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Discretionary Grant Application Kits
Archive FY 2000–09

This OVC archive page houses past discretionary grantee kits, program plans, and related documents for the following years:

Discretionary Funding Opportunities

Application Deadline
FY 2009
FY 2009 Services for Victims of Human Trafficking (PDF 354 kb)—This program will provide timely, comprehensive services to pre-certified victims of severe forms of human trafficking and enhance interagency collaboration and coordination of the provision of such services. Eligible applicants include those seeking continuation funding for existing OVC trafficking victim service initiatives and those from the specific geographic regions identified in the “Eligibility” section of this solicitation that can demonstrate that they have the support of the Bureau of Justice Assistance-funded Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force and the U.S. Attorney in their region. Grantees under this program are required to coordinate with an existing anti-human trafficking law enforcement task force. Those applying are urged to begin the application process well in advance of the July 16, 2009, deadline. July 16, 2009
FY 2009 Services for Domestic Minor Victims of Human Trafficking (PDF 296 kb)—Two cooperative agreements of up to $800,000 each will be awarded to identify promising practices in the delivery of comprehensive services to victims of sex and labor trafficking who are U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents under the age of 18.  Each demonstration site will provide comprehensive services to domestic minor victims of human trafficking; develop, enhance, or expand the community response to domestic minor victims; participate in a process evaluation funded through the National Institute of Justice (NIJ); and produce a final report that may be disseminated through OVC to the victim’s field. Those applying are urged to begin the application process well in advance of the July 16, 2009 deadline. July 16, 2009
FY 2009 Victim Assistance Professional Development Fellowship Program (PDF 134 kb)—This competitive program will award $80,000–$125,000 each for up to four fellowships to provide direct operational assistance to crime victim organizations and agencies; design and develop innovative initiatives; implement a training strategy; and assist with evaluation and capacity building efforts. Fellowships specifically address victim assistance and compensation, tribal communities, underserved crime victims, and evidence-based training and technical assistance. Those applying are urged to begin the application process well in advance of the July 9, 2009 deadline. July 9, 2009

FY09 SART Conference 2011 (PDF 223 kb)—A competitive program that will award $500,000 to a private nonprofit organization or public agency to plan and implement the provision of state-of-the-art, multidisciplinary training to approximately 1,000 SART professional, including expert trainers and scholarship recipients, at the 2011 National SART Training Conference. OVC has provided funding in the amount of $235,000 under this grant to support scholarships for SART and law enforcement that covers conference fees, travel, and lodging expenses. These scholarship opportunities successfully encouraged and supported the attendance of core disciplines at past SART Conferences. The applicant awarded funding under this cooperative agreement will work in close coordination and consultation with OVC in all aspects of the development of this conference. Those applying are urged to begin the application process well in advance of the May 14, 2009 deadline.

May 14, 2009

FY 2009 Tribal Victim Assistance Discretionary Grant Program (PDF 203 kb)—This grant makes up to $3 million available to plan, implement, and/or enhance the ability of tribal victim assistance programs to support American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities to improve their ability to identify the needs of crime victims and the types of victimization on which to focus; provide direct services to victims of crime; and address the needs of unserved and underserved victims, particularly those victimized by crimes such as child abuse, homicide, elder abuse, driving while intoxicated (DWI), and gang violence. Those applying are urged to begin the application process well in advance of May 5, 2009.

May 5, 2009

FY 2009 Tribal Victim Assistance Training and Technical Assistance (PDF 198 kb)—This grant makes $500,000 available to one applicant to provide comprehensive, skills-building training and technical assistance to grantees that have received funding under the FY 2009 Tribal Victim Assistance Discretionary Grant Program. Eligible applicants must have experience working with American Indian and Alaska Native communities, including tribal commercial and nonprofit organizations, tribal colleges and universities, and tribal consortiums. Those applying are urged to begin the application process well in advance of the May 5, 2009, deadline.

May 5, 2009

FY 2009 Identity Theft Victim Assistance Networks Program (PDF 167 kb)—The purpose of this program is to help expand the outreach and capacity of victim service programs across the nation to better address the rights and needs of victims of identity theft. This cooperative agreement makes $500,000 available to a national victim-serving organization that would in turn make up to 15 sub-grants (of up to $20,000 each) to establish collaborative regional, statewide, and community coalitions dedicated to improving the response to victims of identity theft. Those applying are urged to begin the application process well in advance of the April 30, 2009, deadline.

April 30, 2009

RECOVERY ACT FUNDS -- Announced March 23, 2009: Recovery Act–Edward Byrne Memorial Competitive Grant Program has funds available to improve the criminal justice system, provide assistance to crime victims, and help communities prevent drug abuse and crime. Apply by April 27, 2009.

April 27, 2009

(Recovery Act funds)

Children’s Justice Act (CJA) Partnerships for Indian Communities Grant Program (PDF 242 kb)—A total of up to $2.5 million is available to federally recognized Indian tribes and nonprofit tribal organizations to help American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities develop, establish, and operate specialized services and procedures to improve the investigation, prosecution, and overall handling of cases of child abuse, and to address the needs of AI/AN child abuse victims in a manner that lessens the trauma to the victims and increases culturally appropriate service provision. Those applying are urged to begin the application process well in advance of the April 6, 2009 deadline.

