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Outreach Program Narrative - Year 04
May 1, 2009 - April 30, 2010

Topics on this page:

1. Outreach to Health Professionals

A major emphasis for the NN/LM SCR during the 2006-2011 RML Contract is to identify allied health professionals and allied health training programs for targeted outreach. Information on allied health programs in the SCR will continue to be made available to network members for potential outreach opportunities.

The NN/LM SCR will continue to identify special populations, and organizations that provide health information outreach to special populations, HIV/AIDS, refugee health organizations, unaffiliated health professionals including Community Health Center clinics and Federally Qualified Health Centers, inner city clinics, Area Health Education Centers (AHECs), and hospitals. Contact will be established with the organizations and outreach subcontractors will be apprised of these organizations and contacts, as applicable. The NN/LM SCR will promote funding opportunities within these organizations.

The State Liaisons will identify nursing and allied health training programs in the Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs), and Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs), and other primarily minority organizations in their respective states. These organizations will be targeted for outreach and classes, and introduced to the NN/LM SCR and NLM funding opportunities.

Focus groups targeting Pharmacists will be conducted in Year 04. The NN/LM SCR office has applied for American Continuing Pharmacy Education (ACPE) accreditation. These focus groups will assist the NN/LM SCR staff to better adapt and evaluate classes for pharmacists.

Focus groups targeting community colleges will also be conducted in Year 04. Community colleges provide the majority of training for allied health careers. Unfortunately, little health information outreach has been conducted with these colleges. The focus groups will assist the NN/LM SCR in determining their information needs and how to best provide services.

A public health needs assessment will be conducted. Questionnaires will be sent to public health professionals in the SCR. Results of these questionnaires will guide the development of the NN/LM SCR's future public health outreach programming, including an advanced public health informatics class.

The NN/LM SCR will make available one (1) Partners in Public Health Information Outreach Award in Year 04. The goal of the Partners in Public Health Information Outreach Award is to provide the public health workforce with timely, convenient access to information resources that can help them perform their jobs more effectively. Proposed projects should target public health department employees serving state and local communities and should establish a partnership between public health agencies and health sciences libraries.

Interested network members will be encouraged to submit applications for one of the eight (8) Express Outreach awards. The award recipient will provide consumers or professional groups (e.g. health professionals, public health workers, information professionals, social workers, teachers, and clergy) with timely, convenient, reliable, and culturally appropriate access to health information resources.


2. Consumer Health Information Services

The NN/LM SCR will continue to promote PubMed, MedlinePlus, and MedlinePlus Go Local in public libraries. Public libraries that do not link to these NLM resources will be contacted to encourage them to link to these NLM resources on their websites.

Classes for public librarians will be concentrated in medically underserved counties/parishes that have not yet had instruction. MedlinePlus classes will be taught to health professionals, allied health care workers, health science librarians, public librarians, Community Based Organizations (CBOs), school librarians, teachers, and nurses, and to the general public.

The Consumer Health Outreach Coordinator will work with the State Liaisons to coordinate meetings between State Library staff, RL outreach contacts and staff, and NN/LM SCR staff and network members in each state to help foster relationships and health information outreach efforts between health sciences libraries and non-health sciences libraries. The Consumer Health Outreach Coordinator will also work with the State Liaisons and network members in each state to develop outreach programs that focus on reaching minorities, senior citizens, and low income populations throughout the SCR.

A Consumer Health Subcommittee will be formed using members of the State RACs. This subcommittee will provide specific feedback on current NN/LM SCR programs as well as recommendations on future programs to reach consumers.

Funding will be made available to network members to continue to develop MedlinePlus Go Local projects in areas where there is no Go Local coverage.

The NN/LM SCR will make available two (2) Access to Electronic Consumer Health Information Awards in Year 04. The purpose of this outreach initiative is to ensure that health professionals, their patients and the general public are connected to the health information resources they need to make informed health care decisions. This solicitation will focus on projects designed to improve access to electronic health information for such groups and organizations as consumers, the underserved and minority health care professionals, public health workers, public libraries, and community-based and faith-based organizations.

In Year 03, the NN/LM SCR funded a needs assessment of public libraries directly or indirectly impacted by Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, Gustav and Ike. During the project, it immediately became obvious that these public librarians would provide invaluable assistance to the NN/LM SCR in our disaster preparedness planning. An advisory group of public librarians will be formed to provide input on the role of public libraries before, during and after a disaster. Librarians from the gulf coast states of Louisiana and Texas will serve on the committee. In Year 04, an advisory committee meeting will be held in Houston.


