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Software Quality Group

The Software Quality Group develops tools, methods, and related models for improving the process of ensuring that software behaves correctly, thus helping industry improve the quality of software development and maintenance. Semantic correctness and formal methods techniques are also candidate tasks for this group.

Project Areas Include:

  • Test Method Research
    Developing new test methods to automatically generate tests and improve testing coverage to specifications. Focus is on using formal methods.
  • Computer Forensics Tool Testing
    Developing methods, tests, and tools for specifying and testing requirements of forensic analysis tools.
  • Healthcare Systems, eHealth
    Developing integration profiles along with developing tests, tools and prototypes to achieve integrated electronic health information environments.
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    Disclaimer NIST is an agency of the U.S. Commerce Department's Technology Administration.

    Created on November 7, 2003
    Last Modified:
    Wednesday, 03/31/2004 11:18 AM
    SSD Division Webmaster: