

Welcome to Perlegen's Mouse Website!

The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) contracted with Perlegen Sciences, Inc. to identify DNA polymorphisms (SNPs) in 15 commonly used strains of inbred laboratory mice. Using high-density oligonuclueotide array technology, the study identified over 8 million SNPs and other genetic differences between these strains and the previously sequenced C57BL/6J reference strains (Phase 1). By leveraging data provided by Mark Daly's research team at the Broad Institute, genotypes were also predicted for 40 other common strains (Phase 2).

Under an extension to the contract, Eleazar Eskin's group at UCLA has used this data to evaluate SNP associations with phenotypes from the Mouse Phenome Project (the Mouse Phenome Database), and to construct haplotype maps for a total of 94 inbred strains (the Mouse HapMap Project).

At this website, you can:

Learn more about the goals of the Perlegen mouse resequencing project.

Learn more about the array-based resequencing technology used in the project.

Download the SNPs, genotypes, and other data generated by the project, plus sequences of the long-range PCR primers used for SNP discovery.

Browse the mouse genome for SNPs.

View the haplotype blocks within the mouse genome.

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