3. Collaborating with Network Members and Other Organizations

Feedback received from the Spring 2005 RAC meeting indicated that formal training in outreach would be greatly appreciated by recipients of NN/LM SCR Resource Library outreach subcontractors, and other network members. An Outreach Competency workshop will include one or a combination of the following topics: outreach basics, community and needs assessment, evaluation, effective exhibiting, instructional methods and understanding the varying information needs of various groups, including health professionals, consumers and CBOs. An instructor in one or a combination of the competency areas will be identified and the workshop will be held in Houston. The workshop will be advertised to all network members.

Ten (10) Library School Outreach Awards will be offered to library students currently attending an ALA-accredited Library or Information Sciences program located in the South Central Region (Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas). This award provides funding for students to attend and participate in outreach activities at the SCC/MLA Annual Meeting in October 2009.

Ten site visits will be conducted throughout the region to Resource Libraries, hospital libraries, community based organizations and other groups providing health information access in their communities.


4. Training to Support Electronic Access to Health Information

Year 04 NN/LM SCR class offerings will include the following:

Getting the Best Out of DOCLINE

One (1) Getting the Best Out of DOCLINE classes will be taught in the region, and one (1) at the RML.

Attendees of Getting the Best Out of DOCLINE will learn how to use the DOCLINE system effectively. Additional topics include DOCLINE upgrades, reports, Loansome Doc and the Electronic Funds Transfer System (EFTS).

Evidence-Based Medicine

One (1) Evidence-Based Medicine classes will be taught in the region, and one (1) at the RML.

Evidence-Based Medicine will be a new course developed in Year 04 based on the popularity of this subject according to the 2004 Educational Needs Questionnaire (results located at It will serve as an introduction to finding evidence-based medicine information through National Institutes of Health (NIH) databases. Clinical trials, guidelines, protocols and systematic reviews will be covered in the class.

Measuring Your Impact: Using Evaluation for Library Advocacy

One (1) Measuring Your Impact classes will be taught in the region, and one (1) at the RML.

The class is designed for librarians interested in getting their library users and stakeholders to recognize and value the importance of their library's services and of the librarian to the organization, and ultimately, for librarians to be able to show the value of their library's services. Participants will become familiar with an evaluation process and will use and take away methods and tools for assessment, evaluation planning, creating logic models, data collection, data analysis and reporting. The class will feature group exercises that move participants through the steps of an evaluation process.

Easy-to-Read Health and Wellness Information for Consumers: Recognizing it, Finding it, Writing it, Rewriting it

Two (2) Easy-to-Read classes will be taught in the region, and one (1) at the RML.

This health information literacy class will provide the attendee with resources and skills necessary to locate, critique and create easy-to-read consumer health materials. The class also addresses the problem of health information literacy, how it affects healthcare as a whole, and what steps librarians and healthcare professionals can take to address the problem. An overview will be provided on the disconnect between information providers and information seekers, the success of the "plain language" initiative and the importance of text, graphics and layout when locating and writing health education materials. Participants will be able to: identify characteristics of easy-to-read materials; locate websites with easy-to-read materials; and learn to assess the reading level of patient brochures using readability tests such as the Simplified Measure of Gobbledygook (SMOG) and Rapid Estimate of Adult Literacy in Medicine (REALM).

Patient Safety Resource Seminar: Librarians on the Front Lines

Two (2) Patient Safety Resource Seminar: Librarians on the Front Lines classes will be taught in the region, and one (1) at the RML.

The Patient Safety Resource Seminar class focuses on ways both public and medical librarians can become more involved in patient safety processes and activities - both within their institutions and organizations and in providing patient safety resources for health professionals, for administration and staff, and for patients and families. Topics include understanding the definitions and issues of patient safety; locating where patient safety practices and contacts exist within an institution; identifying appropriate resources; and library advocacy in the area of patient safety.

Keeping Up with NLM's PubMed
PubMed Basics (CNE)
PubMed for Experts

Fifteen (15) PubMed classes will be taught in Year 04. Document delivery for unaffiliated users and MedlinePlus are taught in each of these classes.

