National Transportation Library
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Livability, Sustainable Development and Smart Growth, 2004-2009
Compiled by Rosalyn Alleman, Reference Librarian and
Roger Garren, Reference Librarian
National Transportation Library (NTL)


Lee, Richard W and Gosling, Geoffrey D and Irvin, Katja and Bossard, Earl G. Applying Smart Growth Principles and Strategies to Resolving Land Use Conflicts Around Airports. Mineta Transportation Institute; California Department of Transportation; U.S. Department of Transportation; University Transportation Centers Program (U.S.), 2008. Access document:

Berry, Fiona and Gillhespy, Sarah and Rogers, Jean. Airport Sustainability Practices. Transportation Research Board, 2008. Access document:

Horton, Paul. Sustaining Business Success with Green Initiatives. Zweig White Information Services, 2008. Access document:

Smart Transportation Guidebook: Planning and Designing Highways and Streets that Support Sustainable and Livable Communities. New Jersey Department of Transportation; Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, 2008. Access document:

Lusher, Lindsey and Seaman, Mark and Tsay, Shin-pei. Streets to Live By: How Livable Street Design Can Bring Economic, Health and Quality-of-Life Benefits to New York City. Transportation Alternatives, 2008. Access document:

Bugliarello, George. The Engineering Challenges of Urban Sustainability. Carfax Publishing, 2008. Find a library that has this document:

Weiner, Edward. Urban Transportation Planning in the United States. History, Policy, and Practice. Springer Science & Business Media, 2008. Find a library that has this document:

Beauvoir, Charles and Minister, David. Designing Transit Stations for the 21st Century. American Public Transportation Association, 2008. Find a library that has this document:

Watry, Duncan and Hilliard, David and Stadtfeld, Sanford. High Speed Rail Choices in California’s Central Valley. American Public Transportation Association, 2008. Find a library that has this document:

Fox, Justin. Lessons Learned from Light Rail Implementations. American Public Transportation Association, 2008. Find a library that has this document:

Hugunin, John and Whitney, Bill and Bernardi, Dave. Partnerships in Sustainability: Rail Tunnel Adaptation for Transit, Pedestrians, and Bicyclists. American Public Transportation Association, 2008. Access document:

Bryce, James M. Exploring Green Highways. ASTM International, 2008. Access document:

Flintsch, Gerardo W. Life-Cycle Assessment as a Tool for Sustainable Transportation Infrastructure Management. Wiley (John) and Sons, Incorporated, 2008. Find a library that has this document:

Designing Cities for People. Social, Environmental and Psychological Sustainability. Earthscan, 2008. Find a library that has this document:

Goodman, Robert. The Truth about Sustainability. American Planning Association, 2008. Find a library that has this document:

Ryan, Lisa and Turton, Hal. Sustainable Automobile Transport. Shaping Climate Change Policy. Edward Elgar Publishers, 2008. Find a library that has this document:

A Bridge to Somewhere: Rethinking American Transportation for the 21st Century. Brookings Institution, 2008. Access document:

Greenberg, Ellen. Sustainable Streets: An Emerging Practice. Institute of Transportation Engineers, 2008. Find a library that has this document:

Boschmann, E Eric and Kwan, Mei-Po. Toward Socially Sustainable Urban Transportation: Progress and Potentials. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 2008. Find a library that has this document:

Connery, Nancy Rutledge. Development of Next-Generation U.S. Infrastructure Systems: A Framework for National Policy. Public Works Management & Policy: A Journal for the American Public Works Association, 2008. Find a library that has this document:

Amekudzi, Adjo Akpene and Khisty, C Jotin. Sustainability Footprints, Calculus, and Infrastructure Systems Evaluation. Transportation Research Board, 2008. Order document:

Jeon, Christy Mihyeon and Amekudzi, Adjo Akpene and Guensler, Randall. Sustainability Assessment at the Transportation Planning Level: Performance Measures and Indexes. Transportation Research Board, 2008. Order document:

Zietsman, Josias and Knowles, William E and Ramani, Tara L and Lee, Jae Su and Bochner, Brian Stephen. Sustainability Enhancement Tool for State Departments of Transportation Using Performance Measurement. Transportation Research Board, 2008. Order document:

