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Open Government

From The Inbox

In the words of Alexander Graham Bell, “Great discoveries and improvements invariably involve the cooperation of many minds. I may be given credit for having blazed the trail, but when I look at the subsequent developments I feel the credit is due to others rather than myself.”

We encourage input and suggestions from everyone on transparency, participation, collaboration, and innovation in Government. We welcome proposal and report submissions to our mailbox at We will publish them here.

Disclaimer: These documents were created by and represent the views of the organizations and individuals listed, and were delivered to OSTP with knowledge that all materials would be made public on this website.

(You can also see our full record of Open Government Listening Sessions, or go back to the Open Government Initiative at

Document Name

Submitted By


Understanding the IT Lobby Melissa Moskal on behalf Association for Competitive Technology June 17, 2009
Comments Concerning Open Government Directive Mark Greenwood on behalf of the Coalition for Effective Environmental Information June 18, 2009
Letter from the American Physical Society American Physical Society June 16, 2009
Transparency and Public Participation in the Rulemaking Process Cary Coglianese, University of Pennsylvania Law School June 16, 2009
Response to Federal Register Notice of May 21, Seeking Comments on Upcoming OMB Guidance on Transparency and Open Government The Center for Plain Language June 5, 2009
Summary Analysis of the Open Government Brainstorm The National Academy of Public Administration June 2, 2009
ISPAB Report on Federal Privacy Policy Information Security and Privacy Advisory Board May 28, 2009
Transparency and Privacy Comments - Brainstorming Electronic Privacy Information Center May 28, 2009
Improving Government Through Collaboration: Opportunities and Challenges American Council for Technology and Industry Advisory Council May 28, 2009
Association for Professional Observers Letter to OSTP Association for Professional Observers May 24, 2009
NMFS Regulatory Guidelines on Confidentiality of Fisheries Statistics and Public Access to Fisheries Observer Data Association for Professional Observers May 24, 2009
Letter to OSTP, Attn: Open Government Recommendations Josh Tauberer May 22, 2009
Tandem Physical and Virtual Conferencing Webster, Douglas E. May 21, 2009
Acquisition Assurance Method 2009 Executive Summary Interoperability ClearingHouse (ICH) May 21, 2009
SAIL Initiative: Leverage COTS, White Paper Interoperability ClearingHouse (ICH) May 21, 2009
Senior Agency Leaders Working Session Feedback to the Open Government Directive AmericaSpeaks, Demos, Everyday Democracy, and the Harvard Kennedy School for Government May 19, 2009
Recommendations for Open Government Directive Sunshine in Government May 19, 2009
Making the World of Technology Accessible Debra Ruh, TecAccess May 15, 2009
Information Technology Accessibility: Yes We Can! Debra Ruh, TecAccess
May 15, 2009
Memorandum Lisa Blomgren Bingham and others May 13, 2009
Letter to Beth Noveck Jim Dickinson, FDA Webview & FDA Review May 7, 2009
Ten Recommendations for Successful Government Transparency Andrew Rasiej April 22, 2009
What could learn from TurboTax W. David Stephenson April 14, 2009
National Civic League White House OST Proposed Directive Language National Civic League April 13, 2009
Letter on IT Policy and the Road to Open Government Gesmer Updegrove LLP April 9, 2009
Open Source Software (also available as a .doc) Sun Microsystems April 9, 2009
The Netherlands in Open Connection Sun Microsystems April 9, 2009
Cover Letter, Champions of Participation AmericaSpeaks, Demos, Everyday Democracy, and the Harvard Kennedy School for Government April 8, 2009
Champions of Participation Executive Summary AmericaSpeaks, Demos, Everyday Democracy, and the Harvard Kennedy School for Government April 8, 2009
Champions of Participation Full Report of Proceedings AmericaSpeaks, Demos, Everyday Democracy, and the Harvard Kennedy School for Government April 8, 2009
Letter to the President on Whistleblower Protections April 1, 2009
HKS Open Government Comments Harvard Kennedy School of Government March 30, 2009
Designing 21st Century Governance Mechanisms AmericaSpeaks March 28, 2009
Strengthening Democracy AmericaSpeaks March 28, 2009
Public Deliberation: A Manager’s Guide to Citizen Engagement AmericaSpeaks and The IBM Center for the Business of Government March 28, 2009
Full Information Product Pricing (FIPP): Information Policies to Expand the Share of Worker and Environment Friendly Trade in the NAFTA Region Digital Government Research Center March 28, 2009
Core Principles for Public Engagement The Public Engagement Principles Project March 26, 2009
Champions of Participation II: A Conversation Between Federal Managers about the Open Government Directive America Speaks, Demos, Everyday Democracy, and the Harvard Kennedy School for Government March 26, 2009
Suggestions for Improving Transparency Policies Harvard Kennedy School for Government March 25, 2009
National Security Archive Recommendations for Open Government Directive The National Security Archive at George Washington University March 22, 2009
Collaboration on Government Secrecy: Letter to the CTO Collaboration on Government Secrecy, American University Washington College of Law March 21, 2009
Harnessing the Power of Digital Data for Science and Society National Science and Technology Council March 16, 2009
Public Service Applicants Bill of Rights Partnership for Public Service March 16, 2009
State of the Public Service: A Partnership for Public Service Initiative Partnership for Public Service March 16, 2009
Public Service Recognition Week 2009 Exhibitor Guide Partnership for Public Service March 16, 2009
State of the Public Service Conference: Report of Proceedings, June 2007 Partnership for Public Service March 16, 2009