Six (6) Keeping Up with NLM's PubMed classes will be taught in the region, and two (2) at the RML.

This class is designed to instruct attendees on how to use PubMed features effectively. Attendees will be able to describe the contents of PubMed; formulate basic search strategies; display, print, and save results in various formats; revise and refine searches; and use special features such as Related Articles, Link to journals, and Clinical Queries.

Two (2) PubMed Basics class will be taught in the region, and one (1) at the RML.

PubMed Basics is an introductory CNE class designed for nurses on the features of PubMed. Topics include the clipboard, history, limits, results screen and search box. Clinical queries and nursing subsets are also included.

Three (3) PubMed for Experts classes will be taught in the region, and one (1) at the RML.

PubMed for Experts is an advanced class for experienced PubMed or Ovid users. It is designed especially for librarians who wish to learn how to use all of the PubMed features more efficiently. Instruction on LinkOut is also included.

Grants and Proposal Writing
Advanced Proposal Writing

Six (6) proposal writing classes will be taught in Year 04.

Two (2) Grants and Proposal Writing classes will be taught in the region, and one (1) at the RML.

The Grants class is intended for beginning grant proposal writers. Attendees will gain a general overview of the grant and funding processes, as well as the level of detail required in preparing a successful proposal. Each component of the writing process will be addressed including: documenting the need, identifying the target population, writing measurable objectives, and developing a work plan, evaluation plan and dissemination plan.

Two (2) Advanced Proposal Writing class will be taught in the region, and one (1) at the RML.

The Advanced Proposal Writing class provides more and in-depth information and instruction on proposal writing. Attendees will be encouraged to bring project ideas for in-class proposal writing.

Can You Hear Me Now? How to Make a Podcast?
Geeks Bearing Gifts: Unwrapping New Technology Trends
Medical Websites for Nurses (CNE)
Screencasting Applications
Super Searcher
Web Presence on a Shoestring

Nineteen (19) technology classes designed mainly for librarians and health professionals, and possibly for consumers, will be taught in Year 04.

Two (2) Can You Hear Me Now?: How to Make Podcast classes will be taught in the region, and one (1) at the RML.

Can You Hear Me Now? How to Make a Podcast provides an informative introduction to podcasting and how attendees can utilize this technology in their library's information services. Basic steps and suggestions are covered, and students create a podcast using popular audio recording and editing software and online hosting service.

Two (2) Geeks Bearing Gifts classes will be taught in the region, and one (1) at the RML.

Geeks Bearing Gifts is intended to provide a fun, fast-paced, and informative introduction to an update on today's hottest technology trends. Program participants will be able to identify technology trends, and they will understand how these trends will impact or can be integrated into traditional library services. Content will be presented with a "can-do" focus intended to encourage participants to investigate at least one technology for implementation in their institution. Course structure will include brief vignettes and demonstrations of a wide variety of technologies. Some of the topics to be covered include instant messaging, podcasting, open source software, spyware and other malware, developments in mobile computing, blogs and wikis, radio-frequency identification, and more.

One (1) Medical Websites for Nurses classes will be taught in the region, and one (1) at the RML.

Medical Websites for Nurses is a Continuing Nursing Education (CNE) class designed for nurses interested in learning about health information resources available on the Internet. Participants will learn to use and evaluate web-based health information resources, find online news services, continuing online education courses, and consumer health websites. Attendees will also learn about PubMed, MedlinePlus, and other NLM resources.

Two (2) Super Searcher classes will be taught in the region, and one (1) at the RML.

This class focuses on the advanced search features of web search engines and the cutting edge of searching. Participants examine various search engines, compare the features and utility of each and develop search strategies that will increase the precision and scope of their searching.

Three (3) Web Presence on a Shoestring classes will be taught in the region, and one (1) at the RML.

Web Presence on a Shoestring will be a new course developed by the Technology Coordinator in Year 04. The class will target organizations that have limited resources, staff and budget, but would like to create a web page or site in order to publicize their services. Class attendees will have hands-on practice on how to create a web page using a simple HTML editor and publish the page on the Internet. Resources and cost-effective tools will be introduced.

Three (3) Screencasting Applications classes will be taught in the region, and one (1) at the RML.

A class on Screencasting Applications will be developed by the Technology Coordinator in Year 04. The class will provide an informative introduction to screencasting and how this technology can be used to expand a library's traditional information services. Students will practice on how to create a screencast using popular screencasting software.

