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Executive Orders

Subject Index for George W. Bush - 2001-Present

A   |   B   |  C   |   D   |   E   |   F   |   G   |   H   |   I   |   J   |   K   |   L   |   M   |  
N   |   O   |   P   |   Q   |   R   |   S   |   T   |   U   |   V   |   W   |   X   |   Y   |   Z


  • Access and Mobility, Interagency Transportation Coordinating Council on; establishment: EO 13330
  • Adult Education Working Group, Interagency; establishment: EO 13445
  • Aeronautics research and development, national: EO 13419
  • Afghanistan
    • Combat zone designation: EO 13239
    • Temporary organization to facilitate U.S. support, establishment: EO 13487
    • Taliban, termination of emergency with respect to: EO 13268
  • African Union
    • African Union Mission to the U.S., extension of privileges and immunities: EO 13444
    • Designation as a public international organization: EO 13377
  • Agriculture, Department of
    • Providing an order of succession: EO 13241, EO 13261
    • Faith-based and community organizations, responsibilities with respect to: EO 13280
  • Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association; creation of emergency board of investigations: EO 13205
  • Air Traffic Organization; amendment: EO 13264
  • Alien unlawful enemy combatants; trial by military commission: EO 13425
  • Aliens. See Immigration
  • Armed Forces
    • Afghanistan Campaign Medal; establishment: EO 13363
    • Commissioned Officers and Chief Warrant Officer appointments; assignment of functions relating to original appointments: EO 13384
    • Functions relating to certain appointments, promotions, and commissions; assignment: EO 13358
    • Global War on Terrorism Medal; establishment: EO 13289
    • Iraq Campaign Medal; establishment: EO 13363
    • National Defense Service Medal; amendment to Executive Order 10448 establishing: EO 13293
    • Ordering ready reserve to active duty: EO 13223, EO 13253
  • Arts and Humanities, President's Committee on the; continuation: EO 13225; EO 13316; EO 13385
  • Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders; increasing participation in Federal programs: EO 13216


  • Balkans
    • Blocking property of persons who threaten international stabilization efforts in the region: EO 13219
    • Termination of national emergencies and modification of Executive Order 13219 of June 26, 2001: EO 13304
  • Belarus
    • Blocking property of certain persons undermining democratic processes or institutions: EO 13405
    • Waiver under the Trade Act of 1974: EO 13220
  • Biobased Products and Bioenergy, Advisory Committee on; termination: EO 13225
  • Bioethics, President's Council on
  • Bioethics Advisory Commission, National; termination: EO 13316
  • Bob Hope American Patriot Award; establishment: EO 13306
  • Burma; blocking property of the Government and prohibiting certain transactions: EO 13310; EO 13448; EO 13464