April 6, 2009

Training and Technical Assistance for Children’s Justice Act (CJA) Partnerships for Indian Communities Grant Program (PDF 230 kb)—This grant makes available $500,000 to a nonprofit organization—including faith-based and community organizations—that can provide hands-on, culturally relevant training and technical assistance to American Indian and Alaskan Native (AI/AN) grantees who have received funding through the FY09 CJA Partnerships for Indian Communities Discretionary Grant Program. Training should focus on multidisciplinary approaches to investigating, prosecuting, treating, and advocating for victims of child abuse and child sexual abuse and should include strategies for minimizing trauma to child victims and maximizing needed services to victims. Those applying are urged to begin the application process well in advance of the April 6, 2009, deadline.

April 6, 2009

FY 2009 State Victim Assistance Academy Initiative (PDF 303 kb)
This grant opportunity offers up to six first-year awards of $35,000 for the development and provision of comprehensive, academically based, fundamental education and training for victim assistance providers, victim advocates, criminal justice personal, and allied professionals who routinely work with victims of crime. Grants could total $195,000 for this 3-year project. Applicants must demonstrate a commitment from the state Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) victim assistance and compensation program offices to help develop the Academy. Those applying are urged to begin the application process well in advance of the April 1, 2009, deadline.

April 1, 2009

FY 2009 Recovery Act–National Field-Generated Training, Technical Assistance, and Demonstration Projects (PDF 230 kb)

Update Alert: Errata Sheet (PDF 75 kb)

This grant opportunity offers awards of $50,000 to $500,000 to private nonprofit organizations, including faith-based and community-based organizations, colleges or universities, public agencies, and tribal governments and organizations to support the development of national-scope training, technical assistance, and demonstration project initiatives. All initiatives must focus on improving the capacity of victim service providers and allied practitioners to advance rights and services to crime victims in a variety of areas, including child abuse, elder abuse, sexual assault, and stalking. The core requirements for the Recovery Act solicitation remain the same as the core requirements for the version posted to in December 2008. This Recovery Act solicitation includes additional goals, objectives, and certifications; quarterly progress reports; and revised performance measures. Additionally, applicants for multi-year projects must apply for all proposed funding in their applications and a single award will be made during FY09. For more details, see Frequently Asked Questions. Those applying are urged to begin the application process well in advance of the deadline.

Funding Alert: This solicitation has been revised to reflect the requirements of the 2009 Recovery Act. If you have completed an application for the NFG solicitation posted to in December 2008, please do not submit it without the changes that must be made as a result of the change in funding source. Continue to check the OVC Recovery Act web page frequently for updates on reporting, certifications, and other information to assist you in applying for and administering your grant.

March 26, 2009

Enhancing Public Awareness and Outreach for Victims in Underserved Communities (PDF 85 kb)—This program will grant 5 awards of up to $75,000 each to raise awareness among underserved populations regarding victims’ rights and available resources for crime victims in the local community. Underserved victim populations may include, but are not limited to, victims who are immigrants with limited English proficiency, American Indian, have disabilities, are Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing, or Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ) populations. A private nonprofit organization does not need to have 501(c)(3) status to apply for grant funding under this solicitation. When developing a strategy, please note that OVC cannot fund prevention- or researched-focused initiatives. Those applying are urged to begin the application process well in advance of the January 22, 2009 deadline.

January 22, 2009
Helping Outreach Programs to Expand (HOPE) II—A cooperative agreement between the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) and Maryland Crime Victims’ Resource Center, Inc. (MCVRC) will help faith- and community-based organizations establish or expand victim services in high-crime urban areas.

MCVRC will subaward each selected site up to $50,000 in HOPE II funds. Visit the MD Crime Victims’ Resource Center for more details and to apply for HOPE II funds.
January 21, 2009

Action Partnerships for National Membership, Professional and Community Service Organizations (PDF, 84 kb)A competitive program that will award up to five cooperative agreements of $100,000 each for a national nonprofit professional and community service organization that has the capacity to conduct a national scope project to promote awareness and advocacy for the rights and needs of crime victims. The project should expand the members’ knowledge and understanding of issues related to serving crime victims, and encourage members who work with crime victims to integrate this information into their daily practices. Those applying are urged to begin the application process well in advance of the January 21, 2009, deadline.

January 21, 2009

Intensive Case Management for Family Members of Homicide Victims in Rural Areas (PDF 90 kb)—A competitive program that will award up to $200,000 to a private nonprofit organization or public agency to identify, institutionalize, and replicate promising practices related to the provision of a comprehensive array of services to family members of homicide victims in rural areas. In the first 12-month phase of this project, funding will be used to develop or enhance a comprehensive service strategy for services to family members after a homicide. Those applying are urged to begin the application process well in advance of the January 20, 2009 deadline.

January 20, 2009

2010 NCVRW Resource Guide (PDF 230 kb)—
A competitive program that will award one cooperative agreement of $225,000 for either a private nonprofit organization or a public agency to produce a comprehensive resource kit. The kit will serve as a resource for the victims' field to use in supporting efforts to heighten the public's awareness of crime victim issues during National Crime Victims' Rights Week (NCVRW) in April 2010 and throughout the year. Those applying are urged to begin the application process well in advance of the January 12, 2009, deadline.

January 12, 2009
FY 2008

OVC FY09 National Day of Remembrance for Murder Victims (PDF 172 kb)—OVC will make one award of $150,000 to fund the development of a national public awareness and educational forum focusing on the rights of and issues faced by survivors of homicide victims. The forum, which will coincide with the 2009 National Day of Remembrance for Murder Victims on September 25, 2009, should involve a broad base of victim constituency groups and focus on sharing knowledge and resources so that victims and survivors may be better served. Applicants are limited to private nonprofit organizations, including faith-based and community-based organizations, and public agencies. Submit applications at least 72 hours prior to the due date to allow time to correct any unforeseen problems.