TOXNET: Toxicology & Environmental Information

Two (2) TOXNET class will be taught in the region, and one (1) at the RML.

TOXNET is an introductory class on the TOXNET databases for new users. Participants will learn about the different databases available on TOXNET and the types of information in each database. In addition, attendees will learn the various ways to search the databases. All TOXNET databases will be covered including the Hazardous Substances Data Bank, TOXLINE, and ChemIDplus.

It's as Easy as 1...2...3: Locating Health Statistics
Public Health Information on the Web

Ten (10) public health information classes will be taught in Year 04.

Four (4) It's as Easy as 1...2...3: Locating Health Statistics classes will be taught in the region, and one (1) at the RML.

The Public Health Outreach Coordinator will develop this course which will demonstrate online sources of health statistics. The class curriculum will build on the Data and Statistics module that is currently taught in the Public Health Information on the Web class. Class participants will learn to find online statistical information from a wide variety of sources including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Kaiser State Health Facts and the National Library of Medicine. Attendees will be encouraged to use the Partners in Information Access for the Public Health Workforce as the starting point for locating relevant data and statistics.

Four (4) Public Health Information on the Web class will be taught in the region, and one (1) at the RML.

Digital literacy and the effective utilization of online information are among the core public health information competencies in the 21st century. Public Health Information on the Web will present an overview of public health resources on the web. A wide array of sites on topics including bioterrorism, health statistics, epidemiology, HIV/AIDS, toxicology, environmental health, safety alerts and public health metasites will be presented. Sites covered include the NLM, Centers for Disease Control, Environmental Protection Agency, and National Information Center on Health Services Research and Health Care Technology.

Caring for the Mind: Providing Reference Services for Mental Health Information

Three (3) Caring for the Mind classes will be taught in the region, and one (1) at the RML.

Caring for the Mind is designed for librarians. Attendees learn how to effectively provide reference services on mental health information for the public, including locating best websites, databases and collection development materials. Handling the reference interview with care and sensitivity is explored.

First Look: Molecular Biology Resources from National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)

Two (2) First Look: Molecular Biology Resources from NCBI class will be taught in the region, and one (1) at the RML.

First Look is designed specifically for librarians who have little or no experience using the molecular biology resources from NCBI. This course presents a brief introduction to some basic but fundamental concepts of molecular biology. Four databases from NCBI are introduced: Entrez Gene, Entrez Nucleotide, Entrez Protein, and Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM). Participants will have a chance for some hands-on practice in each of these databases. This course is an excellent starting point for learning about some of the NCBI resources.

ABCs of DNA: Unraveling the Mystery of Genetics Information for Consumers
Beyond an Apple a Day: Providing Consumer Health Information in a Public Library
Connecting Older Adults with Health Information
The Healthy Librarian: Cultivating Wellness in the Workplace
From Snake Oil to Penicillin: Evaluating Consumer Health Information on the Internet
Health Information for Secondary School Educators
¿No Comprende? Spanish Health Information Resources for English Speaking Librarians
Patient Education Resources from the National Library of Medicine (CNE)
Prescription for Success: Consumer Health on the Web
PubMed for the Rest of Us: Searching the Medical Literature for the Non-Expert
Will Duct Tape Cure My Warts?

Thirty-one (31) consumer health information related classes will be taught in Year 04.

Two (2) ABCs of DNA: Unraveling the Mystery of Genetics Information for Consumers classes will be taught in the region, and one (1) at the RML.

The ABCs of DNA: Unraveling the Mystery of Genetics Information for Consumers class is intended for consumers, public librarians, and health sciences librarians who work with the public. The class explores basic concepts such as genes and chromosomes and offers an overview of genetic disorders, genetic testing, genetic counseling, and the Human Genome Project. Ethical and legal issues associated with genetic disorders will be covered with regard to privacy, discrimination, and potential legislative impact on medicine and society. A variety of reliable health information resources will be demonstrated.

Two (2) Beyond an Apple a Day classes will be taught in the region, and one (1) at the RML.

This class is designed for public librarians and will cover the information seeking behaviors of consumers, address a recommended core reference collection, cover the reference interview, disclaimers, and privacy, and discuss ways to network with medical librarians. The class will describe possible ways to market this service in a community and introduce the students to the Medical Library Association and its local chapters.

