Florida Congressmen Introduce Homeownership Benefits for Combat Service Members

WASHINGTON (4 Jun) – On Wednesday, Florida Congressmen Gus M. Bilirakis (R-Palm Harbor) and Adam Putnam (R-Bartow) introduced legislation that would assist uniformed service members fighting in a combat zone since 2001 with the purchase of a new home.

The American Heroes' Homeownership Assistance Act would provide current and former service members who were deployed to a combat zone since 2001, including spouses of soldiers killed in action, with a one-time tax credit toward the purchase of a primary residence up to 10 percent of the purchase price, or $7,500.

Bilirakis and Putnam introduced the legislation in an effort to make homeownership more affordable for soldiers and their families who have suffered through the hardship of their combat service, regardless of income.

"The men and women who are putting their lives on the line in defense of our nation should be provided with every opportunity to resume a normal life with their families after returning from war," said Congressman Bilirakis. “Assistance should be made available to these warfighters whose lives, families and civilian careers have been seriously and often detrimentally affected as a result of their service in a war zone.”

“This measure offers a meaningful and tangible benefit to American service members and their families who have faced the unique challenges of serving in a combat zone,” said Congressman Putnam. “I am pleased to support it, and I hope the rest of our colleagues will join in passing it without delay.”

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