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Before submitting requests for OIG reports, please visit OIG's FOIA reading room and library to ensure that the material that you are requesting has not already been posted there.


Also, before formulating your request to the OIG, please refer to the guidance provided at the Department of State's website at http:/ Please note that the web-based "FOIA Request Aid"  is for the submission of requests to the State Departments Office of Information Programs and Services and not to OIG.  Please do not use the "FOIA Request Aid"  when submitting your OIG request. 


Your request should meet the following criteria:

1. Be in writing and signed by the person making the request (if sending via mail or     


2. Reasonably describe the records being requested. For example, include

    information such as the date and place the records were created, subject matter,

    and other pertinent details that will help identify the records.


3. Identify the "category" of the requester so that the OIG may determine the

    appropriate fees for the request. As provided in the FOIA, there are four     

    categories of requesters: commercial, educational, media, and other.


  • Commercial: A requester who seeks information to further his or her commercial,  trade, or profit interests.
  • Educational: A requester who seeks information to further scholarly research (i.e.,  not for commercial use).
  • Media: A requester who seeks information to publish or broadcast news to the  public.
  • Other: Requesters who do not fall under the "commercial" "educational" or "media" categories




The Office of Inspector General (OIG) is a separate component within the Department State.  The OIG responds to requests for records that are exclusively OIG-related, i.e. inspections, audits, or investigations.


If the records you seek are maintained by the OIG, your request should be sent to the below address:


   FOIA Office   

   U.S. Department of State

   Office of Inspector General

   Office of Counsel

   Washington, DC 20522-0308

   ATTN: Zipora Bullard

   Fax: (202) 663-0390

   Phone:(202) 663-0383 or Joan Jerry (202) 663-0389   





By making a FOIA request, it shall be considered an agreement by you to pay all applicable fees charged under 22 CFR 171.14, up to $25.00, unless a fee waiver has been granted. If the total charges due for processing a request are $25.00 or less, no fee will be charged.


If OIG determines that a fee waiver will not be granted, the requestor will be notified.  Fees will differ depending on the "category" of the requestor.  Please see the Department of State FOIA regulations, 22 CFR Part 171, for more details.