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Adult Literacy

Publications & Resources

The Institute identifies scientifically based research on how young children develop skills that will make them successful readers and makes it available in publications for educators, parents, families, and caregivers. Early Beginnings introduces early childhood administrators and supervisory staff to the research on early language and literacy development and helps them improve classroom practice. It can also be used by professional development providers to plan training on research-based instruction.

Additional publications will address early literacy topics and practices in more depth for the following audiences: center-based and home-based care providers; parents; university, college, and community college teacher preparation program administrators; and state and local policymakers.

Copies can be ordered by calling the National Institute for Literacy at EDPubs at 1-800-228-8813 (TDD/TTY1-877-576-7734) by emailing, or faxing 1-301-470-1244.

Last updated: Sunday, 26-Jul-2009 18:51:21 EDT

Birth to Early Childhood

The Institute finds scientifically based research on how young children develop skills

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