National Transportation Library
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Roundtable Presentation:
How to Ensure your Resources are 508 compliant

DATE: May 14, 2009
SPEAKER: Natalie Collier and Jessica Chaiken, Library and Information Services at the National Rehabilitation Information Center (NARIC)

  • Presentation (PPT - 147 KB | PDF - 122 KB | HTML - 22 KB )

    Audio Portion:
  • Watch the Presentation
    Time Counter* Session Content
    0:00:00-0:01:39 Welcome and Speaker Introduction
    0:01:40-0:5:03 National Rehabilitation Information Center overview
    0:05:04-0:51:42 Presentation
    0:51:43-0:58:36 Questions and Answers, Discussion

    *you may click anywhere in the recording status bar at the bottom of the page to skip to anyplace in the presentation (you can also drag the counter marker forward and back to rewind or skip forward)