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Johnson Creek Basin Hydrologic Monitoring

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Welcome to the Johnson Creek Basin Hydrologic Monitoring Home Page. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the jurisdictions in the region are providing hydrologic data for the Johnson Creek Basin. Real-time surface-water and groundwater data, as well as historic data and analyses, will help improve our understanding of the hydrology of the basin. Here you will find a description of the study and other useful information pertinent to this work. separator line
COOPERATING AGENCIES:City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services, City of Gresham, City of Milwaukie, Clackamas County Water Environment Services, and Multnomah County
LOCATION: Johnson Creek Basin, Oregon

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Project Overview

  • Background

  • An overview of the hydrologic issues in the basin
  • Approach

  • Primary goals of the study, data collection and methods of analysis
  • Recent reports

  • Data and interpretive reports
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Hydrologic Data

Stream Monitoring

Groundwater Monitoring


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Page Last Modified: Monday - Jun 15, 2009 at 17:17:59 EDT