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Adult Literacy

Programs & Projects

The Institute's programs and projects help build and support an integrated system that allows us to serve adults as effectively as possible.

  • LINCS: The Institute’s Internet-based Literacy Information and Communication System (LINCS) is the backbone of its dissemination efforts. LINCS provides information and training on a variety of literacy-relevant topics, issues, and resources.
  • Learning to Achieve: Launching in summer 2009, Learning to Achieve is a training program designed to help adult education and vocational training practitioners, social workers, and other human service providers improve their knowledge of learning disabilities (LD) in adults.
  • America's Literacy Directory: The America’s Literacy Director, also known as ALD, connects those in need of services and information about local literacy programs via an easy to use, extensive database.
  • Summits and Partnerships: Through national summits on community literacy and health, the Institute fosters collaborative partnerships and supports emerging literacy challenges.

Last updated: Sunday, 26-Jul-2009 18:50:28 EDT


The Institute encourages the development and provision of high quality adult education and literacy services.

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