December 30, 2008

Postsecondary Education: Integrating Crime Victims’ Issues Into University and College Curricula (PDF 122 kb)—OVC will make one award of $300,000 to support the integration of broad crime victims' issues into university and college curricula. Applicants are limited to private, faith-based, tribal, or state consortiums of accredited universities and colleges or associations of institutions of higher education that can demonstrate (1) knowledge and understanding of victimization issues to be integrated into university or college curricula; (2) experience in augmenting university or college curricula by incorporating emerging education issues; and (3) staff resources and capability to carry out all activities required by the funded project. The lead applicant must be an accredited university or college or institution of higher education, and must partner, at a minimum, with another university or college or state association affiliated with higher education to be eligible to apply for funding. If the applicant does not demonstrate a partnership with another university or college, the applicant will be deemed ineligible to submit an application for purposes of this solicitation. Those applying are urged to begin the application process well in advance of December 18, 2008.

December 18, 2008
FY 2008 National Field-Generated Training, Technical Assistance, and Demonstration Projects (PDF 119 kb)—This grant opportunity offers awards of $50,000 to $500,000 to private nonprofit organizations or public agencies to support the development of national-scope training, technical assistance, and demonstration project initiatives. All initiatives must focus on improving the capacity of victim service providers and allied practitioners to advance rights and services to crime victims in a variety of areas, including child abuse, elder abuse, sexual assault, and stalking. All applications under “National Day of Remembrance for Murder Victims” are due February 21, 2008. All others are urged to begin the application process well in advance of the May 29, 2008 deadline.

February 21, 2008
May 29, 2008

Postsecondary Education: Integrating Crime Victims' Issues Into University and College Curricula (PDF 126 kb)—A competitive program that will award one grant of $300,000 to develop innovative, interdisciplinary education models (i.e., classroom, online, clinical) that address victimization issues and responses to crime victims and that can be integrated into university or college curricula and faculty development. Applicants must display knowledge and understanding of victimization, experience in augmenting university or college curricula by incorporating emerging education issues, and staff resources and capabilities to carry out all activities required by the funded project. Twenty-five percent in-kind or cash match to support sustainability and investment in the project for the planning year is required. A private nonprofit organization does not require 501(c)(3) status to apply for grant funding under this solicitation. Please note that applications that focus on prevention or research will not be considered for funding. Those applying are urged to begin the application process well in advance of the May 1, 2008 deadline.

May 1, 2008
FY 2008 State Victim Assistance Academy Initiative (PDF 150 kb)—This grant opportunity offers five first-year awards of $35,000 for the development and provision of comprehensive, academically based, fundamental education and training for victim assistance providers, victim advocates, criminal justice personnel, and allied professionals who routinely work with victims of crime. Grants could total $195,000 for this 3-year project. Applicants must demonstrate a commitment from the state Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) victim assistance and compensation program offices to help develop the Academy. Those applying are urged to begin the application process well in advance of the April 29, 2008, deadline. April 29, 2008

OVC 2008 Enhancing Public Awareness and Outreach for Victims in Underserved Communities (PDF 139 kb)
This program will grant 5 awards of up to $75,000 each to raise awareness among underserved populations regarding victims' rights and available resources for crime victims in the local community. Underserved victim populations may include, but are not limited to, victims who are immigrants with limited English proficiency, American Indian, have disabilities, are Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing, or Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ) populations. A private nonprofit organization does not need to have 501(c)(3) status to apply for grant funding under this solicitation. When developing a strategy, please note that OVC cannot fund prevention- or researched-focused initiatives. Those applying are urged to begin the application process well in advance of the April 28, 2008 deadline.

April 17, 2008

April 28, 2008
(Deadline Extended)

Intensive Case Management for Family Members of Homicide Victims (PDF 122 kb)-A competitive program that will grant two awards of up to $200,000 each to private nonprofit organizations or public agencies to identify and replicate promising practices related to the provision of a comprehensive array of services to family members of homicide victims. In the first 18-month phase of this project, funding will be used to enhance, evaluate, and institutionalize existing promising service interventions in partnership with other community agencies. Those applying are urged to begin the application process well in advance of the April 24, 2008 deadline.

April 24, 2008

FY 08 Counseling and Faith-Based Services for Crime Victims in Indian Country (PDF 139 kb)
This grant provides up to $750,000 to enhance the ability of victim services organizations to collaborate with and support tribal, nonprofit, and faith-based organizations in American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities to provide counseling services to victims of crime, and to determine best practices for facilitating counseling services by faith-based organizations. Applicants must have knowledge and understanding of AI/AN victimization issues and a credible capacity to work with faith-based and tribal organizations. Those applying are urged to begin the application process well in advance of April 14, 2008.

April 14, 2008

FY 08 Training & Technical Assistance for Counseling & Faith-Based Services for Crime Victims in Indian Country (PDF 99 kb)
A competitive program that will award one grant of $500,000 to support tribal, nonprofit, and faith-based organizations that have received funding under the FY 2008 Counseling and Faith-Based Services for Crime Victims in Indian Country grant program by providing comprehensive, culturally appropriate training and technical assistance to enhance the development and expansion of organizations' capabilities to provide counseling services to crime victims. Those applying are urged to begin the application process well in advance of April 14, 2008.

April 14, 2008
2009 NCVRW Resource Guide Grant (PDF 75kb)—A competitive program that will award one cooperative agreement of $225,000 for either a private nonprofit organization or a public agency to produce a comprehensive kit that will serve as a resource for the victims' field to support efforts to heighten the public's awareness of crime victim issues during National Crime Victims' Rights Week (NCVRW) in April 2009 and throughout the year. Those applying are urged to begin the application process well in advance of the January 22, 2008 deadline.

