Homeright arrowGrantsright arrowFunded Grants and Grant History right arrowExpired Grant Application Solicitations and Notices

Expired Grant Application Solicitations and Notices

Browse through expired Requests for Application (RFA) and Notices (NOT) dating back to 1994.

2008 2009 2005 2005 2001 2001 1997 1997
2008 2008 2004 2004 2000 2000 1994-1996 1994-1996
2007 2007 2003 2003 1999 1999 Other Expired Solicitations Other Expired Solicitations (1990, 1999)
2006 2006 2002 2002 1998 1998  


NOT-OD-09-090: Recovery Act Grand Opportunities "GO" Grant Submission Deadline Moved to May 29, 2009

NOT-OD-09-042: [grants.nih.gov] Delays in Grant Application Submission due to Winter Ice Storms January 2009

NOT-AI-09-031: [grants.nih.gov] AMENDMENT: Recovery Act Limited Competition for NIH Grants: Research and Research Infrastructure Grand Opportunities (RC2)

NOT-RM-09-012: Notice of Change to Application Instructions for the 2009 NIH Director's New Innovator Award (DP2)

NOT-RM-09-007: [grants.nih.gov] Notice of Correction to Application Instructions for: PAR-09-013 "2009 NIH Director's New Innovator Award Program (X02)"

NOT-RM-09-006: [grants.nih.gov] Notice of Correction to Application Instructions for: PAR-09-012 "2009 NIH Director's Pioneer Award Program (X02)"

NOT-OD-09-017: [grants.nih.gov] Error correction window extended to November 14, 2008 for NIH, AHRQ and NIOSH grant applications due November 3-10, 2008

RFA-OD-09-004: Recovery Act Limited Competition for NIH Grants: Research and Research Infrastructure "Grand Opportunities" (RC2)

RFA-HG-09-004: [grants.nih.gov] Follow-up Public Consultation to Inform the Design of a Possible Longitudinal Cohort Study of the Role of Genes and Environment in Health and Disease: Limited Competition (U01)

RFA-HG-09-004 [grants.nih.gov] Follow-up Public Consultation to Inform the Design of a Possible Longitudinal Cohort Study of the Role of Genes and Environment in Health and Disease: Limited Competition (U01)

RFA-HG-09-003 [grants.nih.gov] Centers (P50) and Exploratory Grants for Centers (P20) for Excellence in Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI) Research (CEERs)

RFA-RM-09-003: [grants.nih.gov] 2009 NIH Director's New Innovator Award Program (DP2)

RFA-RM-09-001: [grants.nih.gov] 2009 NIH Director's Pioneer Award Program (DP1)

RFA-HG-09-001: [grants.nih.gov] 1000 Genomes Project Data Processing (U01)

RFA-MH-09-120: [grants.nih.gov] Informing Systems Biology through Genetic Variation: The Genes, Environment and Health Initiative (R21)

RFA-DA-09-004: [grants.nih.gov] Functional Characterization of Genetic Variants and Interactions: The Genes, Environment and Health Initiative (R03)

RFA-DA-09-003: [grants.nih.gov] Functional Characterization of Genetic Variants and Interactions: The Genes, Environment and Health Initiative (R21)


NOT-OD-08-027: [grants.nih.gov] NIH Policy on Late Submission of Grant Applications

NOT-RM-08-022: [grants.nih.gov] Replacement of PAR-08-034 BY PAR-08-035: Solicitation of Assays for HTS in the Molecular Libraries Probed Production Centers Network (MLPCN)

NOT-HG-08-012: [grants.nih.gov] Correction for RFA-HG-08-005: Genome-wide Association Studies of Treatment Response in Randomized Clinical Trials - Coordinating Center (U01)

NOT-HG-08-014: [grants.nih.gov] Notice of Intent to Publish Two RFAs: 1000 Genomes Project Data Processing and 1000 Genomes Project Dataset Analysis

NOT-HG-08-013: [grants.nih.gov] Notice of Publication of FAQs Related to RFA-HG-08-004: Genome-wide Association Studies of Treatment Response in Randomized Clinical Trials - Study Investigators (U01)

NOT-CA-08-011: [grants.nih.gov] Administrative Supplements for Gene Identification Efforts: Replication and Fine-Mapping Studies for The Genes, Environment, and Health Initiative (GEI)