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  • Central Intelligence Agency detention and interrogation program; interpretation of the Geneva Conventions Common Article 3: EO 13440
  • Central Intelligence Agency Retirement Act of 1964; waiver of dual compensation provisions: EO 13236
  • Citizen Preparedness in the War on Terrorism, Presidential Task Force on; establishment: EO 13234
  • Commerce, Department of;
    • Centers for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, establishment: EO 13342
    • Providing an order of succession: EO 13242, EO 13261
  • Commissions, Boards, Committees, etc.
    • Access and Mobility, Interagency Transportation Coordinating Council on; establishment: EO 13330
    • Adult Education Working Group, Interagency; establishment: EO 13445
    • Air Traffic Organization; amendment: EO 13264
    • American Indians and Alaska Native Education, Interagency Working Group on; establishment: EO 13336
    • Arts and Humanities, President's Committee on the; continuation: EO 13225; EO 13316; EO 13385
    • Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, President's Advisory Commission on; establishment: EO 13339
    • Biobased Products and Biobased Energy, Advisory Committee on; termination: EO 13225
    • Bioethics, President's Council on
    • Bioethics Advisory Commission, National; termination: EO 13316
    • Citizen Preparedness in the War on Terrorism, Presidential Task Force on; establishment: EO 13234
    • Civil Liberties, President's Board on Safeguarding Americans'; establishment: EO 13353
    • Corporate Fraud Task Force; establishment: EO 13271
    • Critical Infrastructure Protection Board, President's; establishment: EO 13231
    • Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans, President's Advisory Commission on:
      • Continuation: EO 13225
      • Revocation of previous Commission and establishment of revised Commission: EO 13230
    • Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks to Children, Task Force on; amendment: EO 13229; EO 13296
    • Export Council, President's; continuation: EO 13225; EO 13316; EO 13385
    • Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, White House Office of; establishment: EO 13199
    • Federal advisory committees, certain; continuance of: EO 13225; EO 13316; EO 13385; EO 13446
    • Federal Tax Reform, President's Advisory Panel on;
    • Financial Literacy, President's Advisory Council on; establishment: EO 13455
    • Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, President's; amendments: EO 13376
    • Global War on Terror Heroes, Task Force on Returning; establishment: EO 13426
    • Great Lakes Interagency Task Force; establishment: EO 13340
    • Group of States Against Corruption; designation as a public international organization: EO 13240
    • Gulf Coast Recovery and Rebuilding Council; establishment: EO 13389
    • Gulf War Chemical and Biological Incidents, Special Oversight Board for Department of Defense Investigations of; termination: EO 13225
    • Heritage Rivers Initiative Advisory Committee, American; termination: EO 13225
    • Historically Black Colleges and Universities, President's Board of Advisors on
    • Homeland Security Advisory Council, President's; establishment: EO 13260
    • Homeland Security Council; establishment: EO 13228
    • Homeland Security, Senior Advisory Committees for; establishment: EO 13260
    • Information Technology Advisory Committee, President's
    • Infrastructure Advisory Council, National
    • Intellectual Disabilities, President's Committee for People with
    • Intelligence Advisory Board, President's; establishment: EO 13462
    • Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction, Commission on
    • Intelligence Oversight Board
    • Interagency Working Group on Import Safety; establishment: EO 13439
    • International Labor Organization, President's Committee on the; continuation: EO 13225; EO 13316; EO 13385
    • Iraq Transition Assistance Office; establishment: EO 13431
    • Mathematics Advisory Panel, National; establishment: EO 13398
    • Medicine Policy, White House Commission on Complementary and Alternative; termination: EO 13316
    • Mental Health, President's New Freedom Commission on
    • Mental Retardation, President's Committee on
    • Metro-North Railroad and certain labor organizations; creation of emergency board to investigate disputes: EO 13417
    • Metro-North Railroad and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters; creation of emergency board to investigate dispute: EO 13429
    • National Medal of Science, President's Committee on the; continuation: EO 13225; EO 13316; EO 13385
    • National Railroad Passenger Corporation and certain labor organizations; creation of emergency board to investigate disputes: EO 13452
    • National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee, President's; continuation: EO 13225; EO 13316; EO 13385
    • New Americans Task Force; establishment: EO 13404
    • Occupational Safety and Health, Federal Advisory Council on; continuation: EO 13225; EO 13316; EO 13385
    • Ocean Policy, Committee on; establishment: EO 13366
    • Offsets in Commercial Trade, President's Council on the Use of; termination: EO 13316
    • Partnership Council, National; revocation: EO 13203
    • Personal Fitness Interagency Working Group; establishment: EO 13266
    • Physical Fitness and Sports, President's Council on
    • Postal Service, President's Commission on the United States
    • Presidential Transition Coordinating Council; establishment: EO 13476
    • Puerto Rico's Status, President's Task Force on; amendment: EO 13209; EO 13319
    • San Joaquin Valley, Interagency Task Force on the Economic Development of the Central; amendment: EO 13359
    • Science and Technology, President's Council of Advisors on
    • Service and Civic Participation, President's Council on
    • Social Security, President's Commission To Strengthen
    • Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority and Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen; creation of emergency board to report on dispute: EO 13409
    • Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority and United Transportation Union
      • Creation of emergency board to report on dispute: EO 13334
      • Creation of second emergency board to report on dispute: EO 13351
    • Space Exploration Policy, President's Commission on Implementation of United States
    • Special Education, President's Commission on Excellence in
    • Tobacco Production While Protecting Public Health, President's Commission on Improving Economic Opportunity in Communities Dependent on; termination: EO 13225
    • Trade and Environmental Policy Advisory Committee; continuation: EO 13225; EO 13316; EO 13385
    • Trafficking in Persons, President's Interagency Task Force To Monitor and Combat
    • Training Opportunities, Advisory Committee on Expanding; termination: EO 13316
    • Transportation Infrastructure Streamlining Task Force; establishment EO 13274
    • Tribal Colleges and Universities, President's Board of Advisors on
    • United States-Mexico Border Health Commission; designation as public international organization for purposes of the International Organizations Immunities Act: EO 13367
    • Veterans, President's Task Force To Improve Health Care Delivery for Our Nation's
    • White House, Committee for Preservation of the; continuation: EO 13225; EO 13316; EO 13385
    • White House Fellowships, President's Commission on; continuation: EO 13225; EO 13316; EO 13385
    • Women in American History, President's Commission on the Celebration of; termination: EO 13225
    • Workers, Communities, and Economic Change in the New Economy, Commission on; termination: EO 13218
    • Workforce, President's Council on the 21st Century; establishment: EO 13218
    • Wounded Warriors, President's Commission on Care for America's Returning; establishment: EO 13426
    • Youth Programs, Interagency Working Group on; establishment: EO 13459
  • Community Service, Corporation for National and; policymaking criteria for programs authorized under the national service laws: EO 13331
  • Congo, Democratic Republic of the; blocking property of certain persons contributing to the conflict: EO 13413
  • Conservation, cooperative; Federal facilitation: EO 13352
  • Construction authorization for national emergency situations: EO 13235
  • Contracting, Federal; increasing opportunities for service-disabled veteran businesses: EO 13360, October 20, 2004
  • Corporate Fraud Task Force; establishment: EO 13271
  • Courts, Federal; facilitating the nomination and appointment of judges: EO 13300
  • Côte d'Ivoire; blocking property of certain persons contributing to the conflict: EO 13396
  • Courts-Martial, U.S. Manual for; amendments: EO 13262; EO 13365; EO 13387; EO 13430; EO 13447; EO 13468
  • Critical Infrastructure Protection Board, President's; establishment: EO 13231

