Comptroller of the Currency, Administrator of National Banks Ensuring a Safe and Sound National Banking System for all Americans
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Speeches and Testimony




Banking Industry


Acting Comptroller of the Currency Julie L. Williams addressed the Bank Administration Institute's "Roundtable for CFOs" in New York - NR 2004-107

Speech (PDF)



Comptroller Dugan Tells Senate Panel that Basel II Capital Framework Will Substantially Improve Large Bank Risk Management and Controls NR 2006-104, testimony (PDF), Statement (PDF)



Comptroller of the Currency John C. Dugan told a House subcommittee today that the Basel II capital framework is intended not only to align capital requirements more closely to the complex risks inherent in large, internationally active banks, but to require those institutions to substantially improve their risk management systems and controls. NR 2006-96, Testimony (PDF)



Comptroller of the Currency John C. Dugan discussed the Basel II capital accord in a speech to the Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation. NR 2006-69, Remarks (PDF)



The Comptroller of the Currency, John C. Dugan told a conference of international bankers that the continued safety and soundness of the banking system demands that regulators move away from the simplistic risk-based capital system now in use for internationally active banks to one that substantially enhances risk management and more closely aligns capital with risk. NR 2006-30, Remarks (PDF)



Acting Comptroller of the Currency Julie L. Williams addressed Implementation of Basel Capital Accord at the annual Washington conference of the Institute of International Bankers. Speech (PDF)


Community Development


Acting Comptroller of the Currency, Julie L. Williams, spoke before the Regional Interagency Committee about the noteworthy progress that strategic partnerships are making in mitigating the effects of foreclosures in cities and communities nationwide.

NR 2005-44, Speech (PDF)

Compliance, Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-Laundering


OCC Deputy Comptroller Testifies before House Subcommittee on Bank Secrecy Act's Impact upon Money Services Businesses. NR 2006-76, Statement (PDF), Testimony (PDF)

Compliance, Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-Laundering


Acting Comptroller Julie Williams testified on the implementation of the Bank Secrecy Act in the context of money services businesses (MSBs) before the Senate Banking Committee.

Testimony (PDF)

Oral Statement (PDF)

Compliance, Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-Laundering


Acting Chief Counsel Addresses Bank Secrecy Act and Anti-Money Laundering Compliance - NR 2005-13

Speech (PDF)

Compliance, Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-Laundering


Comptroller Hawke Directs Review of Agency's Handling Of Bank Secrecy Act Compliance at Riggs Bank N.A. - NR 2004-43

Testimony (PDF)

Oral Statement (PDF)

Compliance, Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-Laundering


OCC Testifies on Challenges Faced in Combating Money Laundering - NR 2004-42

Testimony (PDF)

Oral Statement (PDF)

Compliance, Consumer


Chief Counsel and First Senior Deputy Comptroller Julie L. Williams called for more effective "consumer-oriented disclosures in the financial services business" as a vital part of consumer protection in a speech to the 2006 Banking Institute. NR 2006-40, Remarks (PDF)

Compliance, Consumer


The Comptroller of the Currency John C. Dugan said that most bank customers don't find the privacy notices they receive to be especially useful and said an ongoing interagency process to simplify those notices will better serve banks and their customers.
NR 2006-8, Remarks (PDF)

Compliance, Consumer


The Comptroller of the Currency, John C. Dugan made his first major speech before the Consumer Federation of America here in Washington, DC. He spoke about two consumer protection issues, that national bank preemption has created "regulatory gap" in consumer protection; and, second, negative amortization and its increasing prominence in retail credit products. NR 2005-117, Speech (PDF)

Compliance, Consumer


Acting Comptroller of the Currency, Julie L. Williams, testified before the Senate Banking Committee and made four key points on the OCC's perspectives concerning the marketing and disclosure practices of the U.S. credit card industry. NR 2005-49, Statement (PDF)

Compliance, Consumer


Acting Comptroller Williams Urges New Approach to Disclosures To Enhance Consumer Protection - NR 2005-1

Speech (PDF)

Compliance, Consumer


OCC Chief Counsel Julie L. Williams Calls For Greater Cooperation to Combat Predatory Lending before the annual meeting of the Cleveland Neighborhood Housing Services (NHS) - NR 2004-46