NOT-OD-08-113: [grants.nih.gov] NIH Offers New Dual-Track Commercialization Assistance Program to SBIR Phase II Awardees

NOT-OD-08-013: [grants.nih.gov] Implementation Guidance and Instructions for Applicants: Policy for Sharing of Data Obtained in NIH-Supported or Conducted Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS)

NOT-OD-07-088: [grants.nih.gov] Policy for Sharing of Data Obtained in NIH Supported or Conducted Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS)

RFA-CA-09-003: [grants.nih.gov] Replication and Fine-Mapping Studies for the Genes Environment and Health Initiative (GEI)(R01)

RFA-RM-08-030: [grants.nih.gov] Studies of the ELSI of Human Microbiome Research (R01)

RFA-DK-08-004: [grants.nih.gov] Translation of Common Disease Genetics into Clinical Applications (R21)

RFA-DK-08-003: [grants.nih.gov] Implementation Planning Grants for Educational, Behavioral, or Social Studies for Translation of Genetic Factors in Common Diseases (U34)

RFA-HG-08-005: [grants.nih.gov] Genome-wide Association Studies of Treatment Response in Randomized Clinical Trials - Coordinating Center (U01)

RFA-HG-08-004: [grants.nih.gov] Genome-wide Association Studies of Treatment Response in Randomized Clinical Trials - Study Investigators (U01)

RFA-HG-08-004: [grants.nih.gov] Genome-wide Association Studies of Treatment Response in Randomized Clinical Trials - Study Investigators (U01)

RFA-HG-08-006: [grants.nih.gov] Data Analysis and Coordinating Center For Research Training Activities (U01)

NOT-OD-08-036: [grants.nih.gov] NIH Fiscal Policy for Grant Awards - FY 2008

RFA-HG-08-011: [grants.nih.gov] Revolutionary Genome Sequencing Technologies - The $1000 Genome (STTR [R41/R42])

RFA-HG-08-010: [grants.nih.gov] Revolutionary Genome Sequencing Technologies - The $1000 Genome (SBIR [R43/R44])

RFA-HG-08-009: [grants.nih.gov] Revolutionary Genome Sequencing Technologies - The $1000 Genome (R21)

RFA-HG-08-008: [grants.nih.gov] Revolutionary Genome Sequencing Technologies - The $1000 Genome (R01)

RFA-RM-08-027: [grants.nih.gov] Development of New Technologies Needed for Studying the Human Microbiome (R21)

RFA-RM-08-026: [grants.nih.gov] Development of New Technologies Needed for Studying the Human Microbiome (R01)

RFA-RM-08-020: [grants.nih.gov] Molecular Libraries Screening Instrumentation (R01)

NOT-OD-08-080: [grants.nih.gov] Delays in Grant Application Submission due to Floods - June 2008

NOT-OD-08-079: [grants.nih.gov] Transforming Medicine Through Innovation: 10th Annual NIH SBIR/STTR Conference (July 22-23, 2008)

NOT-HG-08-007: [grants.nih.gov] Notice of Intent to Publish Program Announcement with Special Review to Transition Access to CIDR from Paper to Electronic (X01) Submission

NOT-HG-08-003: [grants.nih.gov] Correction to Notice-HG-08-002, Administrative Supplements for Making Knockout Mice

NOT-HG-08-002: [grants.nih.gov] Administrative Supplements for Making Knockout Mice

NOT-RM-08-019: [grants.nih.gov] Change in Application Receipt Date to RFA-RM-08-001

RFA-RM-08-012: [grants.nih.gov] Human Microbiome Demonstration Projects (UH2/UH3)

NOT-RM-08-015 [grants.nih.gov] Changes in Letter of Intent and Application Receipt Dates and Clarifications to RFA-RM-08-012

NOT-CA-08-011 [grants.nih.gov] Administrative Supplements for Gene Identification Efforts: Replication and Fine-Mapping Studies for The Genes, Environment, and Health Initiative (GEI)

NOT-OD-08-024 [grants.nih.gov] New Subscription-based Electronic Mailing Lists for eRA Commons Information; Migrating eSubmission Mailing Lists