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  • Defense, national
    • Alien unlawful enemy combatants; trial by military commission: EO 13425
    • Classified information: EO 13292
    • Classified national security information; reforming processes for government employment, fitness for contractors, and eligibility for access: EO 13467
    • Classified national security information; strengthening eligibility processes for access to: EO 13381
    • Contracting authority for certain Federal agencies in connection with national defense functions: EO 13232
    • Counterterrorism Center, National: EO 13354
    • Emergency appointment authority to the Secretary of Defense during national emergency: EO 13321
    • Infrastructure protection: EO 13231
    • Intelligence community; management: EO 13355; EO 13470
    • Laboratory biosecurity; strengthening: EO 13486
    • Strategy for the Development of Security Professionals, National; establishment: EO 13434
    • Surface transportation security; strengthening efforts: EO 13416
    • Terrorism information; dissemination: EO 13356; EO 13388
    • Waterfront facilities; safeguarding: EO 13273
  • Department.  See other part of title
  • Disabilities, individuals with
    • See Individuals with disabilities
  • Disaster assistance, Federal; improvement: EO 13411

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  • Emergency, national
    • Construction authorization: EO 13235
    • Emergency appointment authority to the Secretary of Defense: EO 13321
  • Energy
    • Energy effects of Federal regulations; preparation of statements: EO 13211
    • Energy-related facilities and land transportation crossings on U.S. international boundaries, expedited issuance of permits: EO 13337
    • Energy-related Federal projects
    • Standby power devices in Federal buildings; efficiency requirements: EO 13221
  • Enterprise for the Americas Initiative and Tropical Forest Conservation Act; implementation: EO 13345
  • Environmental, energy, and transportation management, Federal; strengthening efforts: EO 13423
  • Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks to Children, Task Force on; amendment: EO 13229; EO 13296
  • Environmental Protection Agency; providing an order of succession: EO 13261
  • Environmental review of transportation projects; streamlining: EO 13274
  • European Central Bank; determination under the International Organization Immunities Act: EO 13307
  • European Police Office (EUROPOL); designation as a public international organization: EO 13259
  • European Union; designation as a public international organization: EO 13259
  • Executive orders; technical amendments: EO 13403; EO 13408; EO 13414; EO 13436; EO 13463
  • Export Council, President's; continuation: EO 13225; EO 13316; EO 13385