January 22, 2008
8 p.m. eastern time

FY 2008 Victim Assistance Fellowship Program (PDF 78kb) —A competitive program that will award three grants of $75,000-$125,000 to individuals to provide direct operational assistance to crime victim organizations and agencies; design and develop innovative initiatives; develop and deliver training programs; and assist with evaluation and capacity building efforts. Fellowships specifically address sexual assault, human trafficking, public awareness, field outreach, and victims' rights enforcement. Those applying are urged to begin the application process well in advance of the January 10, 2008 deadline. January 10, 2008
FY 2007

2008 NCVRW Community Awareness Project-Through a grant from OVC, the National Association of VOCA Assistance Administrators (NAVAA) will support states and local communities with funds to conduct public awareness initiatives during National Crime Victims' Rights Week, April 13-19, 2008.

Apply through NAVAA only.

October 15, 2007

FY 2007 National Program to Directly Assist Victims of Identity Theft and Financial Fraud (PDF 72 kb)-This grant opportunity offers up to four or more awards totaling $2,000,000 to provide support to or develop programs that provide assistance to victims of identity theft and financial fraud nationwide, to encourage expansion of existing services to reach this often underserved population, and to strengthen the ability of local law enforcement agencies and victim service providers to assist these victims. Those applying are urged to begin the application process well in advance of the September 11, 2007 deadline.

September 11, 2007

FY 07 Multi-Disciplinary Responses to Crime Victims with Disabilities (PDF 73 kb)-One cooperative agreement of up to $700,000 will be awarded to adapt and replicate an innovative multi-disciplinary response model to crime victims with disabilities in four state-wide or community-based pilot sites across the Nation that increases reporting of victimization and ensures that crime victims with disabilities receive comprehensive, quality services and are afforded fundamental rights, including access to the criminal justice system in the aftermath of criminal victimization. Those applying are urged to begin the application process well in advance of the September 11, 2007 deadline.

September 11, 2007

FY2007 National Training Conference on Responding to Crime Victims with Disabilities (PDF 80 kb)-A competitive program that will award up to $550,000 to private nonprofit organization, college or university, or public agency whose mission focuses on crime victimization and/or disability issues, to develop and administer state-of-the-art, multidisciplinary training at a national conference to enhance practitioner responses to victims with disabilities to and further strategic partnerships at the local, state, and national level to enhance victims' access to the criminal justice system and needed services and support. Those applying are urged to begin the application process well in advance of the September 11, 2007 deadline.

September 11, 2007

Crime Victims' Rights Enforcement Project (PDF 53 kb)-A competitive program that will grant ten awards of up to $200,000 each to clinics that provide legal counsel and support services for victims in criminal cases for the enforcement of crime victims' rights in federal, state, and tribal jurisdictions; or organizations that provide training and technical assistance to such clinics. Funding may be used to provide legal representation to victims of crime; technical assistance, training, and support to legal clinics that provide victim services; and education and training on the Crime Victims' Rights Act. Those applying are urged to begin the application process well in advance of the July 30, 2007 deadline.

July 30, 2007

National Crime Victim Assistance Programs (PDF 77 kb)-OVC will award two grants of up to $600,000 each to provide support to programs that have developed a national capacity  to deliver assistance to victims of crime nationwide and to strengthen the ability of local victim service providers, law enforcement agencies, and allied professional to serve victims. Those applying are urged to begin the application process well in advance of the July 30, 2007 deadline.

July 30, 2007

Helping Outreach Programs to Expand (HOPE) II, 2007-2008-A cooperative agreement between OVC and the Maryland Crime Victims' Resource Center, Inc., (MCVRC) will help faith- and community-based organizations establish or expand victim services in high-crime urban areas.

MCVRC will subaward each selected site up to $50,000 in HOPE II funds. Visit MCVRC for more details and to apply for HOPE II funds. Deadline for applications to MCVRC is July 9, 2007.
July 9, 2007

FY 2007 State Victim Assistance Academy Initiative (PDF 612 kb)
This grant opportunity offers four first-year awards of $35,000 for the development and provision of comprehensive, academically based, fundamental education and training for victim assistance providers, victim advocates, criminal justice personal, and allied professionals who routinely work with victims of crime. Grants could total $195,000 for this 3-year project. Applicants must demonstrate a commitment from the state Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) victim assistance and compensation program offices to help develop the Academy.