Speech (PDF)

Corporate Governance & Structure


Today's Credit Markets, Relationship Banking, and Tying (PDF)




Insured commercial banks earned $4.7 billion trading cash instruments and derivative products in the second quarter of 2006, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency reported in its quarterly Bank Derivatives Report. NR 2006-106, Bank Derivatives Report (PDF)



The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency issued a statement regarding the reporting of securitized subprime adjustable rate residential mortgages. News Release 2008-27



Comptroller of the Currency John D. Hawke, Jr. Tells Senate Panel of Overarching Considerations for Preemption and Visitorial Powers Rules - NR 2004-28

Testimony (PDF)

Oral Statement (PDF)



Comptroller of the Currency John D. Hawke, Jr. Tells House Panel National Banks Are in Sound Condition - NR 2004-26

Testimony (PDF)

Oral Statement (PDF)



First Senior Deputy Comptroller Julie L. Williams Sets the Record Straight Regarding Nature, Consequences of OCCs Recent Preemption Regulations - NR 2004-25

Sets the Record Straight Speech (PDF)



Chief Counsel Julie L. Williams' speech to America's Community Bankers discussed misunderstandings and mischaracterizations of OCC's preemption rule (PDF)



Chief Counsel Julie L. Williams' Speech to Annual Legal Conference of Independent Bankers Association of Texas & Texas Savings and Community Bankers Association (PDF)  



Chief Counsel Julie L. Williams' Speech to Consumer Federation of America (PDF)



National Banks and the Dual Banking System (PDF)



Comptroller of the Currency John D. Hawke, Jr.'s Speech to Women in Housing and Finance on September 9, 2003




First Senior Deputy Comptroller and Chief Counsel, Julie L. Williams, of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, testified before the Senate Banking Committee on the subject of regulatory relief. NR 2006-25, Statement (PDF), Testimony (PDF)



Comptroller of the Currency John C. Dugan said in a speech that both consumers and banks have benefited from the long fight to shed outdated laws and regulations, and he expressed pride in the role he played in those efforts. NR-2005-95, Remarks (PDF)



Chief Counsel and First Deputy Comptroller Julie L. Williams testified before House Committee on Financial Services on Regulatory Relief and support to Katrina Recovery Efforts. Statement (PDF), Testimony (PDF)



Acting Comptroller of the Currency, Julie L. Williams Supports Regulatory Burden Relief Legislation; Urges New Approach to Consumer Disclosure Requirements to Reduce Regulatory Burden and Deliver Information Consumers Understand

NR 2005-60, Statement (PDF)




Acting Comptroller of the Currency, Julie L. Williams, told a House subcommittee "that consumer disclosure requirements present an opportunity to reduce regulatory burden while improving the quality of information provided to consumers". NR 2005-57, Statement (PDF)



OCC Chief Counsel Julie L. Williams Tells Senate Banking Committee That Unnecessary Regulatory Burden Hurts Both Banks and Consumers - NR 2004-50

Testimony (PDF)

Research and Reference


Comptroller of the Currency John D. Hawke, Jr. Tells Senate Banking Committee That National Banking System is in Strong Condition - NR 2004-30

Testimony (PDF)

Oral Statement (PDF)

Special Examination Authority


Acting Comptroller Williams Issues Statement Regarding FDIC Proposal to Expand Special Examination Authority - NR 2005-4

Speech (PDF)



Speeches and Testimony


Comptroller of the Currency John Dugan expresses support and concerns to Congress on regulatory reform plan and proposed Consumer Financial Protection Agency. News Release 2009-88, Testimony (PDF)

Speeches and Testimony


Comptroller of the Currency John L. Dugan issues a statement on the Supreme Court decision in Cuomo v. Clearing House Association. News Release 2009-75

Speeches and Testimony


OCC Deputy Comptroller for Compliance Policy testifies before Senate Special Committee on Aging. News Release 2009-74, Statement (PDF), Testimony (PDF)

Speeches and Testimony


OCC Chief of Staff addresses the National Association of Real Estate Editors. News Release 2009-67, Speech (PDF)

