NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

  1. Content with the tag: “mars global surveyor

  2. Liquid Water on Mars: Is It Still Flowing?

    The scientific strategy of NASA’s Mars exploration can be summarized as “Follow the water.” The habitability of Mars, past or present, is intimately tied to the presence of liquid water. Since the first orbiting spacecraft, Mariner 9, surveyed the planet in the early 1970s, we have known that the Mars polar caps are composed in part of ice, and we have seen large channels cut by water that flowed on the surface billions of years ago. Two of the most important recent discoveries on Mars were “gullies” that indicate much more recent surface flows, less than a million years old, and the evidence from rovers on the surface that shallow ponds or seas of salty water must have once existed, although they may have been transient. However, all these indications of surface water are old – whether the age is measured in millions or billions of years. Now, in what looks to be one of the most important recent discoveries about Mars, we have photographic evidence that flows of liquid water have taken place in the past seven years! The change of perspective from billions or millions of years to something that happened in the twenty-first century could be profound.

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  3. Evidence Of Martian Land Of Lakes Discovered

    Layers of sedimentary rock paint a portrait of an ancient Mars that may have featured numerous lakes and shallow seas.

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  4. New Images Suggest Present-day Source of Liquid Water on Mars

    Using data from NASA’s Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft, imaging scientists have observed features that suggest there may be current sources of liquid water at or near the surface of the red planet.

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  5. Back to the Surface: NASA’s 2003 Mission to Mars

    Two Mars rovers, one in May and the other in June of 2003 will land six months later at different locations. Both take on the daunting task of probing for water clues.

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