Two (2) Connecting Older Adults with Health Information classes will be taught in the region, and one (1) at the RML.

The Consumer Health Outreach Coordinator will develop this train-the-trainer class with the Center for Medicaid and Medicine. It will be designed to help librarians assist their senior patrons to find health resources on the Internet. Attendees will discover techniques for teaching seniors, locate good resources for teaching them to use computers and finding health information, learn how you can help seniors with Medicare forms, and learn about other senior health information resources.

Two (2) The Healthy Librarian: Cultivating Wellness in the Workplace class class will be taught in the region, and one (1) at the RML.

Participants will learn skills to manage challenges of the job including emotional patrons and a sedentary job. This interactive session will explore practical solutions including stress management skills, ergonomics and how to incorporate more activity into your day. Resources for improving one's health literacy including health check tools and developing resiliency for changes in the profession will be explored. Participants will leave with enhanced knowledge and practical skills for incorporating healthy habits into their daily work.

Two (2) From Snake Oil to Penicillin class will be taught in the region, and one (1) at the RML.

This course teaches how to evaluate health information found on the Internet. Participants will be able to evaluate health websites based on specific qualifications, explain to library patrons the reasons for evaluating health websites, and teach library patrons how to evaluate health websites found on the Internet. This class also discusses how to evaluate the relevancy of medical research in the news.

Two (2) Health Information for Secondary School Educators classes will be taught in the region, and one (1) at the RML.

The need for this type of course was suggested in a focus group with intermediaries who provide health information to teens during the 2001-2006 RML Contract. The course will focus on teen health information. NLM products such as MedlinePlus will be highlighted as resources for secondary school educators, librarians, and school nurses who work with teenagers.

Two (2) ¿No Comprende? Spanish Health Information Resources for English Speaking Librarians classes will be taught in the region, and one (1) at the RML.

The class will cover resources for learning basic, library, medical, and Internet Spanish vocabulary. It will also discuss evaluation of health websites in Spanish, and identify specific health websites in Spanish to which librarians can direct patrons.

One (1) Patient Education Resources from the National Library of Medicine class will be taught in the region.

This CNE class will enhance the nurse's patient education skills by teaching attendees to utilize free online products from the National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health to provide quality resources to their patients. Databases discussed include MedlinePlus, NIHSeniorHealth, AIDSinfo, and Genetics Home Reference.

Two (2) Prescription for Success classes will be taught in the region, and one (1) at the RML.

This introduction to consumer health information will cover the information-seeking behaviors of consumers, the basics of MedlinePlus, DIRLINE,, and other reliable web pages such as those from professional medical associations and advocacy groups. It will cover sites devoted to pharmaceutical information for consumers, drug-interaction databases, and herbal information.

Two (2) PubMed for the Rest of Us: Searching the Medical Literature for the Non-Expert classes will be taught in the region, and one (1) at the RML.

This class will describe PubMed, how to do basic and field searching, and how to limit searches to obtain the best results. Participants will be able to know when PubMed is the most appropriate resource, perform basic searches using PubMed, and know how to obtain full-text articles.

Two (2) Will Duct Tape Cure My Warts? classes will be taught in the region, and one (1) at the RML.

The goal of this class is to increase understanding of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). Attendees will learn the history of CAM and its impact on medical practices, how CAM is used, avoiding "bad science," and how to look up evidence of the effectiveness of CAM therapies.

Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education

The NN/LM SCR has submitted an application to become an accredited provider of Continuing Pharmacy Education (CPE) from the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education. All of the RMLs and other select librarians will be allowed to teach the accredited courses. If the NN/LM SCR receives CPE approval, the following classes targeting pharmacists will be offered in Year 04:

Three (3) NLM Resources for Pharmacists will be taught in the Region.

NLM Resources for Pharmacists will be a new course developed in Year 04 by the Health Professionals Outreach Coordinator. The course will provide an overview to PubMed, DailyMed, Drug Information Portal, TOXNET and other reliable sources used by pharmacists.

Four (4) Consumer Health for Pharmacists will be taught in the Region.

Consumer Health for Pharmacists will be a new course developed in Year 04 by the Health Professionals Outreach Coordinator. This course will include consumer health resources including MedlinePlus, Drug Information Portal, and other resources that pharmacists can use to locate health information for their customers.