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  • Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, White House Office of; establishment: EO 13199
  • Faith-based and community organizations; equal treatment in relations with Federal agencies: EO 13279, EO 13280
  • Federal advisory committees, certain; continuance of: EO 13225; EO 13316; EO 13446
  • Federal Tax Reform, President's Advisory Panel on
  • Financial Literacy, President's Advisory Council on; establishment: EO 13455
  • Fishing; increase of recreational opportunities: EO 13474
  • Fitness, personal; Federal role in promoting activities: EO 13266
  • Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, President's; amendments: EO 13376
  • Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978; amendments: EO 13475
  • Foreign investment in the U.S.; amendment to Executive Order 11858: EO 13456
  • Freedom of Information Act; improving agency disclosure: EO 13392

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  • Geneva Conventions Common Article 3; interpretation as applied to a Central Intelligence Agency program of detention and interrogation: EO 13442
  • Global Fund To Fight AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis; designation as a public international organization: EO 13395
  • Global War on Terror Heroes, Task Force on Returning; establishment: EO 13426
  • Great Lakes Interagency Task Force; establishment: EO 13340
  • Government agencies and employees
    • Agriculture, Department of; providing an order of succession: EO 13241, EO 13261, EO 13484
    • Arrivals in and departures from the United States; assignment of functions: EO 13323
    • Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders; increasing participation in Federal programs: EO 13216
    • Assignment of certain pay-related functions: EO 13415
    • Assignment of functions under the United States Leadership Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria Act of 2003: EO 13361
    • Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives; establishment at the Department of Homeland Security: EO 13397
    • Centers for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives; establishment at the Departments of Commerce and Veterans' Affairs and SBA: EO 13342
    • Central Intelligence Agency Retirement Act of 1964; waiver of dual compensation provisions: EO 13236
    • Closing of Executive agencies and departments on December 24: EO 13238, EO 13281, EO 13453
    • Closing of Executive agencies and departments on December 26, 2003: EO 13320
    • Closing of Executive agencies and departments on June 11, 2004: EO 13343
    • Closing of Government departments and agencies on January 2, 2007: EO 13421
    • Closing of Executive departments and agencies on December 26, 2008: EO 13482
    • Commerce, Department of; providing an order of succession: EO 13242, EO 13261
    • Compensation and credit regulations for employees serving outside the U.S.; amendment: EO 13207
    • Congressional reporting functions; delegation: EO 13313
    • Contingency fee agreements; policy: EO 13433
    • Contract employees; revocation of nondisplacement requirements under certain contracts: EO 13204
    • Contract employees; amending Executive Order 12989 regarding immigration status, employment eligibility: EO 13465
    • Contracting authority for certain Federal agencies for national defense purposes: EO 13232
    • Courts, Federal; facilitating the nomination and appointment of judges: EO 13300
    • Defense Economic Adjustment Program; amendments: EO 13378
    • Delegation of certain waiver, determination, certification, recommendation, and reporting functions: EO 13346
    • Disaster assistance; improvement: EO 13411
    • Energy effects of Federal regulations; preparation of statements: EO 13211
    • Energy-related Federal projects, actions to expedite: EO 13212
    • Enterprise for the Americas Initiative and Tropical Forest Conservation Act; implementation: EO 13345
    • Environmental Protection Agency; providing an order of succession: EO 13261; amendment: EO 13344
    • Faith-based and community initiatives; expanding opportunity for cooperation with Federal agencies: EO 13198, EO 13279, EO 13280
    • Federal and federally funded construction projects; preservation of open competition and Government neutrality: EO 13202, EO 13208
    • Federal environmental, energy, and transportation management; strengthening efforts: EO 13423
