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  • encroachment
    YouTube Army Media Player
    The Army trains its combat medics at Camp Bullis in San Antonio, Texas. But encroachment around the installation threatens the Army's ability to train soldiers. (Jul 2009, 2:49)
  • conservation easement
    YouTube Army Media Player
    A.P. Hill ACUB
    The Army partners with a landowner to create a conservation easement outside Fort A.P. Hill. (Jul 2009, 2:03)
  • curbsider
    YouTube Army Media Player
    Hazardous Waste
    Curbsiders at Fort Bliss take care of hazardous waste so soldiers can focus on training. (Jun 2009, 2:09)
  • environmental liaison
    YouTube Army Media Player
    Environmental Liaison
    Environmental liaisons assist unit commanders in getting the clearance they need to train in a particular area. James Williams talks to one environmental liaison about the challenges he faces on the job. (Jun 2009, 2:09)
  • UXO safety
    USAEC Web site
    Ammo Safety Educational Video
    Learn the 3 Rs of UXO safety. (Jun 2009, 3:31)
  • Barracks being upgraded
    YouTube Army Media Player
    Barracks Upgrades
    Soldiers have voiced their desire to have better and more environment-friendly barracks. And now, they're getting them. (May 2009, 2:52)
    YouTube Army Media Player
    USAEC Goals, Part 3
    James Williams sits down with Col. Maria Gervais, Commander of the Army Environmental Command, as she related some of the challenges that are in store for her people. (Apr 2009, 1:43)
  • Col. Gervais
    YouTube Army Media Player
    USAEC Goals, Part 2
    James Williams gives us part two of his series on the Army Environmental Command, their goals, their successes and the paths that lie ahead. (Mar 2009, 2:01)
  • COL Maria Gervais
    YouTube Army Media Player
    Army Environmental Commander
    James Williams sits down for an in-depth conversation with USAEC Commander, Col. Maria Gervais, who summarizes the remarkable steps forward made by the Army in synergy with the Environment. (Mar 2009, 2:35)
  • electronics recycling
    YouTube Army Media Player
    Electronics Recycling
    Fort Bragg wins a federal award for its electronics recycling program. (Mar 2009, 1:58)
  • Sustainable range at Fort Bragg
    YouTube Army Media Player
    Sustainable Range
    Fort Bragg develops concepts for a sustainable range. (Feb 2009, 2:23)

  • YouTube Army Media Player
    Unrestricted Training
    James Williams takes us to Fort Bragg, where a long-term program designed to repopulate a native bird species has achieved enough success that many areas of the post are again available to soldiers for combat training. (Feb 2009, 2:58)

  • YouTube Army Media Player
    Champion Trees
    James Williams takes a step back to take in all that Fort Bragg has to offer, including some pretty tall champions living in the midst of the Army's best. (Jan 2009, 2:12)
    YouTube Army Media Player
    Rappahannock Tribe
    Native Americans have fought the U.S. Government for land and recognition. James Williams shows us how the Rappahannock tribe of Virginia has found a friend in the Army. (Jan 2009, 2:08)

  • YouTube Army Media Player
    Deer Ticks
    James Williams treks to Fort Gordon, Ga., where tiny little blood-sucking critters that carry disease are being combated with a simple yet brilliant environmental design. (Dec 2008, 2:10)

  • YouTube Army Media Player
    Gopher Tortoise
    The gopher tortoise is one of the oldest living species. It belongs to a group of land tortoises that originated in North America about 60 million years ago. As James Williams reports, Fort Gordon, Ga., provides a safe haven for the gopher tortoise and many other animals. (Nov 2008, 2:05)

  • YouTube Army Media Player
    Ethnographic Footprint
    Archaeologists at Redstone Arsenal have compiled a history of the people who lived in the area before the government created the installation. Locals call it Redstone's ethnographic footprint. James Williams introduces us to one man included in the project. (Nov 2008, 2:00)

  • YouTube Army Media Player
    Many of us use global positioning systems in our cars. Some of us even have GPS on our cell phones. Like a lot of other great ideas, GPS was originally a military project. James Williams shows us how archaeologists working for the Army employ the technology. (Oct 2008, 2:47)

  • YouTube Army Media Player
    Teach the Teachers
    Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Ala., has an outdoor classroom called "A Path to Nature." Environmental staffers use the area to teach local city school students about the environment. James Williams traveled to Redstone to find out how "A Path to Nature" fits in with public education. (Oct 2008, 2:31)

  • YouTube Army Media Player
    UXO Robotics
    More than 10 million acres of U.S. land are suspected of having unexploded ordnance. Cleaning up the munitions could cost the government tens of billions of dollars. James Williams shows us how one military installation is reducing the cost while protecting lives. (Oct 2008, 1:48)

  • YouTube Army Media Player
    Green Communities
    The Residential Communities Initiative is a partnership between the Army and private sector aimed at transforming Army family housing. James Williams explains. (Oct 2008, 2:47)

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