April 9, 2007
2008 NCVRW Resource Guide Grant (PDF 95 kb)
A competitive program that will award one cooperative agreement of $210,000 for either a private nonprofit organization or a public agency to produce a comprehensive kit that will serve as a resource for the victims' field to support efforts to heighten the public's awareness of crime victim issues during National Crime Victims' Rights Week (NCVRW) in April 2008 and throughout the year. Those applying are urged to begin the application process well in advance of the January 25, 2007, deadline.
January 25, 2007
11:59 p.m. eastern time
2007 Action Partnerships (PDF 78 kb)
A competitive program that will award up to $75,000 each to five national nonprofit organizations to help them promote partnerships in victim services. Programs proposed must advance victims' rights and services by forming partnerships among OVC, the victim services field, and national scope membership and professional organizations through training, public awareness, and educational efforts, and by promoting a collaborative response to victims of stalking, domestic and dating violence, and child abuse. Those applying are urged to begin the application process well in advance of the January 24, 2007, deadline.
January 24, 2007
8 p.m. eastern time.
OVC 2007 Public Awareness in Underserved Communities (PDF 188 kb)
OVC will grant $350,000 for up to 7 awards, ranging from $25,000 to $50,000, to raise the awareness of underserved populations, particularly socially isolated immigrant communities, about victims' rights and how to access crime victim services. Favorable consideration will be given to applicants partnering with one or more ethnic community-based or faith-based organizations with close ties to the targeted audience. Note: Applications that focus on prevention will not receive strong consideration for funding. A private non profit organization does not need to have 501(c)(3) status to apply for grant funding under this solicitation. Those applying are urged to begin the application process well in advance of the January 22, 2007 deadline.
January 22, 2007
11:59 p.m. eastern time
FY 2006
2007 National Crime Victims' Rights Week Resource Guide (PDF 176 kb)
Funding is available for the development of a guide that will serve as a resource for the victims' field in their efforts to heighten the public's awareness of crime victim issues nationwide during NCVRW in April, 2007, and throughout the year.
July 14, 2006
FY 2006 State Victim Assistance Academy Initiative (PDF 131 kb)
This grant opportunity offers four awards of $35,000 for the development and provision of comprehensive, academically based, fundamental education and training for victim assistance providers, victim advocates, criminal justice personal, and allied professionals who routinely work with victims of crime. Applicants must demonstrate a commitment from the state Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) victim assistance and compensation program offices to help develop the Academy.
May 11, 2006
Law Enforcement Task Forces and Services for Human Trafficking Victims (PDF 252 kb)
The overall goals of this program are:  1) to continue to enhance law enforcement's ability to identify and rescue victims of human trafficking, 2) to provide law enforcement with the resources and training to identify and rescue victims of trafficking, and 3) to ensure that comprehensive services are available wherever trafficking victims are found. Currently, BJA has provided funding to 32 local and state law enforcement anti-trafficking task forces across the country. With Fiscal Year (FY) 2006 funding, up to 10 additional task forces will receive funding through cooperative agreements.  Consistent with prior BJA task force solicitations, task force awards will be made for 3 years in the amount of $450,000 each.  OVC funding will be dedicated to ensuring that grantees can meet the immediate and long-term needs of trafficking victims wherever they are rescued by law enforcement or through other means. No OVC award shall exceed $450,000. Those applying are urged to begin the application process well in advance of the April 25, 2006, deadline.
April 25, 2006
FY 2006 Public Awareness in Underserved Communities (PDF 110 kb)-offers $350,000 for up to 7 awards, ranging from $25,000 to $50,000, to raise the awareness of underserved populations, particularly socially isolated immigrant communities, about victims’ rights and how to access crime victim services. Favorable consideration will be given to applicants partnering with one or more ethnic community-based or faith-based organizations with close ties to the targeted audience. Note: Applications that focus on prevention will not receive strong consideration for funding. A private non-profit organization does not need to have 501(c )( 3) status to apply for grant funding under this solicitation. Those applying are urged to begin the application process well in advance of the March 21, 2006 deadline.
March 21, 2006
FY 2006 Training and Technical Assistance to Tribal Victim Assistance Grantees (PDF 115 kb)
This grant makes $600,000 available to one applicant to provide comprehensive, skills-building training and technical assistance to tribes, tribal organizations, and nonprofit organizations that have received funding under the "FY 2006 Tribal Victim Assistance (TVA) Discretionary Grant Program." Eligible applicants must be public or private agencies/organizations experienced in effectively administering grants that deal with victims’ issues. Evidence of broad-based expertise with American Indian issues, training, and technical assistance is essential. Those applying are urged to begin the application process well in advance of March 15, 2006.
March 15, 2006
FY 2006 Tribal Victim Assistance Discretionary Grant Program (PDF 143 kb)
This grant makes funds available to establish, expand, and improve direct service victim assistance programs for federally recognized tribes. A total of up to $3.5 million is available to federally recognized American Indian and Alaska Native tribes, tribal organizations, nonprofit tribal organizations, and nonprofit organizations serving American Indian and Alaska Native tribes. This program furthers the Department’s mission by improving the quality of direct services for victims of crime in remote, rural American Indian/Alaska Native communities. Those applying are urged to begin the application process well in advance of March 15, 2006.
March 15, 2006
Training and Technical Assistance for Children’s Justice Act (CJA) Partnerships for Indian Communities Discretionary Grantees (PDF 300 kb)
This grant makes available $500,000 to a nonprofit organization-including faith-based and community organizations-that can provide FY 2006 American Indian and Alaskan Native (AI/AN) grantees with hands-on, culturally relevant training and technical assistance related to developing a multidisciplinary approach to investigating, prosecuting, treating, and advocating for victims of child abuse and child sexual abuse. Those applying are urged to begin the application process well in advance of March 1, 2006.
March 1, 2006
Children’s Justice Act (CJA) Partnerships for Indian Communities Discretionary Grant Program (PDF 329 kb)
A total of up to $2 million is available to federally recognized Indian tribes and nonprofit tribal organizations to help American Indian and Alaska Native communities develop, establish, and operate programs to improve the investigation, prosecution, and overall handling of cases of child abuse, child sexual abuse, and severe physical abuse. Those applying are urged to begin the application process well in advance of March 1, 2006.
March 1, 2006
2007 National Crime Victims’ Rights Week Resource Guide Discretionary Grant (PDF 309 kb)
One cooperative agreement in the amount of $200,000 will be awarded to either a private, nonprofit organization, including faith- and community-based organizations, or a public agency, to produce a comprehensive kit for the victims’ field for use during NCVRW in April 2007 and throughout the year. The kit will serve as a resource guide for the victims’ field in their efforts to heighten the public’s awareness of crime victim issues nationwide.
Those applying are urged to begin the application process well in advance of February 23, 2006.
February 23, 2006

Helping Outreach Programs to Expand (HOPE) II, 2005-2006—A cooperative agreement between the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) and Maryland Crime Victims’ Resource Center, Inc. (MCVRC) #2005–VF–GX–K032, will help faith- and community-based organizations establish or expand victim services in high-crime urban areas.