NOT-OD-08-025 [grants.nih.gov] NIH Offers Manufacturing Assistance Program to SBIR Phase II Awardees

NOT-RM-08-018: [grants.nih.gov] Change in Application Receipt Date to RFA-RM-08-001

RFA-HL-08-004: [grants.nih.gov] Development and Application of New Technologies to Targeted Genome-wide Resequencing in Well-Phenotyped Populations (R01)

RFA-GM-08-009: [grants.nih.gov] Development of High Resolution Probes for Cellular Imaging (R01)

RFA-RM-08-003: [grants.nih.gov] Pilot-Scale Libraries (PSL) for High-Throughput Screening (P41)

RFA-RM-08-006: [grants.nih.gov] Studies of the Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications (ELSI) of Human Microbiome Research (R01)

RFA-RM-08-007: [grants.nih.gov] A Data Analysis & Coordination Center (DACC) for the Human Microbiome Project (U01)

RFA-RM-08-008: [grants.nih.gov] Development of New tools for Computational Analysis of Human Microbiome Project Data (R01)

RFA-RM-08-009: [grants.nih.gov] Development of New tools for Computational Analysis of Human Microbiome Project Data (R21)

RFA-RM-08-010: [grants.nih.gov] Development of New Technologies Needed for Studying the Human Microbiome (R01)

RFA-RM-08-011: [grants.nih.gov] Development of New Technologies Needed for Studying the Human Microbiome (R21)

RFA-RM-08-013: [grants.nih.gov] 2008 NIH Director's Pioneer Award Program (DP1)

Top of page


NOT-OD-07-082: [grants.nih.gov] NIH Offers Commercialization Assistance Program to SBIR Phase II Awardees

NOT-OD-07-080: [grants.nih.gov] NIH Offers SBIR Niche Assessment Program to Phase I Awardees

NOT-OD-07-068: [grants.nih.gov] Extension of Expiration Date and Clarification of Eligibility

NOT-OD-07-026: [grants.nih.gov] NIH Policy on Late Submission of Grant Applications - Clarification for Multiple PI Applications and New Submission/Receipt Dates

NOT-OD-07-018: [grants.nih.gov] New Limits on Appendix Materials for All NIH/AHRQ/NIOSH Grant Applications Beginning with Receipt Dates On or After January 3, 2007

NOT-OD-07-017: [grants.nih.gov] Establishment of Multiple Principal Investigator Awards for the Support of Team Science Projects

RFA-RM-07-011: [grants.nih.gov] Technology Development in Epigenetics (R01)

RFA-RM-07-012: [grants.nih.gov] Technology Development in Epigenetics (R21)

RFA-RM-07-013: [grants.nih.gov] Reference Epigenome Mapping Centers (U01)

RFA-RM-07-014: [grants.nih.gov] Epigenomics Data Analysis and Coordination Center - EDACC (U01)

  • NOT-RM-08-010: [grants.nih.gov] Notice of Clarification: Institutions/Organizations Eligible to Apply for Reference Epigenome Mapping Centers (U01) RFA-RM-07-013 and Epigenomics Data Analysis and Coordination Center - EDACC (U01) RFA-RM-07-014

RFA-RM-07-015: [grants.nih.gov] Discovery of Novel Epigenetic Marks in Mammalian Cells (R01)

RFA-RM-07-016: [grants.nih.gov] Discovery of Novel Epigenetic Marks in Mammalian Cells (R21)

NOT-RM-08-007 [grants.nih.gov]: Human Microbiome Project RFA: Notice of Applicant Information Meeting

RFA-HG-07-012: [grants1.nih.gov] Genome-wide Association Studies in the Genes, Environment, and Health Initiative - Study Investigators (U01)

NOT-HG-07-026: [grants.nih.gov] Notice to Allow Resubmissions to RFA-HG-07-012: Genome-wide Association Studies in the Genes, Environment, and Health Initiative - Study Investigators (U01)

RFA-HG-07-014: [grants1.nih.gov] Epidemiologic Investigation of Putative Causal Genetic Variants-Study Investigators (U01)

NOT-GM-07-115: [grants.nih.gov] Change of Biomedical Information Science and Technology Initiative (BISTI) FOAs to Standard Receipt Dates for Competing Applications: Innovations in Biomedical Computational Science and Technology (R01)

