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Structure-Activity Relationships of the Cannabinoids

NIDA Research Monograph, Number 79 [Printed in 1987]

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Table of Contents


Rao S. Rapaka and Alexandros Makriyannis

Structure-Activity Relationships in Cannabinoids: An Overview-----3
Raj K. Razdan

Stereochemical Requirements for Cannabimimetic Activity-----15
Raphael Mechoulam; Naphtali Lander; Morris Srebnik; Aviva Breuer; Mark Segal; Jeffery J. Feigenbaum; Tobjorn U. C. Jarbe; and Paul Consroe

Structure-Activity Relationships of Tricyclic and Nonclassical Bicyclic Cannabinoids-----31
Larry S. Melvin and M. Ross Johnson

Structure-Anticonvulsant Activity Relationships of Cannabidiol Analogs-----48
Arnold R. Martin; Paul Consroe; Vinayak V. Kane; Vibhakar Shah; Vishwakarma Singh; Naftali Lander; Raphael Mechoulam; and Morris Srebnik

Anticonvulsant and Neurotoxic Effects of Tetrahydrocannabinol Stereoisomers-----59
Paul Consroe and Raphael Mechoulam

Different Cannabinoids Exhibit Different Electrophysiological Properties-----67
Stuart A. Turkanis and Ralph Karler

Molecular Determinants for Cannabinoid Activity: Refinement of a Molecular Reactivity Template-----82
Patricia H. Reggio

Different Cannabinoids Exhibit Different Pharmacological and Toxicological Properties-----96
Ralph Karler and Stuart A. Turkanis

Pharmacological Evaluation of Agonistic and Antagonistic Activity of Cannabinoids-----108
Billy R. Martin; Thomas J. Martin David R. Compton; Patrick J. Little; and Patrick M. Beardsley

Interactions of Cannabinoids With Membranes. The Role of Cannabinoid Stereochemistry and Absolute Configuration and the Orientation of Delta-9-THC in the Membrane Bilayer-----123
Alexandros Makriyannis; Ali Banijamali; Cornelis Van Der Schyf; and Harold Jarrell

The High Affinity Cannabinoid Binding Site in Brain: Regulation by Guanine Nucleotides and Isolation of an Endogenous Inhibitor-----134
Jeffrey S. Nye and Solomon H. Snyder

Regulation of Adenylate Cyclase in a Cultured Neuronal Cell Line by Marijuana Constituents, Metabolites of Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, and Synthetic Analogs Having Psychoactivity-----148
Allyn C. Howlett

Inhibitory and Stimulatory Effects of Cannabinoids on Eicosanoid Synthesis-----158
Sumner H. Burstein

Pharmacokinetics and Disposition of Cannabinoids-----173
C. Nora Chiang and Rao S. Rapaka

Drug Abuse in India: Progress in Research-----189
B. N. Dhawan

The Medicinal Chemistry of Cannabinoids: An Overview-----204
Alexandros Makriyannis and Rao S. Rapaka

List of NIDA Research Monographs-----211

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