Soderlund, Martina and Muench, Stephen T and Willoughby, Kim A and Uhlmeyer, Jeffrey S and Weston, Jim. Green Roads: Sustainability Rating System for Roadways. Transportation Research Board, 2008. Order document:

Walls, Margaret. Smart Growth @ 10: A Critical Examination of Maryland’s Landmark Land Use Program, October 3-5, 2007. Resources for the Future, 2008. Access document:

Dill, Jennifer. Transit Use at Transit-Oriented Developments in Portland, Oregon, Area. Transportation Research Board, 2008. Access document:

Sustain Lane – People Powered Sustainability Guide’s 2008 US City Rankings: City Commuting:

Sustain Lane – People Powered Sustainability Guide’s 2008 US City Rankings: Metro Street and Freeway Congestion:

Sustain Lane – People Powered Sustainability Guide’s 2008 US City Rankings: Metro Public Transit Ridership:

American Planning Association: Great Places in America, 2008:

The EcoGateway Anthologies, 2008: Sustainability:

America’s Most Livable Communities, 2008:

Walker, G Wade. Designing Inside the Box-Strategies to Successfully Marry Smart Growth and Context-Sensitive Transportation Initiatives. American Society of Civil Engineers, 2008.

Howell-moroney, Michael. A Description and Exploration of Recent State-led Smart-growth Efforts. Environment & Planning C: Government & Policy, Aug. 2008.

Carruthers, John I.; Úlfarsson, Gudmundur F. Does 'Smart Growth' Matter to Public Finance? Urban Studies (Sage), 2008.

Anthony, Jerry. Exploring Causes of Smart Growth Policy Adoption: Many Challenges Persist. Social Science Quarterly (Blackwell Publishing Limited), Dec. 2008.

O'Connell, Lenahan. Exploring the Social Roots of Smart Growth Policy Adoption by Cities. Social Science Quarterly (Blackwell Publishing Limited), Dec. 2008.

Dalbey, Matthew. Implementing Smart Growth Strategies in Rural America: Development Patterns That Support Public Health Goals. Journal of Public Health Management & Practice, May/June 2008.

Brown, Marilyn A.; Southworth, Frank. Mitigating Climate Change Through Green Buildings and Smart Growth. Environment & Planning A, March 2008.

Bryan, Brett A.; Crossman, Neville D. Systematic Regional Planning for Multiple Objective Natural Resource Management. Journal of Environmental Management, Sep. 2008.

Filion, Pierre; Mcspurren, Kathleen. Smart Growth and Development Reality: The Difficult Co-ordination of Land Use and Transport Objectives. Urban Studies, March 2007.

Thomas H. Bradleya, , and Andrew A. Frank. Design, Demonstrations and Sustainability Impact Assessments for Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2007.

Assessment of Local Models and Tools for Analyzing Smart-growth Strategies.

California Dept. of Transportation, 2007.

2007 Regional Planning Handbook: A Guide to Administering Overall Work Programs, Regional Transportation Plans and Their Funding Sources. California Dept. of Transportation, 2007.

Janic, Milan. The Sustainability of Air Transportation - A Quantitative Analysis and Assessment. Ashgate Publishing Company, 2007. Find a library that has this document:

Steg, Linda. Sustainable Transportation: A Psychological Perspective. International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences, 2007. Find a library that has this document:

Kassoff, Hal. Public/Private Partnerships and Sustainable Toll Roads: Advancing to the Triple Bottom Line. International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association, 2007.

Orrick, Phyllis. Walking and Biking Into the Tsunami: the Need to Balance Sustainability and Traffic Safety. 2007. Order Document:

Gauthier, Aimee. Congestion Pricing: First We Take Manhattan. Institute for Transportation and Development Policy, 2007. Find a library that has this document:

Tarry, Scott E. Innovation and Sustainability: Assessing the Impact of the Small Community Air Service Development Grant Program. Transportation Research Forum, 2007.

