Forest Preserve District of Cook County (Illinois)

Nature Bulletin No. 19   June 16, 1945
Forest Preserve District of Cook County
Clayton F. Smith, President
Roberts Mann, Superintendent of Conservation


There are many different kinds of mosquitoes. Of the 135 species found 
in the United States, 32 have been found in Cook County and 22 of 
these are most common, We do not have the yellow fever mosquito but 
we do have a few of two species of the Anopheles mosquito which 
transmits malaria. These are recognized by their spotted wings and the 
tipped up position of the body when resting -- perpendicular to 
whatever surface upon which it clings, as if it were standing on its head.

So far, cases of malaria have occurred rarely in Cook County and 
mosquito abatement has been conducted because mosquitoes are a 
serious nuisance. Mosquitoes are annoying because of the bites which 
hurt, swell and itch.

The male mosquito cannot bite. He feeds on the juice of plants. He can 
be recognized by his bushy, plume-like antennae, or feelers, which 
serve as ears to hear the song of the females. Each species has its own 
song, produced by an apparatus at the base of the wings.

The female has slim, simple antennae and is equipped with a high-speed 
drill for boring through the skin of humans and other animals. Through 
it she pumps a "poison" to keep blood from coagulating, and through it 
she sucks that blood which she must have to fill her abdomen in order 
that her eggs may develop. It is this "poison" which causes the bite to 
swell and itch .

Next week we will tell you about the different kinds of mosquitoes we 
have here.

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