5. Exhibits and Presentations at Meetings

The NN/LM SCR will exhibit, or provide funding for outreach subcontractors to exhibit, at a minimum of 12 meetings (4 national and 8 others) for an exhibit, technology related presentation, program presentation or course offering. The NN/LM SCR will exhibit at national conferences to which it is assigned by the NLM, and the majority of regional conferences will be subcontracted to network members.

In Year 04, the NN/LM SCR plans to attend the New Mexico Library Association and the Oklahoma Public Health Association meetings.


6. Information Technology and Policy Awareness Program

Technology needs assessment studies will be conducted to determine technology areas where network members need further information or training.

The NN/LM SCR Technology Coordinator will work with NN/LM SCR Technology Advisory Committee to identify new technologies, particularly in health sciences libraries and for health professionals, and disseminate the information to network members in the SCR via Blogadillo and the NNLMSCR-L discussion list.


7. NN/LM SCR Library Improvement Program

Collaborations between SCR hospital library staff and institutional administrators will be encouraged and supported to enhance the library's ability to contribute to hospital programs and priorities.

The NN/LM SCR will increase efforts to actively target hospital libraries and unaffiliated providers. The hospital library toolkits developed by the NN/LM NER,, will be promoted via the NN/LM SCR website, the NNLMSCR-L and the NN/LM SCR blog, Blogadillo. These toolkits will also be featured in the Measuring Your Impact: Using Evaluation for Library Advocacy class.

Three (3) EFTS awards will be made available in Year 04. The purpose of the EFTS award is to promote participation in EFTS among full DOCLINE members and to improve the ease and cost-effectiveness of resource sharing throughout the region.

Two (2) DOCLINE Library Improvement Projects (DLIP) awards will be funded to address library improvement needs. The DLIP will be made available to libraries that are interested in becoming full DOCLINE users, or that already are DOCLINE users, but would like to expand and improve existing library services. Interested applicants will provide information and equipment specifications on the technologies necessary for them to implement or improve library services in their institution. This could include funding to purchase a computer for use by library staff for accessing PubMed, MedlinePlus, DOCLINE and web services. It could also include funding to upgrade a slow dial-up Internet connection to a high speed broadband connection for receipt of electronic journal articles or funding to implement an electronic document delivery solution such as Ariel. Emphasis will be given to applicants interested in implementing electronic document delivery technologies. All equipment specifications will be reviewed by the Technology Coordinator for appropriateness. Applicants will also provide a description of the anticipated library services that could be provided upon receipt of this award.

Seven (7) Professional Development Awards will be made available in Year 04. The goal of this award is to further empower Primary Access Library (PAL) staff. Often, PALs have little or no travel funds available to them; therefore, they are unable to attend continuing education opportunities. PALs who are interested in attending continuing education opportunities, including travel funds to attend SCR courses offered in the region or the annual state symposium will be encouraged to apply for these awards. Applicants will submit information on the desired continuing education opportunity, how library services will be improved upon completion of the course, and a budget for expenses. Applicants will be encouraged to utilize funds for travel to attend NTCC and NN/LM SCR course offerings made available in the region.


8. High Quality Internet Connectivity for Network Members and Health Professionals

The NN/LM SCR will continue to review and monitor the quality of the Internet connections in Primary Access Library (PAL) network member institutions and assist "underconnected" network members with upgrading their Internet connections.

Five (5) Information Access Improvement Project (IAIP) Awards will be offered in the region to hospitals, community based organization, libraries and other network members that are interested in improving access to Internet-based health information. A call for applications will be issued on a biannual basis. Interested applicants will provide information and equipment specifications on the technology necessary for them to improve connectivity to the Internet. Funding may be used to purchase a computer for use by health care staff for research and education, upgrade a slow dial-up Internet connection to a higher-speed broadband connection, etc. All equipment specifications will be reviewed by the Technology Coordinator for appropriateness. Applicants will also provide a description of the anticipated health information services that will be provided upon receipt of this award. Awardees will receive training on utilizing the Internet to access health information, including NLM products such as PubMed and MedlinePlus.

There are still some rural regions in the SCR with poor or no Internet connectivity. The Technology Coordinator will conduct a needs assessment studies to determine Internet connectivity needs in the region. Identification of connectivity needs will also be obtained from other NN/LM SCR Coordinators and RL outreach contacts.