Murillo, Blake and Vargas, Sean. Sustainable Design for Communities. Zweig White Information Services, 2007. Find a library that has this document:

Farrell, Bruce R and Zordilla, Emil. Sustainable Building Design: The "Greening" of Container Terminals. American Society of Civil Engineers, 2007. Find a library that has this document:

Abood, Karim A. Sustainable and Green Ports: Application of Sustainability Principles to Port Development and Operation. American Society of Civil Engineers, 2007. Find a library that has this document:

Wernli, Markus and Springston, Preston S. Design of Sustainable Marine Concrete Structures: A Case Study. American Society of Civil Engineers, 2007. Find a library that has this document:

Black, William R and Sato, Noriyuki. From Global Warming to Sustainable Transport 1989-2006. Taylor & Francis, 2007. Find a library that has this document:

Black, William R. Sustainable Solutions for Freight Transport. Edward Elgar Publishers, 2007. Find a library that has this document:

Feng, Tian and Hood, Timonie. Sustainability: Can It Make Transit Facilities More Efficient? American Public Transportation Association, 2007. Find a library that has this document:

Nagurney, Anna and Liu, Zugang and Woolley, Trisha. Sustainable Supply Chain and Transportation Networks. Taylor & Francis, 2007. Find a library that has this document:

Attarian, Janet L. Chicago Department of Transportation Sustainable Development Initiatives. Transportation Research Board, 2007. Find a library that has this document:

Miller PE/SE, Bradley Dean. Suspension Trail Bridge Using Sustainable Materials. Transportation Research Board, 2007. Find a library that has this document:

Bragado, Nancy. San Diego Adopts "City of Villages" Strategy Linking Jobs, Housing, and Transit. McFarland and Company, Incorporated, 2007. Find a library that has this document:

Frank, Lawrence D and Dunphy, Robert T. The States and Transportation Planning. McFarland and Company, Incorporated, 2007. Find a library that has this document:

Reforming Parking Policies to Support Smart Growth: Toolbox/Handbook: Parking Best Practices & Strategies for Supporting Transit Oriented Development in the San Francisco Bay Area. Metropolitan Transportation Commission, 2007. Access document:

Advocating for Transit through Partnership: Coalition Stories from Across America. American Public Transportation Association, 2007. Access document:

International Making Cities Livable Conference, 2007:

Neaderland, Zoe. Systemwide Analysis for Congestion Management: Lessons Learned from Preparing the Congestion Management Process at Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission. Transportation Research Board, 2007.

Lee, Caroline W. Is There a Place for Private Conversation in Public Dialogue? Comparing Stakeholder Assessments of Informal Communication in Collaborative Regional Planning. American Journal of Sociology, July 2007.

Qing Shen; Feng Zhang. Land-use Changes in a Pro-smart-growth State: Maryland, USA. Environment & Planning A, June 2007.

Scott, James Wesley. Smart Growth as Urban Reform: A Pragmatic ‘Recoding’ of the New Regionalism. Urban Studies, Jan. 2007.

Boyle, Robin; Mohamed, Rayman. State Growth Management, Smart Growth and Urban Containment: A Review of the US and a Study of the Heartland. Journal of Environmental Planning & Management, Sep. 2007.

Moavenzadeh, Fred; Markow, Michael J. Moving Millions: Transport Strategies for Sustainable Development in Megacities. 2007. Springer. ISBN: 1402067011.

Chris Hendrickson, Gyorgyi Cicas, and H. Scott Matthews. Transportation Sector and Supply Chain Performance and Sustainability. Journal Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2006.

Miller, John S; Hoel, Lester A; Dalton, Taylor F; McCray, Danielle R. Defining Effective Regional Planning in Virginia. Virginia Transportation Research Council; Federal Highway Administration. 2006.

Dolan, Lisa M J and van Boheman, H and Whelan, Padraig and Akbar, K F and O’Malley, Vincent and O’Leary, Gerard and Keizer, P J. Towards the Sustainable Development of Modern Road Ecosystems. Springer, 2006. Find a library that has this document:

Shore, William B. Land-Use, Transportation and Sustainability. Elsevier, 2006.