NOT-GM-07-114: [grants.nih.gov] Change of Biomedical Information Science and Technology Initiative (BISTI) FOAs to Standard Receipt Dates for Competing Applications: Exploratory Innovations in Biomedical Computational Science and Technology (R21)

NOT-GM-07-113: [grants.nih.gov] Change of Biomedical Information Science and Technology Initiative (BISTI) FOAs to Standard Receipt Dates for Competing Applications: Innovations in Biomedical Computational Science and Technology Initiative (STTR [R41/R42])

NOT-GM-07-112: [grants.nih.gov] Change of Biomedical Information Science and Technology Initiative (BISTI) FOAs to Standard Receipt Dates for Competing Applications: Innovations in Biomedical Computational Science and Technology Initiative (SBIR [R43/R44])

NOT-HG-08-001: [grants.nih.gov] Notice of Publication of FAQs Related to RFA-HG-07-014: Epidemiologic Investigation of Putative Causal Genetic Variants-Study Investigators (U01)

RFA-HG-07-015: [grants.nih.gov] Epidemiologic Investigation of Putative Causal Genetic Variants-Coordinating Center (U01)

Supplemental Information for Near-Term Technology Development for Genome Sequencing

RFA-HG-07-016: [grants.nih.gov] Near-Term Technology Development for Genome Sequencing (R01)

RFA-HG-07-017: [grants.nih.gov] Near-Term Technology Development for Genome Sequencing (R21)

RFA-HG-07-018: [grants.nih.gov] Near-Term Technology Development for Genome Sequencing (SBIR [R43/R44])

RFA-HG-07-019: [grants.nih.gov] Near-Term Technology Development for Genome Sequencing (STTR [R41/R42])

RFA-HG-07-020: [grants.nih.gov] Revolutionary Genome Sequencing Technologies - The $1000 Genome (R01)

RFA-HG-07-021: [grants.nih.gov] Revolutionary Genome Sequencing Technologies - The $1000 Genome (R21)

RFA-HG-07-022: [grants.nih.gov] Revolutionary Genome Sequencing Technologies - The $1000 Genome (STTR [R43/R44])

RFA-HG-07-023: [grants.nih.gov] Revolutionary Genome Sequencing Technologies - The $1000 Genome (SBIR [R41/R42])

NOT-HG-07-025: [grants.nih.gov] Notice of Extension for Request for Applications (RFA): A Data Analysis Center for the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) Project (U01)

RFA-HG-07-010: [grants1.nih.gov] A Data Analysis Center for the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) Project (U01)

RFA-HG-07-006: [grants1.nih.gov] High-Priority Phenotype and Exposure Measures for Cross-Study Analysis in Genome-Wide Association Studies (U01)

RFA-HG-07-005: [grants.nih.gov] Genome-Wide Studies in Biorepositories with Electronic Medical Record Data (U01)

NOT-HG-07-013: [grants1.nih.gov] Pre-application Technical Assistance Meeting for: RFA-HG-07-005 - Genome-Wide Studies in Biorepositories with Electronic Medical Record Data (U01)

NOT-HG-07-009: [grants1.nih.gov] Notice of Intent to Publish a Request for Applications to Support Genome-Wide Studies in Biorepositories with Electronic Medical Record Data

NOT-HG-07-008: [grants1.nih.gov] Notice of Intent to Publish a Request for Applications to Support High-Priority Phenotype and Exposure Measures for Cross-Study Analysis in Genome-Wide Studies

RFA-ES-07-002: [grants.nih.gov] Human Genes and the Environment Research Training Program (T32)

NOT-HG-07-011: [grants.nih.gov] Administrative Supplements for Making Knockout Mice

RFA-HG-07-031: [grants.nih.gov] A Data Coordination Center for the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) Project (U41)

RFA-HG-07-030: [grants.nih.gov] Creating the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) in the Human Genome (U01 and U54)

RFA-HG-07-005: [grants.nih.gov] Genome-Wide Studies in Biorepositories with Electronic Medical Record Data (U01)

NOT-HG-07-013 : [grants1.nih.gov] Pre-application Technical Assistance Meeting for: RFA-HG-07-005 - Genome-Wide Studies in Biorepositories with Electronic Medical Record Data (U01)

