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Privacy Policy

Thank you for visiting the National Institute for Literacy (NIFL) web site and reviewing our privacy policy. Your privacy is a matter of the highest priority for the National Institute for Literacy. The NIFL web site has been designed to make the vast majority of its information and services available without the user having to provide any private information. The NIFL does not use "persistent cookies" or any other techniques to collect personal information about you without your knowledge. However, some data is collected for statistical purposes and, under certain circumstances, the user may volunteer private information in order to access special features and products on the web site.

Statistical Data

The NIFL policy governing statistical data is as follows:

  • Any private statistical information collected by NIFL will be limited to non-personal information that is used to identify user preferences and make program enhancements.

    Specifically this information includes your Internet domain, type of browser, type of operating system, the date and time of your visit to the web site, specific pages you visited, and, if you used a link to access the NIFL web site, the web page that contained the link.

Discussion Lists

Postings to a discussion list will show the email address of the person posting. All messages posted to the list are archived. When sending posts to the lists, subscribers agree to have messages archived on the NIFL's web pages. This means that not only are all messages stored and searchable in the Discussion List archives, but they are also available for search on the World Wide Web. All messages posted to the list are archived. When sending posts to the lists, subscribers agree to have messages archived on the Institute's web pages. This means that not only are all messages stored and searchable in the Discussion List archives, but they are also available for search on the World Wide Web. Because of this, subscribers should be alert to including their personal information within the text of messages or with their signatures. Avoid subscribing and sending posts from email addresses that you wish to remain private.

E-Mail Correspondence and Inquiries

If you decide to send the National Institute for Literacy an e-mail message, it will normally contain your return e-mail address. If we need to contact other agencies to assist in responding to your inquiry, we may forward your inquiry and email address to such agencies unless you specifically request that we not do so. As a federal agency, we are governed by the Privacy Act of 1974 and will handle your private information in accordance with the restrictions contained in that Act. If you use e-mail to correspond to NIFL, it is important to understand that e-mail is not always secure from interception. Consequently, if you are sending very sensitive or personal information, you may wish instead to contact us through the Postal Service or by Fax at:

National Institute for Literacy
1775 I Street N.W.
Suite 730
Washington D.C. 20006
FAX: (202) 233-2050

Links to Other Sites

Our web site has links to other federal agencies and private organizations. When you link to another site, you are no longer on our site and are subject to the privacy policy of the new site.

Last updated: Monday, 06-Jul-2009 11:52:59 EDT