FLICC/FEDLINK Video Presentation

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FLICC Brown Bag Series
The Embedded Librarian:  Making and Leading the Team

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This video presents The Embedded Librarian:  Making and Leading the Team -- a presentation in the FLICC Brown Bag Series-- in its entirety.

Information professionals are continuing to leave physical information centers behind to join project teams and other practice units, often with the mandate to master additional skills. Join your colleagues to find out more about the methods needed to change the direction of you professional career and hear first-hand experience from embedded librarians. Speakers include:

• Diane Cooper - Indian Health/National Institutes of Health (NIH)
• Suzanne Grefsheim - Director, Division of Library Services/NIH
• Doug Joubert - Biology/NIH
• Bruce Rosenstein - USA Today
• Karen Smith - Biomedical Info/NIH

Watch the video.

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   Updated April 2006

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