Speeches and Testimony


Comptroller of the Currency John C. Dugan urges more consumer protections for reverse mortgages. News Release 2009-61, Remarks (PDF)

Speeches and Testimony


Statement of Comptroller of the Currency John C. Dugan following a tour of West and South Dallas.  News Release 2009-56

Speeches and Testimony


Comptroller of the Currency John C. Dugan's statement at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation meeting about a Final Rule on the Special Assessment.  News Release 2009-54

Speeches and Testimony


Comptroller of the Currency John C. Dugan issued the following statement on the results of the Supervisory Capital Assessment Program (SCAP).  News Release 2009-48

Speeches and Testimony


Comptroller of the Currency testifies on Enforcement Authority. News Release 2009-26, Testimony (PDF)

Speeches and Testimony


OCC Deputy Comptroller for Community Affairs addresses the United States Commission on Civil Rights. News Release 2009-25, Statement (PDF)

Speeches and Testimony


Comptroller of the Currency testifies on Financial Regulatory Reform. News Release 2009-24, Testimony (PDF), Oral Statement (PDF)

Speeches and Testimony


OCC Senior Deputy Comptroller and Chief National Bank Examiner testifies on Risk Management. News Release 2009-23, Oral Statement (PDF), Written Testimony (PDF)

Speeches and Testimony


OCC Deputy Comptroller testifies on Mark-to-Market Accounting. News Release 2009-22, Oral Statement (PDF), Written Testimony (PDF)

Speeches and Testimony


Statement of Comptroller of the Currency John C. Dugan on the Administration’s Financial Stability Plan. Release 2009-8

Speeches and Testimony


OCC Deputy Comptroller for International Banking Supervision addresses the International Association of Insurance Supervisors NR 2008-122. Speech (PDF)

Speeches and Testimony


Comptroller of the Currency John C. Dugan said that the present turmoil in credit markets should not distract bankers and lenders from the important priority of fair lending. NR 2008-103. Speech (PDF)

Speeches and Testimony


Statement of Comptroller of the Currency John C. Dugan on Enactment of Housing Legislation. NR 2008-92

Speeches and Testimony


Comptroller of the Currency John C. Dugan made the following statement at a press conference on mortgage finance sponsored by the Department of Treasury. NR 2008-90

Speeches and Testimony


Comptroller Dugan Tells OCC Examiners that Agency Must Continue to Focus on Consumer Compliance. Release 2008-76, Remarks (PDF)

Speeches and Testimony


Comptroller of the Currency John C. Dugan updated today the Committee on recent events in the financial markets and the condition of the national banking system. Release 2008-63, Oral Statement (PDF), Written Testimony (PDF)

Speeches and Testimony


Comptroller Dugan tells lenders that unprecedented home equity loan loss. Release 2008-58, Speech (PDF)

Speeches and Testimony


The Chief Counsel and First Senior Deputy Comptroller Julie L. Williams testified before the House Committee on Financial Services about the OCC's views on H.R. 5244, the Credit Cardholders' Bill of Rights of 2008. NR 2008-45, Speech (PDF), Testimony (PDF)

Speeches and Testimony


The Comptroller of the Currency testified before the House Financial Services Committee on the draft FHA Housing Stabilization and Homeownership Retention Act of 2008. NR 2008-38, Testimony (PDF), Statement (PDF)

Speeches and Testimony


Comptroller of the Currency John C. Dugan told a Senate Committee that while the banking system is fundamentally sound, it is being tested by large and unprecedented credit market disruptions plus the slowdown in the economy. NR 2008-28, Summary, Testimony (PDF)

Speeches and Testimony


Comptroller of the Currency John C. Dugan said that many national banks in the United States have indicated they will take advantage of the flexibility provided by the 36-month window for Basel II implementation provided in the final U.S. rule. NR 2008-26, Speech (PDF), Summary

Speeches and Testimony


Comptroller of the Currency John C. Dugan issued the following statement responding to comments from New York Governor Eliot Spitzer. NR 2008-16

