



You Asked For It. We’re Delivering.

May 10th, 2006 by Press Staff

A few months ago, one of our commenters recommended that Congressman Kingston hold a virtual town hall meeting where blog readers and constituents could call-in, ask questions, and participate.

On Wednesday TONIGHT, from 7-8 PM (EST) we’re going to do just that and we want you to participate.

Some of the topics we expect to discuss include (but everything’s on the table):

  • The Need To Control Our Nation’s Borders to Prevent Illegal Immigration and Criminal Activity.
  • The Rising Price of Gasoline and the Need to Help America Realize Its Fuel Independence.
  • The New, Voluntary Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit.

If you would like to participate on the call, please send a quick email to Kingston (dot) Press (dot) office (at) mail (dot) house (dot) gov and we will send you the call details.