    • Federal Government programs, performance of; improvement efforts: EO 13450
    • Federal Labor-Management Relations Program; exclusions: EO 13480
    • Federal Physicians Comparability Allowance Amendments of 2000; application to certain Foreign Service and CIA benefits systems: EO 13297
    • Federal real property asset management; policy: EO 13327
    • Federally owned historic properties, preservation and management: EO 13287
    • Foreign Service; rates of pay: EO 13325; EO 13374
    • Freedom of Information Act; improving agency disclosure: EO 13392
    • Greenhouse gas emissions; cooperation among agencies to protect the environment from: EO 13432
    • Health care programs; quality and efficiency: EO 13410
    • Health and Human Services, Department of; providing an order of succession: EO 13250, EO 13261, EO 13461
    • Homeland security, delegation of Presidential functions: EO 13311
    • Homeland Security, Office of; establishment: EO 13228
    • Housing and Urban Development, Department of; providing an order of succession: EO 13243, EO 13261
    • Hunting and wildlife conservation policies; expansion: EO 13443
    • Identity theft; strengthening Federal efforts to protect against: EO 13402
    • Insular Areas, Interagency Group on; establishment: EO 13299
    • Interior, Department of; providing an order of succession: EO 13244, EO 13261
    • Justice, Department of; providing an order of succession: EO 13481
    • Labor, Department of; providing an order of succession: EO 13245, EO 13261
    • Labor-management partnership requirements; revocation: EO 13203
    • Labor-Management Relations Program, Federal; exempting certain Department of Justice subdivisions: EO 13252
    • Management and Budget, Office of; providing an order of succession: EO 13370
    • National Intelligence, Office of the Director of; amending Executive Orders 12139 and 12949 in light of establishment: EO 13383
    • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; amendment to EO 11023 for the performance of certain functions by the Secretary of Commerce: EO 13341
    • Orders of succession; executive branch responsibilities: EO 13472
    • Presidential Management Fellows Program; establishment: EO 13318
    • Presidential records; establishing procedure for administering and obtaining access: EO 13233
    • Rates of pay; adjustments: EO 13249; EO 13282; EO 13291; EO 13322; EO 13332; EO 13368; EO 13420; EO 13454; EO 13483, December 18, 2007
    • Regulatory planning and review: EO 13258
    • Regulatory planning and review; amendment to Executive Order 12866: EO 13422
    • Rulemaking; consideration of small entities: EO 13272
    • Service and Agency Contractor Employees; Reciprocity on Excepted Service Fitness and Reinvestigation of Individuals in Positions of Public Trust: EO 13488
    • Social Security Number Use; amending EO 9397: EO 13478
    • Spouses of Certain Members of the Armed Forces; Noncompetitive Appointments in the Civil Service: EO 13473
    • Standby power devices in Federal buildings; energy efficiency requirements: EO 13221
    • State, Department of; providing an order of succession: EO 13251, EO 13261
    • Transition Planning Office for the Department of Homeland Security; establishment: EO 13267
    • Transportation, Department of the; providing an order of succession: EO 13485
    • Treasury, Department of the; providing an order of succession: EO 13246, EO 13261
    • Tribal Colleges and Universities, White House Initiative on; establishment: EO 13270
    • Uniformed services; hazardous duty, aviation career, and submarine duty incentive pay: EO 13294
    • Union dues or fees; notification of employee rights concerning payment: EO 13201
    • USA Freedom Corps; establishment: EO 13254
    • Veterans Affairs, Department of; providing an order of succession: EO 13247, EO 13261
    • Volunteer community service; responsibilities of Federal departments and agencies: EO 13401
    • Wasteful earmarks; efforts to protect taxpayers from Government spending on: EO 13457
    • White House Office; Office of Global Communications
  • Group of States Against Corruption; designation as a public international organization: EO 13240
  • Gulf Coast Recovery and Rebuilding Coordinator; establishment: EO 13390
  • Gulf Coast Recovery and Rebuilding Council; establishment: EO 13389
  • Gulf War Chemical and Biological Incidents, Special Oversight Board for Department of Defense Investigations of; termination: EO 13225

