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Middle East Regional Office


Middle East Reginal Office ,Map,


OIG opened its first permanent office outside of the United States January 23, 2008, when the Middle East Regional Office (MERO) began operations in Amman, Jordan. The Assistant Inspector General for MERO is located in Washington D.C.; however the office director is at the U.S. Embassy in Amman, Jordan. It serves as the principal planning and coordinating office for all OIG activities within the regional area from Northern Africa to the Middle East and Central/Southern Asia. The office's purpose is to provide oversight and assistance for high-cost, high-risk Department programs located in crisis and post conflict areas and countries.



MERO provides oversight of Department activities and of crisis and post-conflict areas, especially in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other countries such as Pakistan, Lebanon, and Egypt. The staff conducts audits, program evaluation, and investigations of contracts and grants, contractor performance and procurement issues, as well as program management evaluations. Audits and program evaluations of embassies in the region include security and security assistance, provincial reconstruction teams, refugee assistance, anti-corruption, police training, and rule of law programs. OIG assessments also include the effectiveness of foreign assistance programs in Iraq and Afghanistan and other countries in the region. OIG established an investigative capability in the Middle East and participates in the International Contract Corruption Task Force to address financial fraud involving Department employees, projects, and funds in Iraq, Afghanistan, at other U.S. missions, and in other crisis/post-conflict areas in the region. OIG also provides proactive assistance to the Office of the Coordinator for Reconstruction and stabilization through increased oversight of post-conflict and anti-corruption activities.



As an office within the OIG, MERO aims to be a world-class organizations promoting effective management, accountability, and positive change in the Department of State, the Broadcasting Board of Governors, and the foreign affairs community.


OIG Mission Statement

The Office of Inspector General conducts independent audits, inspections, and investigations that advance the missions of the Department of State and the Broadcasting Board of Governors. OIG provides leadership to:

-          promote integrity, efficiency, effectiveness, and economy;

-          prevent and detect waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement;

-          identify vulnerabilities and recommend constructive solutions;

-          offer expert assistance to improve Department and BBG operations;

-          communicate timely, useful information that facilitates decision-making and achieves measurable gains;

-          keep the Department, BBG, and the Congress fully and currently informed.