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Media Release


Board Member Hyland Discusses Credit Union Issues With International Audience

July 30, 2007, Alexandria, VA - NCUA Board Member Gigi Hyland participated in the Fifth Annual Regulator’s Roundtable in Calgary, Canada, on Saturday and Sunday, July 28-29. The Roundtable was part of the World Council of Credit Union Conference. Also participating were regulatory heads from countries representing nearly every continent on the globe, including those from North and South America, the Caribbean, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia.

“The Roundtable provided a valuable forum for exchanging ideas with fellow regulators from around the world. I was very impressed with the diversity of credit union development, but regardless of the maturity of the credit union system within a specific country, we share many of the same issues. Being able to discuss them in person provided me with many lessons that will help me in my capacity as an NCUA Board Member,” stated Hyland.

Hyland moderated one of the Roundtable’s many sessions. Also attending from the NCUA were Gary Kohn, Senior Policy Advisor to Board Member Hyland, Dave Marquis, Director, Office of Examination and Supervision, and Larry Fazio, Deputy Director, Office of Examination and Supervision.

The National Credit Union Administration is the independent federal agency that charters and supervises federal credit unions. NCUA, with the backing of the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, operates the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF), insuring the savings of 85 million members in all federal credit unions and the vast majority of state-chartered credit unions. NCUA is supported by credit unions, not federal tax dollars.