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  • Health and Human Services, Department of; providing an order of succession: EO 13250, EO 13261, EO 13461
  • Health care; quality and efficiency in Federal Government programs: EO 13410
  • Heritage Rivers Initiative Advisory Committee, American; termination: EO 13225
  • Hispanic Americans, President's Advisory Commission on Educational Excellence for
    • Continuation of Commission: EO 13225
    • Revocation of previous Commission and establishment of a revised Commission: EO 13230
  • Historically Black Colleges and Universities, President's Board of Advisors on
  • Holy See; Permanent Observer Mission to the United Nations, extension of privileges and immunities: EO 13427
  • Homeland Security, Department of
    • Amendment of executive orders, and other actions in connection with the establishment of: EO 13284
    • Amendment of executive orders, and other actions in connection with the transfer of certain functions to: EO 13286
    • Assignment of functions to the Secretary relating to arrivals in and departures from the United States: EO 13323
    • Centers for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, establishment: EO 13397
    • Order of succession
  • Homeland Security, Office of; establishment: EO 13228
  • Homeland Security, Senior Advisory Committees for; establishment: EO 13260
  • Homeland Security Advisory Council, President's; establishment: EO 13260
  • Homeland Security Council; establishment: EO 13228
  • Housing and Urban Development, Department of; providing an order of succession: EO 13243, EO 13261

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  • Identity theft; strengthening Federal efforts to protect against: EO 13402
  • Immigration
    • Aliens and noncitizen nationals serving in an active-duty status during war on terrorism; expedited naturalization: EO 13269
    • Undocumented aliens interdicted or intercepted from Caribbean region; delegation of responsibilities: EO 13276
  • Import Safety, Interagency Working Group on; establishment: EO 13439
  • Indians. See Native Americans
  • Individuals with disabilities
    • Emergency preparedness, assistance: EO 13347
    • Federal assistance to States for community-based alternative services: EO 13217
  • Information Technology Advisory Committee, President's; amendment: EO 13200; EO 13215
  • Infrastructure Advisory Council, National
  • Infrastructure protection; EO 13131
  • Intellectual Disabilities, President's Committee for People with
  • Intelligence Advisory Board, President's; establishment: EO 13462
  • Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction, Commission on
  • Intelligence Oversight Board
  • Interior, Department of
  • International Atomic Energy Agency-U.S. Agreement for the Application of Safeguards in the U.S.; implementation of additional protocol: EO 13458
  • International Development, Agency for; faith-based and community organizations, responsibilities with respect to: EO 13280
  • International Labor Organization, President's Committee on the; amendment: EO 13225; EO 13316; EO 13385
  • Iraq
    • Blocking property of certain persons who threaten stabilization efforts: EO 13438
    • Blocking property of the former Iraqi regime, senior officials and their family members: EO 13315
    • Confiscating and vesting certain property: EO 13290
    • Iraq Transition Assistance Office; establishment: EO 13431
    • Modifying protection granted to the Development Fund for Iraq and certain property and protecting the Central Bank of Iraq: EO 13364
    • Protecting the Development Fund for Iraq and certain other property: EO 13303
    • Termination of emergency: EO 13350
  • ITER International Fusion Energy Organization; designation as a public international organization: EO 13451

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  • Labor
    • Contract employees; revocation of nondisplacement requirements under certain Federal contracts: EO 13204
    • Federal and federally funded construction projects; preservation of open competition and Government neutrality: EO 13202; EO 13208
    • Labor disputes: See specific union or industry
    • Labor-management partnership requirements for Federal agencies; revocation: EO 13203
    • Union dues or fees; notification of employee rights concerning payment: EO 13201
  • Labor, Department of
  • Labor-Management Relations Program, Federal; exempting certain Department of Justice subdivisions: EO 13252
  • Lebanon; blocking property of persons undermining its sovereignty or its democratic processes and institutions: EO 13441
  • Liberia
    • Blocking the property of certain persons and prohibiting the importation of certain goods: EO 13348
    • Termination of national emergency: EO 13324
  • Libya
    • Settlement of claims against: EO 13477
    • Termination of emergency declared in Executive Order 12543: EO 13357
  • Longshore and Warehouse Union, International; creation of a board of inquiry: EO 13275

