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Native Americans in Transportation Bibliography

Assessing Transportation Needs on Indian Reservations by T. L. Anding and R. E. Fulton, Mountain Plains Consortium, North Dakota State University: Fargo, ND. August 1993, 44 p. MPC Report No. 93-21.

Native American Liaison Branch by Division of Transportation Planning, California Department of Transportation: Sacramento, CA.

Web site is designed to provide information from CALTRANS to 109 federally recognized tribal governments in California as well as links to other tribal and Native American web sites.

Famous and Formerly Enlisted by Juliett Kelsey. Air Force Magazine. April 1999. p. 66.

Ben Nighthorse Campbell, U.S. Senator, left high school to join the Air Force , served in Korea where he earned a GED and studied judo. Discharged in 1953 as an Airman 2nd class, he was an all-American in judo at San Jose State University. Graduated in 1957 he was captain of the U.S. judo team at the 1964 Summer Olympics in Tokyo. Elected to the Colorado legislature in 1982, the U. S. House of representatives in 1986 and the U. S. Senate in 1992.

Federal Highway Administration Names First Native American Program Coordinator by Lori Irving. FHWA1-01, 2 page press release.

Timothy R. Penny, a civil engineer and an enrolled member of the Red Cliff band of Lake Superior Chippewa, began work in the new position of Native American program coordinator in the FHWA Headquarters in Washington, D. C. on December 18, 2000.

Federal Lands Highway Program Web Site by U. S. Federal Highway Administration: Washington, D.C.

Covers FLH public roads program for federal and Indian lands that are not a state or local government responsibility.

Glimpsing an Ancient Homeland from "Little Digs"; Native American Lives are Revealed by Michael Kenney Boston Globe. October 14, 2001. p. 8.

"State archeologist Brona Simon said that in an average year she now issues 'a hundred plus' permits for site investigations. In virtually all cases, these involve proposed developments, including roads and pipelines, that require federal or state environmental reviews."

Indian Land and Laws Involving Highways: Tribal Employment Rights Ordinances and Related Issues of Tribal Sovereignty by R. O. Jones. Transportation Research Board: Washington, D. C. 1989.

Paper presented at the 29th Annual Workshop on Transportation Law, July 23-27, 1989, San Diego, CA.

Indian Reservation Roads Program: Transportation Planning Procedures and Guidelines by U. S. Federal Highway Administration: Washington, D. C. October 1999. v.p.

Defines procedures and provides guidelines to be used by the Federal Highway Administration, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Indian Tribal Governments for Indian Reservation Roads transportation planning.

Indian Site Discovered in Delaware; 50,000 Artifacts Uncovered So Far. Baltimore Sun. July 1, 1998. p. 7B.

"Archeologists working for the Delaware Department of Transportation have uncovered a major Native American campsite - dating from 1,000 to 5,000 years ago - along the banks of the St. Jones River in Dover."

ISTEA: Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991. Selected Facts Sheets by U. S. Federal Highway Administration: Washington, D. C. January 1993. 57 p. FHWA-SA-93-024.

Indian Reservation Roads is among the 15 fact sheets. Set also includes Functional and Financial fact sheets.

ISTEA's Tribal Technical Assistance Program Legacy by N. Bravo. Public Roads. Vol. 61, issue 6, May 1998. pp. 22-28.

As a result of ISTEA six Local Technical Assistance Program Centers have opened in key areas around the country to meet the distinctive needs of Native American tribal governments.

Legal Issues Relating to the Acquisition of Right of Way and the Construction and Operation of Highways Over Indian Lands by R. O. Jones. NCHRP Legal Research Digest. No. 30, December 1994. 25 p.

The report gives highway officials a basic understanding of laws relating to Indian reservations and jurisdictional conflict involving Indian land.

Native Americans Get in the Spirit of Political Empowerment by Kim Murphy. Los Angeles Times.
November 1, 2000, p. 16.

Tribes nationwide are launching get-out the vote drives, seeking to raise their voice on environmental and other issues.

Non-Traditional Funds for Community Transportation by J. McGlynn. Community Transportation. Vol. 17, No. 2, February 1999. pp. 14-20.

Few local transit agencies would survive on Federal Transit Administration funding alone and must develop some non-traditional funding sources

On First Reading: Lawmakers Give Tribes a Voice. State Legislatures Magazine. February 2001.

Since 1820 Maine has had Native American tribe representatives as nonvoting members of its House of Representatives. South Dakota is considering giving each of its nine American Indian tribes a nonvoting seat in its state legislature and Wisconsin is looking at providing eleven American Indian tribes with nonvoting seats in its state legislature. Maine is now considering allowing its tribal representatives to propose floor amendments and to speak from the floor.

Race, Sex and Performance Ratings in the Federal Service by Gregory B. Lewis. Public Administration Review. Vol. 57, No. 6, November-December 1997, pp. 479-489.

"Significantly lower proportions of black men (-.19), Hispanic men (-.38), and Native American women (-.43) and men (-.72) received top ratings than white males."

Slater Signs Order Establishing New Policy With Native Americans. Public Roads. Vol. 63, No. 5, March 1, 2000, p. 52.

"The order enumerates 17 instructions for all the department's components. They include consulting with Indian tribes before taking any action that may significantly affect them; assessing the environmental impact of department activities on tribal trust resources; and, responding to the transportation concerns of Native Americans and Alaska natives related to environmental matters."

Summer of Expanding Horizons by Judy Mann. Washington Post. August 30, 2000, p. C13.

"Tina Yazzie is a 19-year-old Navajo from Gallup, N.M., who spent this summer working for the Federal Aviation Administration in an internship set up specifically for Native Americans …The internships are all financed through the different government agencies…Interns receive three college credits for their work and live in AU (American University) dormitories. Living and transportation expenses are part of the sponsorship…DOT had 15 interns, including one who was assigned to the Coast Guard."

TRB Addresses the Transportation Needs of Native Americans by K. E. Cook. TR News. January 1994, No. 170. pp. 22-23, 25.

Summarizes the ISTEA provisions concerning Native Americans and the legislation protecting Native American archeological and religious sites and graves.

The Tribulation of Tribal Transit: Navajo Transit System in Profile by David Gaines. Bus World. Vol. 20, No. 2, June 1997. pp. 11-13.

Vital Link: Transportation and the Native Americans by G. Schofer. Community Transportation Reporter. Vol. 9, No. 9, November 1991, pp. 18-19.

Transportation is seen as a passageway to employment, education, and social services for persons living both on and off reservations.

Wildlife and Wildlife Habitat Impact Issues and Mitigation Options for Reconstruction of U. S. Highway 93 on the Flathead Indian Reservation, Montana by D. M. Becker. Transportation and Wildlife: Reducing Wildlife Mortality and Improving Wildlife Passageways Across Transportation Corridors. Orlando, FL, April 30-May 2, 1996. Florida Department of transportation: Tallahassee, FL. pp. 85-100.

Examines the wildlife and habitat issues and mitigation proposals for a 90.6 km segment of the highway on the southern portion of the Flathead Indian reservation.

Women of Alaska's Oil Patch: Kelly Mae Snead. Alaska Journal of Commerce. Vol. 25, No. 13, April 1, 2001, p. SS13.

As a construction truck driver and heavy equipment operator, Kelly Mae Snead drives water trucks, tractors with lowboys, dump trucks and rock trucks on the North Slope, building the BP ice road out of Kuparuk. Born and raised on a ranch in the Blackfeet Indian Reservation in Montana. Kelly Mae says, "I believe being a woman has helped me. Being an Indian woman is even better. I feel that my hard work is highly motivational."