RFA-HG-07-006: [grants1.nih.gov] High-Priority Phenotype and Exposure Measures for Cross-Study Analysis in Genome-Wide Association Studies (U01)

NOT-OD-07-002: [grants.nih.gov] ELSI Small Grant Research Program (R03)

RFA-RM-07-009: [grants1.nih.gov] 2007 NIH Director's New Innovator Award Program (DP2)

NOT-HG-07-007: [grants.nih.gov] Clarification and Additional Information to HG-07-030 and HG-07-031

RFA-HG-07-031: [grants.nih.gov] A Data Coordination Center for the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) Project (U41)

RFA-HG-07-030: [grants.nih.gov] Creating the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) in the Human Genome (U01 and U54)

RFA-RM-07-005: [grants.nih.gov] 2007 NIH Director's Pioneer Award Program (DP1)

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RFA-HG-06-025: [grants1.nih.gov] Centers for Excellence in Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI) Research (CEERs) (P50)

NOT-OD-07-022: [grants.nih.gov] Online Registration Available for the NIH Town Hall Meeting on the Proposed Policy for Sharing of Data Obtained in NIH Supported or Conducted Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS)

NOT-OD-07-012: [grants.nih.gov] Extended Comment Period for the Proposed Policy for Sharing of Data Obtained in NIH Supported or Conducted Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS)

RFA-HG-06-014: [grants.nih.gov] Genome-wide Association Studies in the Genes and Environment Initiative - Genotyping Facilities (U01)

RFA-HG-06-032: [grants.nih.gov] Genome-wide Association Studies in the Genes and Environment Initiative - Coordinating Center (U01)

RFA-HG-06-033: [grants.nih.gov] Genome-wide Association Studies in the Genes and Environment Initiative - Study Investigators (U01)
Letters of Intent Receipt Date: November 1, 2006; Application Receipt Date: November 29, 2006

RFA-HG-06-008: [grants.nih.gov] Public Consultation to Inform the Design of Possible Large-Scale Studies of Genes and Environment in Common Disease

RFA-RR-06-005: [grants.nih.gov] Knockout Mouse Project (KOMP) Repository (U42)

RFA-HG-07-029: [grants.nih.gov] Technology Development for the Comprehensive Determination of Functional Elements in Eukaryotic Genomes (R01)

RFA-HG-07-028: [grants.nih.gov] Technology Development for the Comprehensive Determination of Functional Elements in Eukaryotic Genomes (R21)

RFA-CA-07-030: [grants.nih.gov] Development of Advanced Genomic Characterization Technologies (STTR [R41/R42])

RFA-CA-07-029: [grants.nih.gov] Development of Advanced Genomic Characterization Technologies (SBIR [R43/R44])

    NOT-CA-07-029: [grants.nih.gov] Selection of Funding Opportunities for the Technology Component of the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) Project

RFA-CA-07-021: [grants.nih.gov] Development of Advanced Genomic Characterization Technologies (R21)

NOT-OD-06-094: [grants.nih.gov] Request for Information (RFI): Proposed Policy for Sharing of Data obtained in NIH supported or conducted Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS)

NOT-HG-06-011: [grants.nih.gov] Notice of Increased Funds Available for RFA-HG-06-008
The total funds available for this RFA have been increased.

RFA-HG-06-008: [grants.nih.gov] Public Consultation to Inform the Design of Possible Large-Scale Studies of Genes and Environment in Common Disease

RFA-HG-06-007: [grants.nih.gov] A Data Coordination Center for the Model Organism ENCODE Project (modENCODE) (U41)

RFA-HG-06-006: [grants.nih.gov] Identification of All Functional Elements in Selected Model Organism Genomes (U01)

RFA-HG-06-001: [grants.nih.gov] Genome Sequencing Centers

Advanced DNA Sequencing Technology Development

NOT-OD-07-005: [grants.nih.gov] Clarification of Resubmissions for Ten Recently Released Genome Sequencing Funding Opportunity Announcements

RFA-HG-06-020: [grants.nih.gov] Revolutionary Genome Sequencing Technologies - The $1000 Genome (R01)