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  • Machinists and Aerospace Workers, International Association of; creation of emergency board of investigation: EO 13248
  • Management and Budget, Office of; providing an order of succession: EO 13370
  • Manufacturing; Federal Government policy to encourage innovation: EO 13329
  • Mathematics Advisory Panel, National; establishment: EO 13398
  • Mental Health, President's New Freedom Commission on
  • Medicine Policy, White House Commission on Complementary and Alternative; termination: EO 13316
  • Mental Retardation, President's Committee on; amendment: EO 13225; EO 13309
  • Metro-North Railroad and certain labor organizations; creation of emergency board to investigate disputes: EO 13417
  • Metro-North Railroad and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters; creation of emergency board to investigate dispute: EO 13429
  • Minorities
    • See also specific groups; special observances; committees, boards, commissions, etc.
    • Federal programs, increasing participation of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in: EO 13216
    • Tribal colleges and universities: EO 13225; EO 13270

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  • National defense See Defense, national; Armed Forces
  • National emergencySee Emergency, national; specific country or organization
  • National Health Information Technology Coordinator; establishment: EO 13335
  • National Intelligence, Office of the Director of; amending Executive Orders 12139 and 12949 in light of establishment: EO 13383
  • National Medal of Science, President's Committee on the; continuation: EO 13225; EO 13316; EO 13385
  • National Nanotechnology Panel; designation of the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology to serve as: EO 13349
  • National Railroad Passenger Corporation and certain labor organizations; creation of emergency board to investigate disputes: EO 13452
  • National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee; continuation: EO 13225; EO 13316; EO 13385
  • National Strategy for the Development of Security Professionals; establishment: EO 13434
  • Native Americans
    • Tribal Colleges and Universities, President's Board of Advisors on:
    • American Indians and Alaska Native Education, Interagency Working Group on; establishment: EO 13336
    • Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, President's Advisory Commission on; establishment: EO 13339
  • New Americans Task Force; establishment: EO 13404
  • Next Generation Air Transportation System; implementation: EO 13479
  • Northwest Airlines, Inc.; creation of emergency board of investigation: EO 13205
  • North Korea; continuing certain restrictions: EO 13466

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  • Occupational Safety and Health, Federal Advisory Council on; continuation: EO 13225; EO 13316; EO 13385
  • Offsets in Commercial Trade, President's Council on the Use of; termination; EO 13316
  • Ocean Policy, Committee on; establishment: EO 13366

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  • Pacific Islanders and Asian Americans; increasing participation in Federal programs: EO 13216
  • Partnership Council, National; revocation: EO 13203
  • Physical Fitness and Sports, President's Council on
  • Postal Service, President's Commission on United States
  • Presidential Management Fellows Program, establishment: EO 13318
  • Presidential records, establishing procedures for administering and obtaining access to: EO 13233
  • Property rights of the American people; protection: EO 13406
  • Public Alert and Warning System: EO 13407
  • Public international organizations; designation: EO 13259
  • Puerto Rico; El Yunque National Forest, establishment: EO 13428
  • Puerto Rico's Status, President's Task Force on; amendment: EO 13209; EO 13319

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  • Quarantinable communicable diseases

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  • Regulatory planning and review: EO 13258
  • Regulatory planning and review; amendment to Executive Order 12866: EO 13422
  • Rough diamonds; prohibition on importation under the Clean Diamond Trade Act: EO 13312
  • Rulemaking; consideration of small entities: EO 13272

