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.Foreign Institution Statement
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Assurance - Foreign Institution Statement

Each Institution that applies for research, research-training, or research related grants or cooperative agreements under the United States Public Health Service (PHS) Act is required to maintain a misconduct in science assurance with this office.

A Federal regulation requires that each institution establish an administrative process for investigating and reporting instances of alleged or apparent misconduct, when such research involves PHS funding. The regulation, PHS Policies on Research Misconduct, is available on this web site at 42 CFR Part 93.

Due to various laws and requirements of other countries, ORI has developed a congenial way for other countries to comply with this Federal requirement, without compromising their respective country's procedures and laws.

The simplified method is outlined in the attached "Statement on Dealing with Allegations of Research Misconduct Under Public Health Service Research-related Activities for Foreign Institutions." If your institution wishes to meet the assurance requirement for receiving USPHS funding through this legally binding Statement, please submit a signed copy on your organization's letterhead.

If you have any questions regarding this statement or your institution's responsibilities in applying for or receiving PHS funding, please contact Robin Parker at Robin.Parker@hhs.gov.  Phone:  (240) 453-8400.

Click on link below to download the Foreign Institution Statement

» Statement on Dealing with Allegations of Research Misconduct Under United States Public Health Service (USPHS) Research related Activities for Foreign Institutions. (RTF)

This page last was updated on May 31, 2007
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