Find a library that has this document:

Adler, Susannah Kerr. Achieving Sustainability in Transit. Zweig White Information Services, 2006. Find a library that has this document:

Amrusch, P and Wirl, F. The Impact of Energy Prices on the Sustainability of Urban Transport. WIT Press, 2006. Find a library that has this document:

Make Roads Safe: A New Priority for Sustainable Development. Commission for Global Road Safety, 2006. Find a library that has this document:

Bartle, John R. The Sustainable Development of U.S. Air Transportation: The Promise and Challenge of Institutional Reform. Sage Publications, Incorporated, 2006. Find a library that has this document:

Bevan, Timothy and Acutanza, Jeanne and Feldman, Sharon and Tweit, Eric. Addressing Sustainability for Major Transportation Projects: Seattle Mercer Corridor Case Study. Transportation Research Board, 2006. Order document:

Cherry, Christopher R and Deakin, Elizabeth and Higgins, Nathan and Huey, S Brian. Systems-Level Approach to Sustainable Urban Arterial Revitalization: Case Study of San Pablo Avenue, San Francisco Bay Area, California. Transportation Research Board, 2006. Access document:

Flint, Anthony. This Land: The Battle Over Sprawl and the Future of America. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006. Find a library that has this document:

Mierzejewski, Edward A and Seggerman, Karen E. What’s New in Transportation and Growth Management: The Florida Experience. Institute of Transportation Engineers, 2006. Find a library that has this document:

Duguid, Lori J. Implementing Smart Growth Principles in Manalapan Township, New Jersey, to Address Transportation Deficiencies. Institute of Transportation Engineers, 2006. Find a library that has this document:

Juriga, Jessica S. Growth Management and Mobility: An Analysis of Urban Areas. Institute of Transportation Engineers, 2006. Find a library that has this document:

Papazian, Edward Y. Growth Management Techniques in the Washington DC Area. Institute of Transportation Engineers, 2006. Find a library that has this document:

Bochner, Brian S. Smart Growth: Myth or Reality? Institute of Transportation Engineers, 2006. Find a library that has this document:

Emerine, Dan and Shenot, Christine and Bailey, Mary Kay and Sobel, Lee and Susman, Megan. This is Smart Growth. International City/County Management Association; Environmental Protection Agency, 2006. Access document:

Levine, Jonathan. Zoned Out. Regulation, Markets and Choices in Transportation and Metropolitan Land-Use. Resources for the Future, 2006. Find a library that has this document:

Cervero, Robert. Alternative Approaches to Modeling the Travel-Demand Impacts of Smart Growth. American Planning Association, 2006. Find a library that has this document:

Dill, Jennifer. Travel and Transit Use at Portland Area Transit-Oriented Developments (TODs). University of Washington, Seattle; Department of Transportation, 2006. Access document:

Marcus, Larry and Hawthorne, Rick. Balancing Smart Growth and Traffic Congestion. Institute of Transportation Engineers, 2006. Find a library that has this document:

James E. Moore, Richard G. Little, Sungbin Cho, Shin Lee. Using Regional Economic Models to Estimate the Costs of Infrastructure Failure: The Cost of a Limited Interruption in Electric Power in the Los Angeles Region. Public Works Management & Policy, 2006.

Wassmer, Robert W.; Lascher Jr., Edward L. Who Supports Local Growth and Regional Planning to Deal With Its Consequences? Urban Affairs Review, May 2006.

A Regional Transportation System Plan for Southeastern Wisconsin, 2035. Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission, 2006.

Smith, Ginna and Porter, Christopher. Can Planners Really Get People Out of Their Cars? Can Land Use Regulations Reduce Vehicle Congestion. American Planning Association, 2005. Find a library that has this document:

What Went Wrong With Maryland's "Smart Growth" Policy? Urban Mobility Corporation, 2005. Find a library that has this document:

Transportation and Land Development 2005. Transportation Research Board, 2005. ISBN: 0-309-09372-2. Find a library that has this document:

Porter, Christopher D and ten Siethoff, Brian and Smith, Virginia. Impacts of Comprehensive Planning and Smart Growth Initiatives on Transportation: Case Studies of Five Regions. Transportation Research Board, 2005. Find a library that has this document:

Paluri, Anand Andy. Balancing Transportation Systems with Communities. Institute of Transportation Engineers; Australian Road Research Board, 2005. Find a library that has this document:

Downs, Anthony. Smart Growth: Why We Discuss It More than We Do It. American Planning Association, 2005. Find a library that has this document:

Porter, Christopher. These Agencies Get It. American Planning Association, 2005. Find a library that has this document:

News from the Smart Growth Front. Urban Mobility Corporation, 2005. Find a library that has this document:

