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Media Advisory


Board Member Hyland, Outreach Task Force,
Gain Valuable Insight During
Los Angeles Town Hall Meeting

July 18, 2007 - National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) Board Member Gigi Hyland hosted the fourth of six Outreach Task Force Meetings on Monday in Los Angeles, CA. The creation of the Outreach Task Force is in further response to the findings in NCUA's Member Service Assessment Pilot Program (MSAP) which was issued in November, 2006. The purpose of the town hall meetings is to gather input and ideas from credit unions, credit union leagues, and other interested parties on the recommendations from the MSAP. 

Similar to the previous three meetings held in Cincinnati, OH; Boston, MA; and New Orleans, LA., Board Member Hyland provided background information to the attendees and assured them that their contributions would be crucial to the deliberations of the Task Force, as it has made no decisions on any of the issues under consideration. Attendees were encouraged to participate freely throughout the meeting and were assigned tables to discuss a variety of challenges and opportunities facing credit unions, including:

  • NCUA programs and processes to encourage outreach to underserved communities;
  • data collection on member income and on executive compensation; and
  • the value of low-income designation.

"The town hall meeting in Los Angeles was a valuable forum that enabled credit unions to share their ideas and innovations about service to members across the economic spectrum.  Every time we host an Outreach Task Force meeting, new and helpful information is related, and the process of gaining a clearer picture of the industry's outreach efforts is furthered,” stated Board Member Hyland. “Since the Task Force strongly considers the input from the participants, we depend upon an open dialogue during these meetings to assist in our deliberations. I look forward to the final two meetings and to working with the Task Force while reviewing and considering the broad range of valuable information gained from the series of meetings.”

Registration is now open for an upcoming Outreach Task Force "Town Hall" meeting to be held in Denver, Colorado, on Wednesday, August 15. To register, please visit NCUA's website at:

The National Credit Union Administration is the independent federal agency that regulates, charters and supervises federal credit unions. NCUA, with the backing of the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, also operates and manages the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF), insuring the deposits of over 85 million account holders in all federal credit unions and the majority of state-chartered credit unions.