RFA-HG-06-021: [grants.nih.gov] Revolutionary Genome Sequencing Technologies - The $1000 Genome (R21)

RFA-HG-06-022: [grants.nih.gov] Revolutionary Genome Sequencing Technologies - The $1000 Genome (R21/R33)

RFA-HG-06-023: [grants.nih.gov] Revolutionary Genome Sequencing Technologies - The $1000 Genome (R43/R44)

RFA-HG-06-024: [grants.nih.gov] Revolutionary Genome Sequencing Technologies - The $1000 Genome (R41/R42)

RFA-HG-06-015: [grants.nih.gov] Near-Term Technology Development for Genome Sequencing (R01)

RFA-HG-06-016: [grants.nih.gov] Near-Term Technology Development for Genome Sequencing (R21)

RFA-HG-06-017: [grants.nih.gov] Near-Term Technology Development for Genome Sequencing (R21/R33)

RFA-HG-06-018: [grants.nih.gov] Near-Term Technology Development for Genome Sequencing (R43/R44)

RFA-HG-06-019: [grants.nih.gov] Near-Term Technology Development for Genome Sequencing (R41/R42)

RFA-HG-05-003: [grants.nih.gov] Near-Term Technology Development for Genome Sequencing (R01, R21, R21/R33)

RFA-HG-06-002: [grants.nih.gov] Near-Term Technology Development for Genome Sequencing - SBIR (R43/R44)

RFA-HG-06-003: [grants.nih.gov] Near-Term Technology Development for Genome Sequencing - STTR (R41/R42)

RFA-HG-05-004 : [grants.nih.gov] Revolutionary Genome Sequencing Technologies - The $1000 Genome (R01, R21, R21/R33)

RFA-HG-06-004 : [grants.nih.gov] Revolutionary Genome Sequencing Technologies - The $1000 Genome - SBIR (R43/R44)

RFA-HG-06-005 : [grants.nih.gov] Revolutionary Genome Sequencing Technologies - The $1000 Genome - STTR (R41/R42)

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The Knockout Mouse Project

RFA HG-05-007 : [grants.nih.gov] Completion of a Comprehensive Mouse Knockout Resource

RFA HG-05-008 : [grants.nih.gov] A Data Coordination Center for the Knockout Mouse Project (KOMP)

RFA DA-06-009 : [grants.nih.gov] Development and Improvement of Inbred ES Cell Lines for Use in Generation of Mouse Mutants

RFA-HG-03-006 : [grants.nih.gov] Mentored Patient-Oriented Research Career Developmnet Award With Emphasis on the Application of Genomic or Proteomic Technologies (K23)

RFA-HG-03-005 : [grants1.nih.gov] Centers of Excellence in ELSI Research (CEER). Possible reissue in 2006-2007

RFA-HG-05-002: [grants1.nih.gov] Training in Genomics and Hemoglobinopathies

RFA-HG-05-013 : [grants1.nih.gov] K 23 with Emphasis on Therapeutic Interventions Employing Genomic or Proteomic Technologies

RFA-HG-05-001 : [grants1.nih.gov] Molecular Screening Assay Development for SCD

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RFA HG-04-005 : [grants1.nih.gov] Additional Genotyping for the Human Haplotype Map

RFA-HG-04-004 : [grants1.nih.gov] Intellectual Property Rights in Genetics and Genomics

RFA-HG-04-003 : [grants.nih.gov] Revolutionary Genome Sequencing Technologies: The $1000 Genome

RFA-HG-04-002 : [grants.nih.gov] Near-Term Technology Development for Genome Sequencing

RFA-HG-04-001 : [grants1.nih.gov] Technologies to Find Functional Elements in Genomic DNA

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PAR-03-075 : [grants1.nih.gov] Technology Development for Biomedical Applications

RFA-GM-03-013 : [grants1.nih.gov] Development of High Resolution Probes for Cellular Imaging

RFA-HG-03-005: : [grants1.nih.gov] Centers of Excellence in ELSI Research

RFA HG-03-002 : [grants1.nih.gov] Large-Scale Sequencing Capacity

RFA HG-03-003 : [grants.nih.gov] Determination of All Functional Elemenents in Human DNA

RFA HG-03-004 : [grants.nih.gov] Technologies to Find Functional Elements in Genomic DNA