Best Practices in Smart Growth and Transportation 2004 Competition. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials; Federal Highway Administration, 2005. Find a library that has this document:

Glendening, Parris N. Smart Growth and Transportation: Issues and Lessons Learned. Keynote Presentation. Transportation Research Board, 2005. Access document:

Smart Growth and Transportation: Issues and Lessons Learned. Report of a Conference. Transportation Research Board, 2005. Access document:

Pisarski, Alan. Transportation Trends and Smart Growth. Transportation Research Board, 2005. Access document:

Logan, Gregg. Development Pattern Trends and Smart Growth. Transportation Research Board, 2005. Access document:

Howard, Charles. Working Definition of Smart Growth. Transportation Research Board, 2005. Access document:

McCumber, Mary. Smart Growth Transportation System in Seattle, Washington. Transportation Research Board, 2005. Access document:

Hamilton, Luann. Smart Transportation in Chicago. Transportation Research Board, 2005. Access document:

Cummings, Michael. Smart Transportation in the Puget Sound Region. Transportation Research Board, 2005. Access document:

DeGrood, Jim. Smart Transportation in Marana, Arizona. Transportation Research Board, 2005. Access document:

Pedersen, Neil. Smart Transportation in Maryland. Transportation Research Board, 2005. Access document:

Snow, Jacob. Smart Transportation in Las Vegas, Nevada. Transportation Research Board, 2005. Access document:

Kloster, Tom. Smart Transportation in Portland, Oregon. Transportation Research Board, 2005. Access document:

Porcari, John. Incentives for Smart Growth in Maryland. Transportation Research Board, 2005. Access document:

Dunphy, Robert. Smart Transportation and Land Use: The New American Dream. Transportation Research Board, 2005. Access document:

Kirby, Ron. Metropolitan Planning Organization Perspective on Smart Growth, Land Use, and Transportation. Transportation Research Board, 2005. Access document:

Seskin, Sam. Examples of Smart Transportation Projects. Transportation Research Board, 2005. Access document:

Lewis, James. Smart Highway Experience in New Jersey. Transportation Research Board, 2005. Access document:

Lee, S and Leigh, N G. The Role of Inner Ring Suburbs in Metropolitan Smart growth Strategies. Sage Publications, Incorporated, 2005. Find a library that has this document:

Gershon, RRM; Qureshi, K A; Barrera, M A; Erwin, M J; Goldsmith, F. Health and Safety Hazards Associated with Subways: A Review. Journal of Urban Health, March 2005.

Hannah Badland, and Grant Schofield. Transport, Urban Design, and Physical Activity: An Evidence-based Update. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. May 2005.

Auimrac, Ivonne. Information Technology and Urban Form: Challenges to Smart Growth. International Regional Science Review, April 2005.

Daniels, Tom; Lapping, Mark. Land Preservation: An Essential Ingredient in Smart Growth. Journal of Planning Literature, Feb. 2005.

Downsz, Anthony. Smart Growth. Journal of the American Planning Association, Autumn 2005.

Song, Yan. Smart Growth and Urban Development Pattern: A Comparative Study. International Regional Science Review, April 2005.

Handy, Susan. Smart Growth and the Transportation--Land Use Connection: What Does the Research tell Us? International Regional Science Review, April 2005.

Ye, Lin; Mandpe, Sumedha; Meyer, Peter B. What Is "Smart Growth?"-- Really? Journal of Planning Literature, Feb. 2005.

Integrating Sustainability into the Transportation Planning Process. Transportation Research Board, 2005. Access document:

Black, William R. Sustainable Transport: Definitions and Responses. Transportation Research Board, 2005. Access document:

Wachs, Martin. What Are the Challenges to Creating Sustainable Transportation? How Can Transportation Systems Become More Sustainable? Transportation Research Board, 2005. Access document:

Brand, Ralf. Urban Infrastructures and Sustainable Social Practices. Carfax Publishing, 2005. Find a library that has this document:

Barker, William G. Can a Sustainable Transportation System Be Developed for San Antonio, Texas? Transportation Research Board, 2005. Access document:

Hoffner, Brian and Comrov, Aaron and Cohen, Maurie J. The New Politics of Consumption: Promoting Sustainability in the American Marketplace. USGS Biological Informatics Office, 2005. Access document:

