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International - Misconduct Cases

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.Misconduct Cases



» Nordic Countries Report on Misconduct Activity in the 90's


» Australian Case Mired in Controversy

» Australian Misconduct Case Questions System


» Medical Researchers Caught Faking It

» Medical Discipline Committee Takes Actions against Poisson


» Plagiarism, Fake Research Plague Academia

» Chinese NSF Makes 59 Misconduct Findings


» Danish Committee Closes Controversial Case

» Danes Deplore Publication Practice


» Anthropologist Resigns, Misconduct Found

» Research Misconduct Makes Physicist Unworthy of Doctoral Degree

» Researchers Reprimanded for Cleaning Up Figures

» German Misconduct Case Adding Respondents

» German University Investigating Allegation against Cancer Researchers

» German University Withdraws Doctorate in Misconduct Case


» Massive Case of Fraud

» Nobelists Urged Probe of Plagiarism by Official


» Access to Raw Data Denied in Israel Misconduct Case


» Japan's Universities Take Action against Scientific Misconduct

» Panel Discredits Findings of Tokyo University Team

» Archaeologist Photographed Salting Excavation Site


» Commission Finds Most Work Done by Sudbo Invalid

» Doctor Admits to Cheating on More Research


» Possible Plagiarism Found Using MEDLINE Searches

South Africa

» South African University Finds Research Misconduct

South Korea

» Stem Cell Researcher - Hwang Woo Suk


» Karolinska Institute Disclaims Articles

This page last was updated on February 25, 2008
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