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Legal and Regulatory:
Economic Growth And Regulatory Paperwork Reduction Act of 1996

Title II of the Omnibus Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 1997
Public Law 104-208

Signed into Law on September 30, 1996

(As Reprinted in the Congressional Record, H11749-H11775, Sept. 28, 1996)


[This summary was prepared by Law Department Staff, and does not necessarily reflect the views of the Comptroller or the OCC. Questions and comments may be directed to the Legislative and Regulatory Activities Division of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (202) 874-5090.]



Subtitle A -- Streamlining the Home Mortgage Lending Process

Sec. 2101.     Simplification and Unification of Disclosures Required Under RESPA and TILA for Mortgage Transactions.

Sec. 2102.     General Exemption Authority for Loans

Sec. 2103.     Reductions in RESPA Regulatory Burdens

Sec. 2104.     Waiver for Certain Borrowers

Sec. 2105.     Alternative Disclosures for Adjustable Rate Mortgages

Sec. 2106.     Restitution for Violations of TILA

Sec. 2107.     Limitation on Liability Under TILA

Subtitle B -- Streamlining Government Regulations -- Chapter 1

Chapter 1 -- Eliminating Unnecessary Regulatory Requirements and Procedures

Sec. 2201.     Elimination of Redundant Approval Requirement for Oakar Transactions

Sec. 2203.     Elimination of Duplicative Requirements Imposed Upon Bank Holding Companies
[NOTE: This section number is a drafting error. It should be "Sec. 2202," with the following section numbers renumbered accordingly.]

Sec. 2204.     Elimination of the Per Branch Capital Requirement For National Banks And State Member Banks

Sec. 2205.     Elimination of Branch Application Requirements For ATMs

Sec. 2206.     Elimination of Requirement for Approval of Investments in Bank Premises For Well Capitalized and Well Managed Banks

Sec. 2207.     Elimination of Approval Requirement For Divestitures

Sec. 2208.     Streamlined Nonbanking Acquisitions by Well Capitalized and Well Managed Banking Organizations

Sec. 2209.     Elimination of Unnecessary Filing for Officer and Director Appointments

Sec. 2210.     Amendments to the DIMIA

Sec. 2211.     Elimination of Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements For Officers

Sec. 2212.     Repayment of Treasury Loan

Sec. 2213.     Branch Closures.

Sec. 2214.     Foreign Banks.

Sec. 2215.     Disposition of Foreclosed Assets

Sec. 2216.     Exemption Authority for Antitying Provision

Sec. 2217.     FDIC Approval of New State Bank Powers

Subtitle B -- Chapters 2 and 3

Chapter 2 -- Eliminating Unnecessary Regulatory Burdens

Sec. 2221.     Small Bank Examination Cycle

Sec. 2222.     Required Review of Regulations

Sec. 2223.     Repeal of Identification of Nonbank Financial Institution Customers

Sec. 2224.     Repeal of Certain Reporting Requirements

Sec. 2225.     Increase in Home Mortgage Disclosure Exemption Threshold

Sec. 2226.     Elimination of Stock Loan Reporting Requirement

Sec. 2227.     Credit Availability Assessment.

Chapter 3 -- Regulatory Micromanagement

Sec. 2241.     National Bank Directors

Sec. 2242.     Paperwork Reduction Review

Sec. 2243.     State Bank Representation on Board of Directors of the FDIC

Sec. 2244.     Consultation Among Examiners


Subtitle C -- Regulatory Impact on Cost of Credit and Credit Availability

Sec. 2301.     Audit Costs

Sec. 2302.     Incentives for Self-Testing

Sec. 2303.     Qualified Thrift Investment Amendments

Sec. 2304.     Limited Purpose Banks

Sec. 2305.     Amendments to Fair Debt Collection Practices Act

Sec. 2306.     Increase in Certain Credit Union Loan Ceilings

Sec. 2307.     Bank Investments in Edge Act and Agreement Corporations


Subtitle D -- Consumer Credit

Chapter 1 -- Credit Reporting Reform

Sec. 2402.     Definitions (of Consumer Report)

