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Christopher J. Hanley

Christopher J. HanleyGeneral Secretary-Treasurer
International Union of Operating Engineers
Washington, DC

Christopher J. Hanley presently serves as general secretary-treasurer for the International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE), a 400,000-member labor organization that represents members in the construction and stationary engineering industries throughout the United States and Canada. He serves as chairman of one large pension fund, and as trustee of another fund affiliated with the International.

In addition to his IUOE position, Mr. Hanley serves as the representative on the National Maintenance Agreements Policy Committee, Inc., (NMAPC), which is the first incorporated labor management committee in the United States consisting of fourteen building trades unions and fourteen large industrial contractors. In addition, he serves on the Ford, Chrysler and General Motors Subcommittees for the NMAPC. In August of 1998, Mr. Hanley was appointed to the Board of Directors of the NMAPC.

Mr. Hanley is also the IUOE’s Director of Construction. He administers the National Joint Heavy & Highway Construction Agreement, which is a collective bargaining agreement with currently over $3 billion of work ongoing.

Mr. Hanley is also a board member of The Goeken Group, which is a collection of successful companies with a corporate philosophy of providing progressive solutions for health, safety and security. Formed by Jack Goeken, who also founded MCI, the FTD Mercury Network and GTE Airfone, The Goeken Group provides unique products and services, some of which are dedicated to saving lives; others provide unique wireless applications.

Mr. Hanley is a board member of The National Environmental Education and Training Center, a partnership of academia, labor and management, which develops, conducts and disseminates results from research and educational programs concerned with environmental clean-up and natural resource recovery.

Mr. Hanley is a graduate of St. Francis College in Loretto, Pennsylvania, and is currently pursuing a master’s degree in the executive program from the University of Massachusetts.