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Literacy Research Initiative

The Literacy Research Initiative (LRI) is a comprehensive online collection that will highlight the most recent research and most rigorous research studies on adult and adolescent literacy - specifically reading, writing, and math. The Institute envisions that the LRI will bring together information on federally and non-federally funded research, including evaluation research on literacy and basic skills to create a comprehensive picture of the knowledge base on literacy.

The LRI will provide information about Federally-funded research, from such agencies as the Department of Labor, National Science Foundation, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and other agencies, and describe the findings of research studies and note reports and journal articles connected to the studies. In addition, there will be citations of published materials, links to abstracts of studies, and ancillary materials generated through some of the studies.

Please visit us often as the Institute is continuously expanding this collection.

Adult Literacy Research Consortium

Adolescent Literacy Research Consortium

Last updated: Sunday, 26-Jul-2009 18:58:46 EDT


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