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  • San Joaquin Valley, Interagency Task Force on the Economic Development of the Central; amendment: EO 13359
  • Science and Technology, President's Council of Advisors on;
  • Service and Civic Participation, President's Council on
  • Sierra Leone;
    • Prohibiting the importation of rough diamonds: EO 13213
    • Termination of national emergency: EO 13324
  • Social Security, President's Commission To Strengthen
  • Small Business Administration; Centers for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, establishment: EO 13342
  • Space Exploration Policy, President's Commission on Implementation of United States
  • Special Education, President's Commission on Excellence in
  • Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority and Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen; creation of emergency board to report on dispute: EO 13409
  • Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority and United Transportation Union
    • Creation of emergency board to report on dispute: EO 13334
    • Creation of second emergency board to report on dispute: EO 13351
  • State, Department of
    • Providing an order of succession: EO 13251, EO 13261
    • Assignment of functions to the Secretary relating to arrivals in and departures from the United States: EO 13323
  • Stem cells; expanding approved lines in ethically responsible ways: EO 13435
  • Striped bass and red drum fish populations; conservation and protection efforts: EO 13449
  • Sudan
    • Blocking property of persons in connection with the conflict in Darfur: EO 13400
    • Blocking property of and prohibiting transactions with the Government of Sudan: EO 13412
  • Superfund Implementation; further amendment to Executive Order 12580, as amended: EO 13308
  • Surface transportation security; strengthening efforts: EO 13416
  • Syria
    • Blocking property of additional persons in connection with the national emergency: EO 13399, EO 13460
    • Blocking property of certain persons and prohibiting export of certain goods to: EO 13338

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  • Taliban; termination of emergency with respect to: EO 13268
  • Terrorism
    • Blocking property and prohibiting transactions with those who commit, threaten to commit, or support such acts: EO 13224; EO 13372
    • Counterterrorism Center, National: EO 13354
    • Global War on Terrorism Medal: EO 13289
    • Terrorism information; dissemination: EO 13356; EO 13388
  • Tobacco Production While Protecting Public Health, President's Commission on Improving Economic Opportunity in Communities Dependent on; termination: EO 13225
  • Trade
    • See also specific country or commodity
    • Export controls; termination of emergency authority: EO 13206
    • Export controls; continuation of emergency authority: EO 13222
    • Trade Act of 2002; delegation of certain authorities and assignment of certain functions: EO 13277
  • Trade and Environmental Policy Advisory Committee; continuation: EO 13225; EO 13316; EO 13385
  • Trafficking in Persons, President's Interagency Task Force To Monitor and Combat
  • Training Opportunities, Advisory Committee on Expanding; termination: EO 13316
  • Transition Planning Office for the Department of Homeland Security; establishment: EO 13267
  • Transportation Infrastructure Streamlining Task Force; establishment: EO 13274
  • Treasury, Department of the; providing an order of succession: EO 13246, EO 13261
  • Tribal Colleges and Universities, President's Board of Advisors on
  • Tribal Colleges and Universities, White House Initiative on; establishment: EO 13270
  • Tropical Forest Conservation Act, Enterprise for the Americas Initiative and; implementation: EO 13345
  • Turkmenistan; waiver under the Trade Act of 1974: EO 13314; EO 13437

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  • Unions
    • See specific union; labor; Government agencies and employees
  • UNITA; termination of national emergency with respect to and revocation of related Executive Orders: EO 13298
  • United Airlines; creation of emergency board of investigation: EO 13248
  • United States-Mexico Border Health Commission; designation as public international organization for purposes of the International Organizations Immunities Act: EO 13367
  • USA Freedom Corps
    • Establishment: EO 13254
    • Volunteers for Prosperity initiative: EO 13317
    • Volunteers for Prosperity initiative; amendment: EO 13418

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  • Veteran businesses, service-disabled; increasing opportunities for Federal contracting: EO 13360, October 20, 2004
  • Veterans Affairs, Department of
    • Providing an order of succession: EO 13247, EO 13261
    • Centers for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, establishment: EO 13342
  • Veterans, President's Task Force To Improve Health Care Delivery for Our Nation's;

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  • Waterfront facilities; safeguarding: EO 13273
  • Weapons of mass destruction; blocking property of proliferators and their supporters: EO 13382
  • White House, Committee for the Preservation of the; continuation: EO 13225; EO 13316; EO 13385
  • White House Fellowships, President's Commission on; continuation: EO 13225; EO 13316; EO 13385
  • Women in American History, President's Commission on the Celebration of; termination: EO 13225
  • Workers, Communities, and Economic Change in the New Economy, Commission on; termination: EO 13218
  • Workforce, President's Council on the 21st Century; establishment: EO 13218
  • Wounded Warriors, President's Commission on Care for America's Returning; establishment: EO 13426

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  • Yugoslavia, Former Republic of
    • See also Balkans
  • Youth Programs, Interagency Working Group on; establishment: EO 13459


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