MCVRC will subaward each of the 48 selected sites up to $50,000 in HOPE II funds. Visit the MD Crime Victims’ Resource Center for more details and to apply for HOPE II funds.

January 31, 2006
FY 2005

Call for Concept Papers on National Scope Training, Technical Assistance, and Demonstration Projects—OVC is now accepting concept papers on innovative and replicable initiatives that improve the delivery of crime victim services and support the implementation of victims' rights. This call for papers is a preliminary step to apply for FY 2006 discretionary funding that supports national scope training, technical assistance, and demonstration projects. Eligible applicants include national and state nonprofit victim organizations, faith- and community-based organizations, public agencies (including federal, state, and local governments) with victim responsibilities, and tribal and nongovernmental organizations. Examples of previously supported initiatives are showcased in the OVC Focus On Series.
Welcome Letter (PDF 43 kb) and Solicitation (PDF 87 kb)
GMS registration is NOT required.

July 1, 2005

10th National Indian Nations: Justice for Victims of Crime Conference Cooperative Agreement—OVC is offering one 24-month grant of $500,000 to an applicant who will assist OVC in planning and implementing the 10th National Indian Nations: Justice for Victims of Crime Conference. The goal of the event is to provide training and best practices resources to victim service providers, criminal justice professionals, and other allied professionals who provide services and address the needs and rights of American Indian and Alaskan Native crime victims. Applicants from public agencies, including tribal colleges, and universities, and private, nonprofit tribal organizations are invited to apply.
PDF (245 kb)
GMS registration deadline: June 16, 2005, 8:00 p.m. EST

June 23, 2005

Standardized Victim Impact Curriculum for Corrections Application Kit—OVC is offering one 18-month, $200,000 cooperative agreement to an eligible applicant to develop a standardized victim impact curriculum for institutional- and community-based corrections victim service providers and allied professionals. The curriculum, which will consist of an instructor's manual and participant materials, will be pilot tested in at least four sites, and will allow victim service providers and allied professionals to develop their own localized victim impact program.
PDF (282 kb)
GMS registration deadline: June 16, 2005, 8:00 p.m. EST

June 23, 2005
Violence Against Older Women Education Project
Discretionary Grant Application Kit—
OVC invites applicants to apply for a grant of up to $350,000 to develop a series of videotapes and accompanying discussion guides on domestic violence and/or assault against older women. The video series would include a general video for all audiences that highlights an overall community response to one or both of these crimes, as well as additional videos that would target specific professional groups (e.g., victim advocates/service providers, health care providers, faith community leaders, law enforcement officers, prosecutors, or judges). Funding is provided for an 18-month period, with an additional 18 months possible contingent upon satisfactory performance and availability of funds.
PDF (282 kb)
GMS registration deadline: May 17, 2005
May 31, 2005

Action Partnerships With Membership and Professional Organizations Cooperative Agreement—OVC offers up to $50,000, for a 12-18 month project, to national professional and membership organizations to advance victims' rights and services through national-scope training, public awareness, and education. OVC welcomes applications from organizations with faith-based and/or community-organization affiliations. Note: Eligibility applies to any membership or professional affiliation group capable of enhancing national-scope outreach efforts to victims of crime. Local chapters may apply, but must document a close partnership with their national office to achieve a project national in scope.
PDF (177 kb)
GMS registration deadline: April 13, 2005

April 21, 2005
FY 2005 State Victim Assistance Academy Initiative (Cooperative Agreement)—OVC grants of $35,000 will help establish six State Victim Assistance Academies (SVAAs) to provide academic education and training for victim assistance providers, victim advocates, criminal justice personnel, and allied professionals who routinely deal with crime victims. Grants are intended to help in year 1 planning and may be continued for 2 more years, for a total of $195,000 in federal grant funds. Visit OVC's SVAA page for more information on training and technical assistance and OVC-funded SVAAs. Note: Only one application per state will be considered.
PDF (170 kb)
GMS registration deadline: April 14, 2005
May 5, 2005
The Helping Outreach Programs to Expand II (Cooperative Agreement)—The purpose of this program is to support and improve the delivery of services to crime victims through subawards to small faith-based and/or community-based organizations, with an emphasis placed on supporting programs and organizations that have not received funding from the Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, prior to the date of the solicitation. Funding will be provided to one pass-through organization.
PDF (410 kb)
GMS registration deadline: April 18, 2005.
May 11, 2005

Call for Concept Papers on Human Trafficking—OVC and the Bureau of Justice Assistance are now accepting concept papers on Human Trafficking Task Force and Victim Services from state and local law enforcement agencies and victim service agencies.

