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Institute Press Kit

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  • About the Institute
  • Mission Statement:
    The National Institute for Literacy is a catalyst for advancing a comprehensive national literacy agenda. The Institute bridges policy, research and practice to prompt action and deepen public understanding of literacy as a national asset.
  • Vision Statement:
    The National Institute for Literacy envisions...
    ...A nation where all adults, youth and children -- regardless of race, ethnicity, educational or economic advantage -- acquire the knowledge and skills in reading, writing, speaking in English, computing and solving problems to succeed in a global, complex society.
  • Definition of Literacy:
    Literacy: "An individual's ability to read, write, and speak in English, compute, and solve problems, at levels of proficiency necessary to function on the job, in the family of the individual, and in society." - Workforce Investment Act of 1998, Section 203
  • Executive Bios:

Last updated: Sunday, 26-Jul-2009 18:51:08 EDT


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