RFA HG-03-003 : [grants.nih.gov] Determination of All Functional Elements in Human DNA

RFA HG-03-004 : [grants.nih.gov] Technologies to Find Functional Elements in Genomic DNA

Top of page


RFA HG-02-004 : [grants1.nih.gov] Increasing the Efficiency of Building Physical Maps from Clone Libraries for Genomic Studies

RFA HG-02-005 : [grants1.nih.gov] Large-scale Genotyping for the Haplotype Map of the Human Genome

RFA-HG-02-003 : [grants.nih.gov] Studies of the Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications of Human Genetic Variation Research for Individuals and Diverse Racial and Ethnic Groups

RFA-TW-02-001 : [grants.nih.gov] International Collaborative Genetics Research Training Program

RFA-ES-02-005 : [grants1.nih.gov] Environmental Justice: Partnerships to Address Ethical Challenges in Environmental Health

RFA-HG-02-004 : [grants.nih.gov] Increasing the Efficiency of Building Physical Maps from Clone Libraries for Genomic Studies

RFA-HG-02-002 : [grants.nih.gov] Developing Robust Components for Model Organism Databases

RFA-HG-02-001 : [grants.nih.gov] A Central Database of Protein Sequence and Function

EB-02-001 : [grants.nih.gov] Research and Development of Systems and Methods for Molecular Imaging

EB-02-002 : [grants.nih.gov] Sensor Development and Validation

GM-02-001 : [grants.nih.gov] Native American Research Centers for Health

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DA-01-012 : [grants.nih.gov] Tools for Insertional Mutagenesis in the Mouse: SBIR/STTR Initiative

DA-01-011 : [grants.nih.gov] Tools for Insertional Mutagenesis in the Mouse

CA-01-011 : [grants.nih.gov] Technologies for Comprehensive, Sensitive, and Quantitative Protein Analysis in Human Tumors: Phased Innovation

HG-01-003 : [grants.nih.gov] Comparative Genomic Sequencing of Drosophila

HG-01-002 : [grants.nih.gov] BAC Library Production

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GM-00-003 : [grants.nih.gov] Pharmacogenetics Research Network and Knowledge Base

HG-00-002 : [grants.nih.gov] Network for Large-Scale Sequencing of the Rat Genome

HG-00-001: A Quality Assessment Center for Genomic DNA Sequence

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CA-99-005 : [grants.nih.gov] Technologies for Generation of Full-Length Mammalian cDNA

GM-99-004 : [grants.nih.gov] Pharmacogenetic Research Network and Database

HG-99-002: Studies of Ethical, Legal and Social Implications of Research into Human Genetic Variation

HG-99-001 : [grants.nih.gov] Network for Large-Scale Sequencing of the Mouse Genome

PAR-99-047 [grants2.nih.gov]: Advanced Development of Genomic Technologies

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MH-98-017 : [grants.nih.gov] Quantitative Methods to Map Genes for Complex Diseases

HG-98-002: Research Network for Large-Scale Sequencing of the Human Genome

HG-98-001: Methods for Discovering and Scoring Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms

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HG-97-003 : [grants.nih.gov] Mouse Gene Map

HG-97-002: Low-Cost, High Accuracy DNA Sequencing Technologies

HG-97-001: Technologies for Genome Analysis

OD-97-001 : [grants.nih.gov] Informed Consent in Research Involving Human Participants

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1994 - 1996

HG-96-001: Large-Scale Functional Analysis of the Yeast Genome

HG-95-005: Pilot Projects for Sequencing of the Human Genome

HG-95-004: Improved Electrophoretic DNA Sequencing Technology

HG-95-003 : [grants1.nih.gov] Sequence of the E. Coli Genome

HG-94-001: Studies of Genetic Testing and Counseling for Heritable Breast, Ovarian and Colon Cancer Risks

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Other Expired Application Solicitations


NIH initiative to obtain clones and the full-length sequence for cDNA's representing each human gene, as well as for genes of the mouse, and possibly other mammals.


NIH Guide: Notices of Availability (RFAs and PAs) [grants.nih.gov] PDF file
Soliciting courses in genomics. Historical Document.

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Last Updated: June 29, 2009

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See Also:

Active Requests for Application (RFA)