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Important Links and Resources

ISO (International Organization of Standardization)
Web site of the international standards body responsible for the development and publication of ISO 14001 and other standards.

International Environmental Systems
This site has considerable information available. Some information is free; many elements, such as copies of ISO standards, require payment.

EPA's Environmental Management Systems
This site links to key information about EPA's efforts to develop policies and related materials about EMSs.

National Database on Environmental Management Systems
This site provides information on the ISO 14001 national pilot projects. The database was developed to show the range of impacts on corporate, military and municipal facilities affected by the implementation of EMSs.

International Institute for Sustainable Development
This site has a wealth of information on sustainable development including the report "Green Standards: ISO 14000 and Sustainable Development."

The PEER Center
National network of EMS service providers that can assist local governments and Federal facilities.

Environmental Management System Library
The EMS Library is designed as a clearinghouse for Joint Service EMS resources. As a resource that specifically addresses EMS issues and fosters information sharing, success stories, and lessons learned.

EPA EMS Strategy

Federal Environmental Stewardship
FedCenter.gov is the new web site for comprehensive environmental stewardship and compliance assistance information focused exclusively on the needs of Federal government facilities. FedCenter is a collaborative effort of the U.S. Federal Environmental Executive, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Construction Engineering Research Laboratory and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The new site will help federal agencies lead more by their own environmental example and will offer all federal agencies a great new venue for improving their environmental compliance and performance.

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