Sec. 2403.     Furnishing Consumer Reports; Use for Employment Purposes

Sec. 2404.     Use of Consumer Reports for Prescreening; Prohibitionon Unauthorized or Uncertified Use of Information

Sec. 2405.     Consumer Consent Required to Furnish Consumer Report Containing Medical Information

Sec. 2406.     Obsolete Information and Information Contained in Consumer Reports

Sec. 2407.     Compliance Procedures

Sec. 2408.     Consumer Disclosures

Sec. 2409.     Procedures in Case of the Disputed Accuracy of Any Information in a Consumer's File

Sec. 2410.     Charges for Certain Disclosures

Sec. 2411.     Duties of Users of Consumer Reports


Subtitle D, sections 2412, et seq.

Sec. 2412.     Civil Liability

Sec. 2413.     Responsibilities of Persons Who Furnish Information to Consumer Reporting Agencies

Sec. 2414.     Investigative Consumer Reports

Sec. 2415.     Increased Criminal Penalties for Obtaining Information Under False Pretenses

Sec. 2416.     Administrative Enforcement

Sec. 2417.     State Enforcement of Fair Credit Reporting Act

Sec. 2418.     Federal Reserve Board Authority

Sec. 2419.     Preemption of State Law

Sec. 2420.     Effective Date

Sec. 2421.     Relationship to Other Law

Sec. 2422.     Federal Reserve Board Study

Chapter 2 -- Credit Repair Organizations

Sec. 2451.     Regulation of Credit Repair Organizations

Sec. 2452.     Credit Worthiness


Subtitle E -- Asset Conservation, Lender Liability, and Deposit Insurance Protection

Sec. 2502.     CERCLA Lender and Fiduciary Liability Limitations Amendments

Sec. 2503.     Conforming Amendments

Sec. 2504.     Lender Liability Rule

Sec. 2505.     Effective Date

Subtitle F -- Miscellaneous

Sec. 2601.     Federal Reserve Board Study

Sec. 2602.     Treatment of Claims Arising From Breach of Contracts Executed by the Receiver or Conservator

Sec. 2603.     Criminal Sanctions for Fictitious Financial Instruments and Counterfeiting

Sec. 2604.     Amendments to the Truth-in-Savings Act

Sec. 2605.     Consumer Leasing Act Amendments

Sec. 2606.     Study of Corporate Credit Unions

Sec. 2607.     Report on the Reconciliation of Differences Between RAAP and GAAP

Sec. 2608.     State-by-State and Metropolitan Area-by-Metropolitan Area Study of Bank Fees

Sec. 2609.     Prospective Application of Gold Clauses in Contracts

Sec. 2610.     Qualified Family Partnerships

Sec. 2611.     Cooperative Efforts Between Depository Institutions and Farmers and Ranchers in Drought-Stricken Areas

Sec. 2612.     Streamlining Process for Determining New Nonbanking Activities

Sec. 2613.     Authorizing Bank Service Companies to Organize as Limited Liability Companies

Sec. 2614.     Retirement Certificates of Deposit

Sec. 2615.     Prohibitions on Certain Depository Institution Associations with Government-Sponsored Enterprises


Subtitle G -- Deposit Insurance Funds

Sec. 2702.     Special Assessment to Capitalize SAIF

Sec. 2703.     Financing Corporation Funding

Sec. 2704.     Merger of BIF and SAIF

Sec. 2705.     Creation of SAIF Special Reserve

Sec. 2706.     Refund of Amounts in Deposit Insurance Fund in Excess of Designated Reserve Amount

Sec. 2707.     Assessment Rates for SAIF Members May Not Be Less than Assessment Rates for BIF Members

Sec. 2708.     Assessments Authorized Only If Needed to Maintain the Reserve Ratio of a Deposit Insurance Fund

Sec. 2709.     Treasury Study of Common Depository Institution Charter

Sec. 2710.     Definitions

Sec. 2711.     Deduction for Special Assessment


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