FFIEC Information Technology
Examination Handbook


Executive Summary

Master Table of Contents



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- Printable version of booklet
- On-line version of booklet
- Workprogram - Generic word-processing version
- Workprogram - Microsoft Word 2000 version


Business Continuity Planning

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Development and Acquisition
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- Printable version of booklet
- On-line version of booklet
- Workprogram - Generic word-processing version
- Workprogram - Microsoft Word 2000 version
- Presentations



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- Printable version of booklet
- On-line version of booklet
- Workprogram - Generic word-processing version
- Workprogram - Microsoft Word 2000 version
- E-Banking Request Letter Items - Generic word-processing version
- E-Banking Request Letter Items - Microsoft Word 2000 version
- Presentations

Information Security

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- Printable version of booklet
- On-line version of booklet
Workprogram - Generic word-processing version
- Workprogram - Microsoft Word 2000 version
- Presentations


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- Printable version of booklet
- On-line version of booklet
- Workprogram - Generic word-processing version
- Workprogram - Microsoft Word 2000 version
- Presentations


- Printable version of booklet
- On-line version of booklet
- Workprogram - Generic word-processing version
- Workprogram - Microsoft Word 2000 version
- Presentations

Outsourcing Technology Services

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- Printable version of booklet
- On-line version of booklet
- Workprogram - Generic word-processing version
- Workprogram - Microsoft Word 2000 version
- Presentations

Retail Payment Systems

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- Printable version of booklet
- On-line version of booklet
- Workprogram - Generic word-processing version
- Workprogram - Microsoft Word 2000 version

- Presentations
Non-regulatory Resources

Supervision of Technology Service Providers

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- Printable version of booklet
- On-line version of booklet
- Workprogram - Generic word-processing version
- Workprogram - Microsoft Word 2000 version


Wholesale Payment Systems

- Printable version of booklet
- On-line version of booklet
- Workprogram - Generic word-processing version
- Workprogram - Microsoft Word 2000 version



IT Booklets



























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