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Human Resources

Equal Employment Opportunity

Becoming an EEO Counselor

Thinking About Becoming An EEO Counselor?

The PSC, AHRQ and SAMHSA are soliciting candidates to serve as Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Counselors. If you are a PSC, AHRQ or SAMHSA employee, this may be your opportunity to make a valuable contribution to your organization and fellow employees.

The EEO Counselor job is a collateral duty assignment, which will require less than 20 percent of your work time. EEO Counselors serve on a volunteer basis and must be able to perform this collateral duty for at least two years. You need the approval of your supervisor in order to serve in this capacity.

If selected to be an EEO Counselor, you will participate in a 32-hour "Basic EEO Counselor Training" course at no cost to you or your Office. You will be trained in the EEO counseling process, which will include basic mediation and facilitation skills, as well as other techniques and skills useful for improved communication and understanding. Cases are assigned on a rotating basis among the EEO Counselors who have completed the training. Provided are the selection criteria for EEO Counselors.

If you are interested in becoming an EEO Counselor, or have any questions, please call Kaye Nitta at (301) 443-1977.