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The hyperlinks below include microbiological resources throughout the world, such as national culture collections, that may be of scientific or practical interest to the users of this site. Comments can be sent to the webmaster.

    ARS GRIN website
    The All-Russian Culture Collection (VKM)
    The American Society for Microbiology Home Page
    ATCC - The American Type Culture Collection
    Bacterial Nomenclature up-to-date (at DSMZ)
    BCCM - Belgian Coordinated Collection of Microorganisms
    Bergey's Manual Trust
    BSPP - British Society for Plant Pathology
    CABI Bioscience Fungal Herbarium (IMI)
    CBMAI - Coleção Brasileira de Microorganismos de Ambiente e Indústria
    CBS - Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures Home Page and Databases
    CCUG - Culture Collection of the University of Göteborg, Sweden
    CDC & ATSDR - Centers for Disease Control
    CGMCC - China General Microbiological Culture Collection Center
    Digital Atlas of Actinomycetes
    DSMZ - German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures
    FEMS - Federation of European Microbiological Societies
    The Fungal Genetics Stock Center
    IMI - The International Mycological Institute - now part of CABI Bioscience
    IUMS - The International Union of Microbiological Societies
    JCM - Japan Collection of Microorganisms
    KCTC - Korean Collection for Type Cultures Catalog Search Page
    List of Bacterial Names With Standing in Nomenclature - ENVT, Toulouse, France
    Mexican National Culture Collection (CDBB)
    NCIMB - National Collection of Industrial and Marine Bacteria - Aberdeen, UK
    NCPPB - National Collection of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria - York, UK
    NCYC - National Collection of Yeast Cultures - Norwich, UK
  NITE Biological Resource Center - Chiba, Japan (NBRC)
    Society for General Microbiology
    Spanish Culture Collection (CECT)
    Species 2000 Website
    United Kingdom National Culture Collection - UKNCC
    United States Federation for Culture Collections Home Page
    University of Wyoming Soil Fungi Collection (RMF, DM, WSF)
    UTEX - The Culture Collection of Algae at The University of Texas at Austin
    The World Data Center for Microorganisms (WDCM)
    World Health Organization (WHO)
Updated 18-Feb-2009
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