This call for papers is a preliminary step to apply for Federal funds to form collaborative human trafficking task forces or to supplement current trafficking victim service provider funding in areas where a BJA-trafficking task force already exists.
PDF (144 kb)
GMS submission deadline: Deadline: May 12, 2005, 8 p.m. EST

May 12, 2005
Public Awareness in Underserved Communities Cooperative Agreement—Offers a total of $350,000 for up to 10 awards, ranging from $25,000 to $75,000, to raise the awareness of underserved populations, particularly socially isolated immigrant communities, about victims’ rights and how to access local crime victim services. Favorable consideration will be given to applicants partnering with one or more ethnic community-based or faith-based organizations with close ties to the targeted audience. Note: Applications that focus on prevention will not be considered eligible. A private, nonprofit organization does not have to have 501(c)3 status to apply for grant funding under this solicitation.
PDF (130 kb)
GMS registration deadline: March 31, 2005  
April 14, 2005
Training and Technical Assistance for Counseling for Crime Victims in Indian Country by Faith-Based Organizations GranteesOVC is awarding a total of up to $250,000 to eight grantees in FY 2005 to provide training and technical assistance that will ensure the establishment of victim assistance programs in the American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities. The award is for 12 months with the possibility of an additional 12 months of funding depending on the grantee’s performance and success. PDF (94 kb)
GMS registration deadline: March 24, 2005
March 31, 2005
FY 2004
Community Awareness Projects—Details who can apply and how to apply to receive funds to support public awareness and outreach activities during the 2005 National Crime Victims' Rights Week (NCVRW).
December 3, 2004
With OVC funding, the National Crime Victim Law Institute (NCVLI) is seeking State Victim Clinic Program Grant Solicitations for establishing crime victim legal clinics to provide direct legal services to victims of felony and violent crimes.
October 15, 2004
FY 2004 Victims' Rights Compliance Project Discretionary Grant Application Kit—offers grants of up to $75,000 for planning, developing, and implementing statewide programs that facilitate compliance with current victims' rights laws. Favorable consideration will be given to agencies in states that have enacted authorizing legislation related to victims' rights compliance, but which have not implemented a program due to lack of funding.
PDF (331 kb) or ASCII (48 kb)
GMS registration deadline: June 29, 2004
July 6, 2004
Faith-based or Community Organizations and Victim Services Discretionary Mini-Grant Program—offers up to 20 grants of $15,000 to faith-based or community organizations to enhance and expand existing victim assistance efforts to underserved victims of violent crime living in Weed and Seed communities and other high-crime areas. This mini-grant is also intended to promote coalition building between the faith and victim assistance communities. Note: Only faith-based organizations with established crime victim assistance efforts or a nonprofit community organization may apply.
PDF (306 kb) or ASCII (41 kb)
GMS registration deadline: June 15, 2004
June 22, 2004

Action Partnerships With Membership and Professional Organizations Cooperative Agreement—offers grants of up to $50,000 to national professional and membership organizations for staff training and education that will develop or improve their capacity to advance victims' rights and improve services. OVC welcomes applications from organizations with media and/or faith-based affiliations. Note: The scope of eligibility is broader than direct victim service providers and extends to any membership or professional affiliation group that has the capacity to enhance outreach efforts to all victims of crime.
PDF (318 kb) or ASCII (45 kb)
GMS registration deadline: June 1, 2004

June 10, 2004
FY 2004 Faith-Based Counseling for Crime Victims in Indian Country Discretionary Grant Program—Provides online registration and application instructions for discretionary grants of $25,000 to provide counseling services to American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities by linking faith-based organizations and victim service programs.
PDF (146 kb) or ASCII (19 kb)
GMS registration deadline: May 26, 2004.
June 10, 2004
SART Toolkit cooperative agreement—OVC will fund development, pilot testing, and dissemination of a toolkit to support the replication of Sexual Assault Response Teams across the Nation. The award is for $150,000 over a 15–18-month period. Eligible applicants are private, nonprofit organizations; public agencies, and colleges and universities that can demonstrate expertise in sexual victimization issues and multidisciplinary collaboration.
PDF (334 kb) and ASCII (49 kb)
GMS registration deadline: May 6, 2004
May 20, 2004

FY 2004 State Victim Assistance Academy Initiative—OVC grants of $35,000 will help establish four State Victim Assistance Academies (SVAAs) to provide academic education and training for victim assistance providers, victim advocates, criminal justice personnel, and allied professionals who routinely deal with crime victims. Grants are intended to help in year 1 planning and may be continued for 2 more years, for a total of $195,000 in federal grant funds. Note: Only one application per state will be considered.
PDF (335 kb) and ASCII (46 kb)
GMS registration deadline: April 8, 2004

May 6, 2004
FY 2004 Identity Theft Victim Verification/Passport Demonstration Program Discretionary Grant Application Kit—Funds a 1-year grant of up to $250,000 for Ohio law enforcement agencies to develop victim verification program, including a searchable database, automated telephone verification, victim certification passports, and victim information packets. Note: An application will be accepted only from the Ohio Attorney General's Office.
(PDF 240 kb or ASCII 42 kb)
GMS registration deadline: March 2, 2004
March 4, 2004
FY 2004 Services for Trafficking Victims Discretionary Grant Application Kit (PDF 495 kb)
Provides application instructions for discretionary grants to develop, expand, or strengthen victim service programs for victims of severe forms of human trafficking.
GMS registration deadline: January 20, 2004
February 3, 2004
FY 2003
Community Awareness Projects—Details who can apply and how to apply to receive funds to support public awareness and outreach activities during the 2004 National Crime Victims' Rights Week (NCVRW).
December 5, 2003
Victim Services in Rural Law Enforcement program
Note: Applications must go through the National Sheriff's Association only. Contact Maggie Johnston at, or call 703-836-7827.
August 15, 2003
FY 2003 Discretionary Continuation Grant Application Guidelines
Note: Only grantees that have received confirmation from OVC that continuation funding has been approved for their existing project may apply under this program.
PDF (142 kb) or ASCII (32 kb)
GMS registration deadline: July 22, 2003
August 7, 2003

FY 2003 Riverside Indian Boarding School Demonstration Project Application Kit
Note: OVC will only accept an application from the Riverside Indian Boarding School.
PDF (72 kb) or ASCII (27 kb)
GMS registration deadline: July 23, 2003

July 24, 2003

Grants for Crime Victim Legal Clinics
Note: Applications must go through the National Crime Victims Law Institute only.

