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Adult Literacy

Future Directions in Early Childhood Literacy Research

In September 2008 the Institute began to develop a set of recommendations to inform a future research agenda on early childhood literacy. Data from the NELP Report was analyzed and interviews were conducted with members of the NELP to identify the research and knowledge gaps uncovered during the literature review.

A roundtable of independent childhood literacy experts also was convened in February 2009 to discuss these and other gaps in the research base and to make suggestions for future research. The members included:

  • Dr. Diane August, Research Scientist and Educational Consultant, Center for Applied Linguistics
  • Dr. Susan Burns, Associate Professor of Education, George Mason University
  • Dr. Margarita Calderon, Senior Research Scientist/Professor, School of Education, Johns Hopkins University
  • David Dickinson, Professor, Peabody School of Education, Vanderbilt University
  • Dr. Linda Espinosa Associate, Professor of Education, University of Missouri
  • Dr. Peter Mangione, Co-Director, Center for Child & Family Studies, WestEd
  • Dr. Craig Ramey, Director, Georgetown Center on Health and Education, Georgetown University
  • Dr. Kathleen Roskos, Professor of Education, John Carroll University
  • Dr. Carol Vukelich, Director, Delaware Center for Teacher Education, University of Delaware

The results of the roundtable meeting and the interviews with the NELP panelists can be found in the final report Technical Report: Recommendations for Future Early Childhood Literacy Research.

Last updated: Sunday, 26-Jul-2009 18:51:21 EDT

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