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Hospital Library Toolkits

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Hospital Librarian Orientation Toolkit

The Hospital Librarian Orientation Toolkit provides orientation information to hospital and health science librarians in New England.

The tools considered for this kit meet two objectives:

  1. To provide information on library networking resources:
    • Fact sheets and brochures from:
      • MLA (Medical Library Association application)
      • NN/LM NER (regional medical library)
      • NAHSL (regional chapter for MLA)
      • various state/local health sciences library groups
    • Education & training opportunities
    • Professional discussion lists (listservs)

  2. To advance the growth and development of hospital librarians:
    • The role of a professional librarian
    • Goals and principles for a health sciences librarian
    • The 2002 MLA standards for hospital libraries (revised 2004)
    • A bibliography geared for the new health science librarian
    • List of regional library acronyms

Links to the 12 files that comprise the Hospital Librarian Orientation Toolkit at located at:

Hospital Library Promotional Toolkit

The Hospital Library Promotional Toolkit is designed to aid hospital librarians in promoting their services to hospital administrators and to the various communities within their organization.

The tools considered for this kit meet three objectives:

  1. To assist hospital librarians in their performance and reporting of services to management:
    • Sample Mission Statements
    • Sample Goals & Objectives
    • Tips for Preparing an Annual Report
    • Sample Annual Report
    • Library Statistics and How to Report Library Activities
    • Library Use Value Calculator
    • List of Suggestions for Expanding Use of Library Services
    • Library Scope of Service Checklist

  2. To help hospital libraries focus on promotion and marketing to meet specific educational needs of their institution:
    • Sample Mission Statements
    • Sample Goals & Objectives
    • Research/Literature Search Request Form
    • Foot Traffic/Door Count/Library Activities Form
    • List of Suggestions for Expanding Use of Library Services
    • Library Scope of Service Checklist

  3. To advance the growth and development of the professional hospital librarian:
    • List of Suggestions for Expanding Use of Library Services
    • Library Scope of Service Checklist
    • Selected Bibliography on Promoting Hospital Librarianship

Links to the 11 tools in the Hospital Library Promotional Toolkit are located at:

Hospital Library Subcommittee Members

The Hospital Librarian Orientation Toolkit and the Hospital Library Promotion Toolkit were developed by members of the Hospital Library Subcommittee, who serve on the Regional Advisory Council (RAC) of the National Network of Libraries, New England Region (NN/LM NER).

NER Hospital Library Subcommittee Members (by alphabetical order):

Margo Coletti Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Boston, MA
Deb Clark Stephens Memorial Hospital Norway, ME
Denise Corless Caritas Norwood Hospital Norwood, MA
Barb Davis Newport Hospital Newport, RI
Anne Fladger Brigham and Women’s Hospital Boston, MA
Mark Goldstein NN/LM NER (RML) Shrewsbury, MA
Shirley Gronholm Hartford Hospital Hartford, CT
Mimi Guessferd Parkland Medical Center Derry, NH
Sheila Hayes Portsmouth Regional Hospital Portsmouth, NH
Betsy Merrill Northeastern Vermont Regional Medical Center St. Johnsbury, VT