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RML Rendezvous

We have to start meeting like this!

Your National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Pacific Northwest Region (NN/LM PNR) Regional Medical Library (RML) is hosting free monthly web-based continuing education classes, presentations, and talks with network members called RML Rendezvous.

Topics on this page:

Next Presentation

  • Wiki Community Building August 12, 2009 at 1 pm Pacific, 2 pm Mountain, 12 Alaska
  • Presenter: George Gottschalk, ARL Career Enhancement Program Fellow
  • Description: George will present his work about wiki community building, including an overview of the Outreach Connections Native Health Information Portal

Past Presentations

  • Scholarly Communication Update (Recording of the Rendezvous | Presentation Outline | PowerPoint ) April 15, 2009
  • Presenters: Alison Aldrich, NN/LM PNR; Isaac Gilman, Pacific University; Chris Shaffer and Andrew Hamilton, Oregon Health & Science University; Ann Marie Clark and Allysha Eyler, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.
  • Description: This session covered recent developments in the open access movement and with the NIH Public Access Policy. Hear what several network member librarians are doing to raise awareness about open access and to support authors within their institutions.
  • PubMed Update (Recording of the Rendezvous) March 11, 2009
  • Presenter: Linda Milgrom , Outreach Coordinator, NN/LM PNR
  • Description: What's going on with Advanced Search? Where is the Single Citation matcher going? What's next? Come hear the answers to these questions and the latest from our own in-house expert!
  • Emergency Preparedness Update (Recording of the Rendezvous) February 18, 2009
  • Presenter: Dan Wilson, Coordinator, NN/LM National Emergency Preparedness Plan, University of Virginia Health Sciences Library
  • Description: Disaster can strike at any time - don't wait until it's too late! Dan Wilson told us about about service continuity planning and reviewed the 10 Steps for Service Continuity resource at the NN/LM Emergency Preparedness & Response Toolkit.

  • Community Assessment January 14, 21 and 28, 2009
  • Presenters: Susan Barnes, Assistant Director of the Outreach Evaluation Resource Center (OERC) and Maryanne Blake, Outreach/Evaluation Coordinator at NN/LM PNR
  • Description: A 3 part series for Medical Library Association continuing education (MLA CE) credit. Click the course link for recordings and details.

  • Valuing Library Services and Cost Benefit/ROI Calculators (no recording available, similar session recording) December 8, 2008.
  • Presenter: Barb Jones and Betsy Kelly from the MidContinental Region, NN/LM, sponsored by the Outreach Evaluation Resource Center (OERC)
  • Description: A guided tour and discussion of the great library-based calculators at and

  • The 3Rs of Licensing: Risk, Rights and Restrictions October 31, November 7 and November 14, 2008.
  • Presenter: Diane Carroll, Head of Collections and Acquisitions at Washington State University Libraries
  • Description: A 3 part series for Medical Library Association continuing education (MLA CE) credit (registered participants only) about electronic journals and databases licensing for libraries.
  • Vital Pathways Project update (Recording of the Rendezvous) September 3, 2008
  • Presenter: M.J. Tooey, Director, NN/LM SEA (Southeastern/Atlantic Region) at University of Maryland Baltimore Health Sciences and Human Services Library & Chair, Medical Library Association (MLA) Vital Pathways Task Force.
  • Description: Vital Pathways (click here for more information) is an MLA task force charged with assessing the status of hospital libraries and developing an action plan for MLA to promote their value to hospital stakeholders and key leaders in the health care field.
  • Awakening the Searcher Within: February 6 - May 7, 2008 (seven recorded sessions)
  • Presenters: Andrew Hamilton and Dolores Judkins, OHSU Library
  • Description: A seminar to help you get, or remember, tips and tricks for becoming and remaining an expert searcher.
  • Working Together Apart: Online Collaborative Workspaces (Recording of the Rendezvous) April 30, 2008
  • Presenters: Alison Aldrich, Technology Outreach Coordinator, NN/LM PNR, Heidi Sue Adams, Kalispell Regional Medical Center, Emily Glenn, Seattle Biomedical Research Institute.
  • Description: An overview of new ways to manage group projects when face-to-face meetings are not possible and e-mail is not practical. Topics covered include wikis, document sharing, instant messaging, and Microsoft SharePoint. Organizational culture issues that can hinder effective online collaboration were discussed, and participants have access to a course wiki they can use to experiment with these new technologies and continue the conversation about how to implement them in libraries.
  • PubMed Update: MyNCBI and Other Goodies (There is no recording of this RML Rendezvous) November 7, 2007
  • Presenter: Linda Milgrom, Outreach Coordinator, NN/LM PNR
  • Description: Linda Milgrom, the PubMed guru of the Pacific Northwest. Linda discussed MyNCBI and ways to use it and teach others how to use it.
  • What Is Your Library Worth? (Recording of the Rendezvous) September 19, 2007
  • Presenters: Kathy Martin, Ellen Howard, Carolyn Adams, and Heidi Sue Adams
  • Description: Library value: It can be measured and used to show your worth to your organization.
  • Do You Make a Difference? Providing Evidence of Program Value. (PowerPoint ) April 18, 2007
  • Presenter: Susan Barnes, Assistant Director, Outreach Evaluation Resource Center (OERC)
  • Description: If you are thinking about marketing your library, improving your services, or writing a grant proposal, this one-hour presentation is aimed at helping you get started. It is a brief, high-altitude overview of some tools and approaches to demonstrating your worth through program planning and evaluation. Topics covered included: Why should I evaluate what I do? How do I evaluate? Where should I go for help?

How Do I Connect to RML Rendezvous?

You can participate in this free, web-based interactive session from your desk with your computer and telephone.

1. Please click here to test your computer prior to the meeting. The diagnostic test will prompt you if you need to update Flash, check your connection speed and install an Adobe Connect add-in. If you have problems with these steps, please call your information technology department for help.

2. Go to the following URL and login as a Guest, using your own name:

3. Once in the web meeting a pop-up box allows you to put in your phone number and the program will call you. If this does not happen call the 800 number and use the participant code given in the Notes box (lower left-hand corner) on the screen.

What If I Have A Problem Getting Adobe Connect to Work?

1. Click on the link to the Powerpoint of the presentation (see name of the presentation above);

2. Next, call the following phone number: 1-800-442-5794 and when asked give the participant code: 995153.

3. You will be able to follow the presentation and hear and join in the conversation.