July 15, 2003
FY 2003 Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) in Indian Country Continuation Application Kit
Note: OVC will only accept an application from the National Court Appointed Special Advocates Association.
PDF (128 kb) or ASCII (16 kb)
GMS registration deadline: June 25, 2003
July 9, 2003

FY 2003 Competitive Discretionary Grant Program Solicitations—Provides application guidelines and instructions for the following grant programs:

  • Indicators of Elder Abuse: Training Curriculum for Probation and Parole Officers
  • Database of Federal, State, and Tribal Crime Victims' Rights Laws
  • Judicial Training
  • State Victim Assistance Academy Initiative
  • Basic Victim Advocacy Web-Based Training Course
  • International Conference on Victim Issues (Canceled June 20, 2003)
  • National Youth Education Project

PDF (192 kb) or ASCII (99 kb)
GMS registration deadline: July 1, 2003

July 9, 2003

Grant Applications for American Indian Tribes and
Tribal Nonprofit Organizations

FY 2003 Tribal Victim Assistance Discretionary Grant Program (PDF 56 kb or ASCII 29 kb)
GMS registration deadline: April 30, 2003
May 9, 2003
FY 2003 Continuation of Training and Technical Assistance to Tribal Victim Assistance Grantees (PDF 40 kb and ASCII 17 kb)
GMS registration deadline: May 1, 2003
May 16, 2003
Continuation of Victim Assistance In Indian Country Discretionary Grant Program - Third Year (PDF 40 kb and ASCII 18 kb)
Note: Applicant eligibility restricted to Crow Tribe of Indians, Pascua Yaqui Tribe, and Muscogee Creek Nation.
GMS registration deadline: April 30, 2003
May 9, 2003
Children's Justice Act Partnerships for Indian Communities Discretionary Grant Program (PDF 48 kb and ASCII 24 kb)
GMS registration deadline: May 14, 2003
May 29, 2003
Children's Justice Act Partnerships for Indian Communities Discretionary Grant Program Guidelines for Continued Grant Funds (PDF 54 kb and ASCII 36 kb)
GMS registration deadline: May 1, 2003
May 22, 2003
Training and Technical Assistance for Children's Justice Act Partnerships for Indian Communities Discretionary Grant Program (PDF 47 kb and ASCII 30 kb)
GMS registration deadline: May 14, 2003
May 29, 2003
Ninth Indian Nations Conference, FY 2003 Application Guidelines (PDF 44 kb and ASCII 24 kb)
GMS registration deadline: April 30, 2003
May 14, 2003

Collaborative Response to Crime Victims in Urban AreasInstructs organizations interested in developing faith-based and victim assistance networks on how to apply for funding under this cooperative agreement with the MD Crime Victims' Resource Center. Application deadline is February 28, 2003.

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Grant Archive FY 2002

OVC Program Plan FY 2002
Summarizes the projects OVC plans to support during the coming funding cycle(s).

Antiterrorism and Emergency Assistance Program Kit—Instructions and forms for communities affected by terrorism to apply for money.
NOTE: Superceded by a new, simplified application process. See instructions for communities affected by terrorism to apply online for funds through OJP's Grants Management System (GMS). (PDF 158 kb)

Helping Outreach Programs to Expand Application Kit—This application kit contains instructions for grassroots community-based organizations to apply for up to $5,000 to expand outreach efforts to victims.
NOTE: Superceded by the HOPE Brochure and its simplified application process.

FY 2002 Services for Trafficking Victims Discretionary Grant Application Kit — Instructions and forms to apply for discretionary grant programs to improve service delivery to victims of human trafficking.
Application due July 29, 2002.

FY 2002 Discretionary Grant Application Kit coverFY 2002 Discretionary Grant Application Kits — Instructions and forms to apply for discretionary grants.
Applications due June 28, 2002.

This application kit advertises solicitations for several programs that support efforts to serve crime victims. Highlights include the development of state victim assistance academies; partnerships between victim assistance and faith-based organizations; services for crime victims in urban neighborhoods; services for crime victims provided by law enforcement in rural areas; and improvements in a community's response to victims with physical and intellectual disabilities.

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Grant Archive FY 2001

Office for Victims of Crime Field-Generated National Impact Projects: Elder Fraud -  FY 2001 Application KitOVC Fiscal Year 2001 Elder Fraud Application Kit
The due date for this application is August 7, 2001

This application kit (SL 000486) advertises a solicitation for proposals to improve services for elderly fraud victims and includes the information and forms necessary to submit an application.


Office for Victims of Crime FY 2001 Discretionary Grant Application KitFiscal Year 2001 Discretionary Grant Application Kit
The due date for this Application is May 15, 2001

The kit advertises two open solicitations. Action Partnerships With Professional and Membership Organizations invites applications from organizations representing the faith community, law enforcement, prosecutors, judges, and third party payers of benefits, including health insurance companies, workers compensation programs, and victim compensation programs. Field-Generated National Impact Projects seeks original proposals from nonprofit and public agencies that address emerging victim issues in sexual assault, substance abuse, cybercrime, rural crime, and hate crime as well as best practices for serving disabled victims, elderly victims, and covictims of homicide.

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Grant Archive FY 2000

Fiscal Year 2000 Victims of Crime Act Victim Assistance Grant Program—Instruction and application kit. ASCII (42 kb) or PDF (2.5 mb)

Fiscal Year 2000 Victims of Crime Act Crime Victim Compensation Grant Program—Instruction and application kit. ASCII (33 kb) or PDF (2.2 mb)

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This document was last updated on July 20, 2009