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Adult Literacy


Research plays a central role in building our knowledge of early childhood literacy teaching and learning. Through the National Early Literacy Panel’s work, the Institute explored thousands of studies to help explain what we know now about what young children need to learn to become successful readers later. 

Datasets created by the National Early Literacy Panel will be accessible to researchers for   replication and secondary analysis in autumn 2009 through Child Care & Early Education Research Connections by searching on the exact phrase “National Early Literacy Panel.”  To learn more about the Panel’s findings and download copies of the executive summary and full report, click here.

Much more remains to be learned about early childhood literacy. The Panel identified gaps in the research in the course of its work.  The Institute is also asking other researchers for their recommendations about possible future research directions. Click here for further information.

Last updated: Sunday, 26-Jul-2009 18:51:22 EDT

Birth to Early Childhood

The Institute finds scientifically based research on how young children develop skills

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