of the sky: investigating aviation tragedies. New York: Franklin Watts, 1976.

Economic study of u.s. aircraft hijacking, 1961-1976. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publishers, 1979.

The Final call: why airline disasters continue to happen. New York: Pantheon, 1990.

Flights of terror: aerial hijack and sabotage since 1930. London: Patrick Stephens, 1997.

Hijacked: the true story of the heroes of flight 705: concerns the hijacking attempt of a Fedex DC-10.

How to combat hijacking. Woden, Austrailia Australian Institute of Criminology, 1977.

Living with terrorism: the problem of air piracy, Brenchley, Frank. London: Institute for the Study of Conflict, 1986.

The Management of aviation security. London: Pitman, 1991. p.

Multidisciplinary references for aircraft accident investigations Arlington, VA: Flight Safety Foundation, 1975.

Safety last: the dangers of commercial aviation-an indictment by an airline pilot. New York: The Dial Press, 1972.

The Sky pirates. New York: Scribners, 1972.

A Study of the security and policing of airports, Cole, Leslie N. Abayomi. John Jay College of Criminal Justice (Thesis), 1981.

Terror in the Skies, Ashwood, Thomas M. New York: Holt, 1987.

Winning back the sky: a tactical analysis of terrorism, Hubbard, David G. New York: W. W. Norton, 1986.