Suen, I S. Residential Development Pattern and Intraneighborhood Infrastructure Provision. American Society of Civil Engineers, 2005. Find a library that has this document:

Salpeas, P Takis. Sustaining 21st Century Growth at Washington Metro. American Society of Civil Engineers, 2004. Find a library that has this document:

Sinha, Kumares C. Sustainability, Public Transportation and Technological Innovations. American Society of Civil Engineers, 2004. Find a library that has this document:

Urban Public Transportation Systems: Ensuring Sustainability Through Mass Transit. Proceedings of the Second International Conference, April 14-18, 2002, Alexandria, Virginia, USA. American Society of Civil Engineers, 2004. Find a library that has this document:

Dunphy, R T and Cervero, R and Dock, F C and McAvery, M and Porter, D R and Swenson, C J. Developing Around Transit: Strategies and Solutions That Work. Urban Land Institute, 2004. Find a library that has this document:

Ohland, G. The Dallas Case Study: Mockingbird Station and Addison Circle. In: The new Transit Town: Best Practices in Transit-Oriented Development. Island Press, 2004. Find a library that has this document:

Bernstein, S. The New Transit Town: Great Places and Great Nodes That Work For Everyone. In: The new Transit Town: Best Practices in Transit-Oriented Development. Island Press, 2004. Find a library that has this document:

Oniel, P D and Ebdon, C. Models of Transportation Development in America: Lessons for Developing America’s Space Transportation System. Transportation Research Forum, 2004.

Boeschenstein, W and Gulak, M and Okerlund, G. Washington D.C./Richmond Rail Corridor: Community Development Strategies. WIT Press, 2004. Find a library that has this document:

Toor, W and Havlick, S W. Transportation and Sustainable Campus Communities: Issues, Examples, Solutions. Island Press, 2004. Find a library that has this document:

Lewis, C A. Transit-Oriented Development Workshop: Synthesis. Texas Southern University, Houston; Southwest Region University Transportation Center, 2004. Access document:

Hamilton, P T. Implementing a Smart Growth Land Use Pattern to Manage Congestion and Safety by Integrating Regional Transportation Futures Alternatives Analysis with a Regional Concept of Management and Operations (RCMO): A Case Study in Performance Based Planning. Institute of Transportation Engineers, 2004. Find a library that has this document:

Deakin, Elizabeth and Porter, Christopher. Transportation Impacts of Smart Growth and Comprehensive Planning Initiatives. Cambridge Systematics, Incorporated, 2004.$file/25-25(2)_FR.pdf

Bochner, Brian S and Rabinowitz, Robin I and Hard, Edwin N. Promoting Smart Growth Texas Style: Proposed Policies for TxDOT to Benefit from and Support Local Smart Growth Initiatives. Texas Transportation Institute; Texas Department of Transportation; Federal Highway Administration, 2004.

Shimizu, R and DeBacker, M and Hubbard, D and Stitt, S and Blankenhorn, R. Chicago, Illinois, Smart Growth Study. Transportation Research Board, 2004. Access document:

Wilbur, V R. Smart Growth on the Fringe. Urban Land Institute, 2004. Access document:

Bochner, B and Rabinowitz, R I and Hard, E. Smart Growth Policy for State DOTS. Institute of Transportation Engineers, 2004. Find a library that has this document:

Smart Growth is Smart Business: Boosting the Bottom Line & Community Prosperity. National Association of Local Government Environmental Professionals; Smart Growth Leadership Institute, 2004. Access document:

Can Pedestrian-Friendly Planning Encourage Us to Walk? University of California, Berkeley, 2004. Access document:

Polzin, S E. The Relationship Between Land Use, Urban Form and Vehicle Miles of Travel: The State of Knowledge and Implications for Transportation Planning. University of South Florida, Tampa; Florida Department of Transportation; Federal Highway Administration, 2004. Access document:

City of Los Angeles Mayor’s Transportation Task Force (On Congestion, Mobility and Safety). Los Angeles, City of, California, 2004. Access document:

Hoernig, Heidi; Seasons, Mark. Monitoring of Indicators in Local and Regional Planning Practice: Concepts and Issues. Planning Practice & Research, Feb. 2004.