Speeches and Testimony


Deputy Comptroller for Compliance Policy Ann F. Jaedicke discussed the Community Reinvestment Act in testimony before the House Committee on Financial Services. NR 2008-15, Statement (PDF), Testimony (PDF)

Speeches and Testimony


Comptroller Dugan Urges Action to Help Communities Suffering from Effects of Mortgage Foreclosure Crisis NR 2008-14, Speech (PDF)

Speeches and Testimony


Comptroller of the Currency addressed the Florida Bankers Association in Miami. NR 2008-9 ,

Speeches and Testimony


Comptroller of the Currency John C. Dugan issued the following statement at the Department of the Treasury press conference announcing a plan to assist a key segment of subprime borrowers to modify their mortgages and avoid foreclosures. NR 2007-132


Speeches and Testimony


Comptroller Dugan testifies on accelerating loan modifications to help troubled borrowers. NR 2007-131, Statement (PDF), Summary

Speeches and Testimony


OCC Chief of Staff Testifies Before House Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee. NR 2007-121, Testimony (PDF), Summary (PDF)

Speeches and Testimony


Comptroller of the Currency John C. Dugan said that consumers should be given the opportunity to "opt out" of certain credit card rate increases and be given the alternative of paying off the card balance at the old rate. NR 2007-104

Speeches and Testimony


OCC First Senior Deputy Comptroller and Chief Counsel Testifies Before Senate Committee About the Hardships Created By Garnishment of Federal Benefits. NR 2007-98

Speeches and Testimony


Comptroller of the Currency John C. Dugan told a House committee that despite challenging conditions in mortgage and credit markets, the national banking system remains safe and sound. NR 2007-93, Testimony (PDF)

Speeches and Testimony


Chief Counsel and First Senior Deputy Comptroller Julie L. Williams discussed the Supreme Court's decision in Watters v. Wachovia Bank in a speech today to the New York Bankers Association. NR 2007-72, Remarks (PDF)

Speeches and Testimony


Comptroller of the Currency John C. Dugan issued the following statement addressing interagency questions and answers on the Community Reinvestment Act. NR 2007-71

Speeches and Testimony


Comptroller Dugan Tells House Committee that OCC Supervision Plays Critical Role In Ensuring National Bank Compliance with Federal Consumer Protection Standards NR 2007-57

Speeches and Testimony


Comptroller John C. Dugan, testified before the House Subcommittee on Financial Services and Consumer Credit, chaired by Congresswoman Maloney, on the effectiveness of credit card disclosures and related issues.
NR 2007-54, Testimony (PDF)

Speeches and Testimony


Watters vs. Wachovia Bank case, the Supreme Court held that federal preemption standards applicable to national banks extend to activities conducted through their operating subsidiaries. NR 2007-40, Supreme Court Decision (PDF)

Speeches and Testimony


Comptroller of the Currency John C. Dugan released the following statement after the release of final interagency guidance on non-traditional mortgages. NR 2006-108

Speeches and Testimony


First Senior Deputy Comptroller and Chief Counsel Julie L. Williams discussed three interpretive letters issued by the OCC in December 2005 in testimony before the Subcommittee on Government Management, Finance, and Accountability of the House Committee on Government Reform. NR 2006-105, Statement (PDF), Testimony (PDF)

Speeches and Testimony


Acting Comptroller of the Currency, Julie L. Williams Speech before an OCC Bankers Outreach Meeting Chicago, Illinois on the eve of the Memorial Day weekend, a traditional time to count the blessings of our free society and pay tribute to those who fought to preserve and protect it. NR 2005-53, Remarks (PDF)

Speeches and Testimony


Acting Comptroller of the Currency Julie L. Williams addressed the BAI National Loan Review Conference in New Orleans, LA on the enormous changes that are taking place in the world of retail lending.

Speech (PDF)

Speeches and Testimony


Acting Comptroller of Currency Julie L. Williams addressed the Independent Community Bankers of America San Antonio, Texas about Bankers Regulatory Burden Relief of how it should be a national priority.

Speech (PDF)


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The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency was created by Congress to charter national banks, to oversee a nationwide system of banking institutions, and to assure that national banks are safe and sound, competitive and profitable, and capable of serving in the best possible manner the banking needs of their customers.

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